Modularize creation of formula

Base step to extract generic variables that we can then reuse for
different version of gerrit in different formulas

Change-Id: Idb9a799c067bd53016e35ed3a9b55f733b551c37
2 files changed
tree: f64ab3e4340b82075c0af80ec36db36b56c2ad1d
  1. gerrit@3.11.0.rb
  2. gerritbase.rb

Homebrew tap for Gerrit Code Review

To install Gerrit with Homebrew

  1. Install the GerritCodeReview/gerrit tap
    brew tap GerritCodeReview/gerrit
  2. Discover the Gerrit versions available
    brew search gerrit
  3. Install the Gerrit desired version
    brew install gerrit@3.11.0

Gerrit data location

Gerrit data is stored in the Homebrew's var location, /usr/local/var/gerrit.

Starting/stopping Gerrit Code Review

Start Gerrit as usual with the and start argument:

/usr/local/var/gerrit/bin/ start

Stop Gerrit passing the stop argument:

/usr/local/var/gerrit/bin/ stop