Evaluate symlinks when running FetchAll.

For SlothFS, git repositories are cold and bulky data, so they are
good candidate to put onto a spinning disk via symlinks. To ensure
that we still run FetchAll over these, deref the gitCache directory
before the directory walk.

  Manually verified that git fetches are being executed again.

Change-Id: I6965e6a525485cec10678be46f640fafaf57236d
1 file changed
tree: f026d6fb0d58e29d0c5cb5b917ec303f05b19d35
  1. cache/
  2. cmd/
  3. cookie/
  4. fs/
  5. gitiles/
  6. manifest/
  7. populate/
  8. .gitignore
  9. all.bash
  10. android.json
  12. design.md
  14. README.md

This is a FUSE filesystem that provides light-weight, lazily downloaded, read-only checkouts of Git repositories. It is intended for use with Android.

How to use

To start the file system:

go install github.com/google/slothfs/cmd/slothfs-multifs
mkdir /tmp/mnt
slothfs-multifs -gitiles https://android.googlesource.com/  /tmp/mnt &

To create a workspace “ws” corresponding to the latest manifest version

go install github.com/google/slothfs/cmd/slothfs-expand-manifest
slothfs-expand-manifest --gitiles https://android.googlesource.com/ \
   > /tmp/m.xml &&
ln -s /tmp/m.xml /tmp/mnt/config/ws

To populate a checkout

go install github.com/google/slothfs/cmd/slothfs-populate
mkdir -p checkout/frameworks
cd checkout/frameworks
git clone https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base
cd ../
slothfs-populate -ro /tmp/mnt/ws .

The filesystem daemon uses an on-disk cache, which by default is stored under ~/.cache/slothfs


The FUSE file system clones repositories on-demand. You can avoid cloning altogether for repositories you know you don't need. This is configured through a JSON file.

For example, if you work on Android, and build on a Linux machine, you will never need the Darwin related prebuilts. You can avoid a costly clone for those by doing:

{"Repo": ".*darwin.*", "Clone": false}

Similarly, the build system system will read files (typically called ‘*.mk’) across the entire tree. When any .mk file is opened, this should not trigger a clone. This is achieved with the following entry

{"File": ".*mk$", "Clone": false}

Together, the following config.json file is a good start for working on android:

[{"Repo": ".*darwin.*", "Clone": false},
 {"File": ".*mk$", "Clone": false}]

A more elaborate configuration file is included as android.json.

By default, slothfs loads the configuration from =$HOME/.config/slothfs/clone.json=.


This is not an official Google product.