blob: 62b6b4cc37f2b3fb3e2ae69962e011a9c42616c4 [file] [log] [blame]
attachDocumentEditor = function (editorElement, commitDialogElement)
var edit = require("./prosemirror/dist/edit")
var _menu = require("./prosemirror/dist/menu/menu")
var content = document.querySelector('#editor'); = "none";
var gitblitCommands = new _menu.MenuCommandGroup("gitblitCommands");
var viewCommands = new _menu.MenuCommandGroup("viewCommands");
var textCommands = new _menu.MenuCommandGroup("textCommands");
var insertCommands = new _menu.MenuCommandGroup("insertCommands");
var menuItems = [gitblitCommands, viewCommands, textCommands, _menu.inlineGroup, _menu.blockGroup, _menu.historyGroup, insertCommands];
const updateCmd = Object.create(null);
updateCmd["GitblitCommit"] = {
label: "GitblitCommit",
run: function() {
editorElement.value = pm.getContent('markdown');
menu: {
group: "gitblitCommands", rank: 10,
display: {
render: function(cmd, pm) { return renderFontAwesomeIcon(cmd, pm, "fa-save"); }
updateCmd["FullScreen"] = {
label: "Toggle Fullscreen",
derive: "toggle",
run: function(pm) {
//Maintain the scroll context
var initialScroll = window.scrollY;
var navs = [document.querySelector("div.repositorynavbar"), document.querySelector("div.navbar"), document.querySelector("div.docnav")];
var offset = navs.reduce(function(p, c) { return p + c.offsetHeight; }, 0);
navs.forEach(function(e) { e.classList.toggle("forceHide"); });
if (!toggleFullScreen(document.documentElement)) {
offset = 60;
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offset -= 60;
//Browsers don't seem to accept a scrollTo straight after a full screen
setTimeout(function(){window.scrollTo(0, Math.max(0,initialScroll - offset));}, 100);
menu: {
group: "viewCommands", rank: 11,
display: {
render: function(cmd, pm) { return renderFontAwesomeIcon(cmd, pm, "fa-arrows-alt"); }
active: function active(pm) { return getFullScreenElement() ? true : false; }
updateCmd["heading1"] = {
derive: "toggle",
run: function(pm) {
var selection = pm.selection;
var from = selection.from;
var to =;
var attr = {name:"make", level:1};
var node = pm.doc.path(from.path);
if (node && node.hasMarkup(pm.schema.nodes.heading, attr)) {
return, to, pm.schema.nodes.paragraph, {}).apply(pm.apply.scroll);
} else {
return, to, pm.schema.nodes.heading, attr).apply(pm.apply.scroll);
active: function active(pm) {
var node = pm.doc.path(pm.selection.from.path);
if (node && node.hasMarkup(pm.schema.nodes.heading, {name:"make", level:1})) {
return true;
return false;
menu: {
group: "textCommands", rank: 1,
display: {
render: function(cmd, pm) { return renderFontAwesomeIcon(cmd, pm, "fa-header fa-header-x fa-header-1"); }
select: function(){return true;}
updateCmd["heading2"] = {
derive: "toggle",
run: function(pm) {
var selection = pm.selection;
var from = selection.from;
var to =;
var attr = {name:"make", level:2};
var node = pm.doc.path(from.path);
if (node && node.hasMarkup(pm.schema.nodes.heading, attr)) {
return, to, pm.schema.nodes.paragraph, {}).apply(pm.apply.scroll);
} else {
return, to, pm.schema.nodes.heading, attr).apply(pm.apply.scroll);
active: function active(pm) {
var node = pm.doc.path(pm.selection.from.path);
if (node && node.hasMarkup(pm.schema.nodes.heading, {name:"make", level:2})) {
return true;
return false;
menu: {
group: "textCommands", rank: 2,
display: {
render: function(cmd, pm) { return renderFontAwesomeIcon(cmd, pm, "fa-header fa-header-x fa-header-2"); }
select: function(){return true;}
updateCmd["heading3"] = {
derive: "toggle",
run: function(pm) {
var selection = pm.selection;
var from = selection.from;
var to =;
var attr = {name:"make", level:3};
var node = pm.doc.path(from.path);
if (node && node.hasMarkup(pm.schema.nodes.heading, attr)) {
return, to, pm.schema.nodes.paragraph, {}).apply(pm.apply.scroll);
} else {
return, to, pm.schema.nodes.heading, attr).apply(pm.apply.scroll);
active: function active(pm) {
var node = pm.doc.path(pm.selection.from.path);
if (node && node.hasMarkup(pm.schema.nodes.heading, {name:"make", level:3})) {
return true;
return false;
menu: {
group: "textCommands", rank: 3,
display: {
render: function(cmd, pm) { return renderFontAwesomeIcon(cmd, pm, "fa-header fa-header-x fa-header-3"); }
select: function(){return true;}
updateCmd["strong:toggle"] = {
menu: {
group: "textCommands", rank: 4,
display: {
render: function(cmd, pm) { return renderFontAwesomeIcon(cmd, pm, "fa-bold"); }
select: function(){return true;}
updateCmd["em:toggle"] = {
menu: {
group: "textCommands", rank: 5,
display: {
render: function(cmd, pm) { return renderFontAwesomeIcon(cmd, pm, "fa-italic"); }
select: function(){return true;}
updateCmd["code:toggle"] = {
menu: {
group: "textCommands", rank: 6,
display: {
render: function(cmd, pm) { return renderFontAwesomeIcon(cmd, pm, "fa-code"); }
select: function(){return true;}
updateCmd["image:insert"] = {
menu: {
group: "insertCommands", rank: 1,
display: {
render: function(cmd, pm) { return renderFontAwesomeIcon(cmd, pm, "fa-picture-o"); }
var pm = = new edit.ProseMirror({
place: document.querySelector('#visualEditor'),
autoInput: true,
doc: content.value,
menuBar: { float:true, content: menuItems},
commands: edit.CommandSet.default.update(updateCmd),
docFormat: "markdown"
var scrollStart = document.querySelector(".ProseMirror").offsetTop;
var ticking = false;
window.addEventListener("scroll", function() {
var scrollPosition = window.scrollY;
if (!ticking) {
window.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
if (!getFullScreenElement() && (scrollPosition > scrollStart)) {
} else {
ticking = false;
ticking = true;
function renderFontAwesomeIcon(cmd, pm, classNames) {
var node = document.createElement("div");
node.className = "ProseMirror-icon";
var icon = document.createElement("i");
icon.setAttribute("class", "fa fa-fw " + classNames);
//TODO: try modify parent to simplify css border etc
var active =;
if (active || cmd.spec.invert) node.classList.add("ProseMirror-menu-active");
return node;
function getFullScreenElement() {
return document.fullscreenElement || document.mozFullScreenElement || document.webkitFullscreenElement || document.msFullscreenElement;
function toggleFullScreen(e) {
if (getFullScreenElement()) {
if (document.exitFullscreen) { document.exitFullscreen(); }
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else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) { document.webkitExitFullscreen(); }
return true;
} else {
if (e.requestFullscreen) { e.requestFullscreen(); }
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else if (e.mozRequestFullScreen) { e.mozRequestFullScreen(); }
else if (e.webkitRequestFullscreen) { e.webkitRequestFullscreen(Element.ALLOW_KEYBOARD_INPUT); }
return false;
commitChanges = function() {