Port _FileDescriptorStreamsNonBlocking to use poll()

select() has a limit of FD_SETSIZE file descriptors. If you run repo
sync -j500 you'll pretty quickly hit this limit and get "file descriptor
out of range for select" errors. poll() has no such limit.

Change-Id: I21f350e472bda1db03dcbcc437645c23dbc7a901
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/c/git-repo/+/248852
Reviewed-by: Mike Frysinger <vapier@google.com>
Tested-by: Theodore Dubois <tbodt@google.com>
1 file changed
tree: 7a3ee434a9b8fdd00d3aaebe5e22aab432d8c5a8
  1. docs/
  2. hooks/
  3. subcmds/
  4. tests/
  5. .flake8
  6. .gitattributes
  7. .gitignore
  8. .mailmap
  9. .project
  10. .pydevproject
  11. color.py
  12. command.py
  13. editor.py
  14. error.py
  15. event_log.py
  16. git_command.py
  17. git_config.py
  18. git_refs.py
  19. git_ssh
  20. gitc_utils.py
  22. main.py
  23. MANIFEST.in
  24. manifest_xml.py
  25. pager.py
  26. platform_utils.py
  27. platform_utils_win32.py
  28. progress.py
  29. project.py
  30. pyversion.py
  31. README.md
  32. repo
  33. repo_trace.py
  34. run_tests
  35. setup.py
  37. tox.ini
  38. wrapper.py


Repo is a tool built on top of Git. Repo helps manage many Git repositories, does the uploads to revision control systems, and automates parts of the development workflow. Repo is not meant to replace Git, only to make it easier to work with Git. The repo command is an executable Python script that you can put anywhere in your path.


Many distros include repo, so you might be able to install from there.

# Debian/Ubuntu.
$ sudo apt-get install repo

# Gentoo.
$ sudo emerge dev-vcs/repo

You can install it manually as well as it's a single script.

$ mkdir -p ~/.bin
$ PATH="${HOME}/.bin:${PATH}"
$ curl https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/.bin/repo
$ chmod a+rx ~/.bin/repo