tree: 7d10b5b3ef2e0e0fe7e760562492f0e341ff18fe [path history] [tgz]
  1. tools/
  2. Dockerfile
  3. git-http-backend.conf
  4. git-https-backend.conf
  6. start


The apache-git-http-backend docker image serves as receiver in git replication from a Gerrit master to a Gerrit slave.


  • base image
  • Apache webserver
  • Apache configurations for http and https
  • git (via base image)
  • tools/ cgi script to enable remote creation of new git repository over http. This is triggered by the Gerrit replication plugin if a new repository on the Gerrit master does not yet exist in a Gerrit slave, a corresponding change for the replication plugin enabling repository creation via http is still in review for master and will be downported to 2.16
  • tools/start: start script, configures and starts Apache webserver
  • start: start script for testing image using Docker

Setup and Configuration

  • install Apache webserver
  • configure Apache for http and/or https
  • install cgi script
  • open ports for incoming traffic
  • create gerrit OS user
  • map volumes


  • verify filesystem permissions. In Kubernetes this is done using a SecurityContext. It is used to set the filesystem group of mounted volumes to 100 (users), which is used by the gerrit-user in the containers. Thereby it is ensured that the volumes have rw-permissions for the gerrit-user.
  • start Apache git-http backend via start script /var/tools/start