tree: b383b89b84a99db7019bc8f79ac3d1c04543d66e [path history] [tgz]
  1. .github/
  2. container-images/
  3. Documentation/
  4. helm-charts/
  5. supplements/
  6. tests/
  7. .gitignore
  8. .pylintrc
  9. build
  11. Pipfile
  12. Pipfile.lock
  13. publish

Gerrit Deployment on Kubernetes

Container images, configurations and Helm charts for installing Gerrit on Kubernetes.

Docker images

Images to run a Gerrit master and slave setup based on the latest stable-2.12 Gerrit build.

Building images

To build all images, the build-script in the root directory of the project can be used:


If a specific image should be build, the image name can be specified as an argument. Multiple images can be specified at once:

./build gerrit-slave git-gc

The build-script usually uses the latest-tag to tag the images. By using the --tag TAG-option, a custom tag can be defined:

./build --tag test

The build script will in addition tag the image with the output of git describe --dirty.

The single component images inherit a base image. The Dockerfile for the base image can be found in the ./base-directory. It will be automatically built by the ./build-script. If the component images are built manually, the base image has to be built first with the target base:latest, since it is not available in a registry and thus has to exist locally.

Publishing images

The publish script in the root directory of the project can be used to push the built images to the configured registry. To do so, log in first, before executing the script.

docker login <registry>

To configure the registry and image version, the respective values can be configured via env variables REGISTRY and TAG. In addition, these values can also be passed as command line options named --registry and --tag in which case they override the values from env variables:

./publish <component-name>

The <component-name> is one of: apache-git-http-backend, git-gc, gerrit-slave.

Adding the --update-latest-flag will also update the images tagged latest in the repository:

./publish --update-latest <component-name>

Running images in Docker

The container images are meant to be used by the helm-charts provided in this project. The images are thus not designed to be used in a standalone setup. To run Gerrit on Docker use the docker-gerrit project.

Important notes

Currently, java is installed under /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre. Therefore, make sure that container.javaHome is set to that path in the gerrit.config:

  javaHome = /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre

The mysql-replication-init docker image is only required for setting up the Gerrit slave on Kubernetes. If deploying the Gerrit slave outside of Kubernetes, it can be ignored.

Helm Charts

These Helm charts can be used to install a Gerrit cluster consisting of a Gerrit master and a Gerrit slave on a Kubernetes cluster.

To evaluate and test the helm-charts, they can be installed on a local machine running Minikube. Follow this guide to get a detailed description how to set up the Minikube cluster and install the charts.

File System Storage

Currently this deployment uses NFS, some options:

  • Create an EFS volume on AWS
  • Install a NFS server on Kubernetes cluster which doesn't have read-write-many Persistent Volumes available using NFS-provisioner

Gerrit Master

Gerrit Slave

Running tests

The tests are implemented using Python and pytest. To ensure a well-defined test-environment, pipenv is meant to be used to install packages and provide a virtual environment in which to run the tests. To install pipenv, use brew:

brew install pipenv

More detailed information can be found in the pipenv GitHub repo.

To create the virtual environment with all required packages, run:

pipenv install

To run all tests, execute:

pipenv run pytest

To run specific tests, execute one of the following:

# Run all tests in a directory (including subdirectories)
pipenv run pytest tests/container-images/base

# Run all tests in a file
pipenv run pytest tests/container-images/base/

# Run a specific test
pipenv run \
  pytest tests/container-images/base/

For a more detailed description of how to use pytest, refer to the official documentation.