blob: 1b129a7a7efbf4d3ad1f2aa8e69a81efa4c5edd6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
(function() {
'use strict';
var QUOTE_MARKER_PATTERN = /\n\s?>\s/g;
is: 'gr-formatted-text',
properties: {
content: String,
config: Object,
observers: [
'_contentOrConfigChanged(content, config)',
* Get the plain text as it appears in the generated DOM.
* This differs from the `content` property in that it will not include
* formatting markers such as > characters to make quotes or * and - markers
* to make list items.
* @return {string}
getTextContent: function() {
return this._blocksToText(this._computeBlocks(this.content));
* Given a source string, update the DOM inside #container.
_contentOrConfigChanged: function(content) {
var container = Polymer.dom(this.$.container);
// Remove existing content.
while (container.firstChild) {
// Add new content.
this._computeNodes(this._computeBlocks(content)).forEach(function(node) {
* Given a source string, parse into an array of block objects. Each block
* has a `type` property which takes any of the follwoing values.
* * 'paragraph'
* * 'quote' (Block quote.)
* * 'pre' (Pre-formatted text.)
* * 'list' (Unordered list.)
* For blocks of type 'paragraph' and 'pre' there is a `text` property that
* maps to a string of the block's content.
* For blocks of type 'list', there is an `items` property that maps to a
* list of strings representing the list items.
* For blocks of type 'quote', there is a `blocks` property that maps to a
* list of blocks contained in the quote.
* NOTE: Strings appearing in all block objects are NOT escaped.
* @param {string} content
* @return {!Array<!Object>}
_computeBlocks: function(content) {
if (!content) { return []; }
var result = [];
var split = content.split('\n\n');
var p;
for (var i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
p = split[i];
if (!p.length) { continue; }
if (this._isQuote(p)) {
} else if (this._isPreFormat(p)) {
result.push({type: 'pre', text: p});
} else if (this._isList(p)) {
this._makeList(p, result);
} else {
result.push({type: 'paragraph', text: p});
return result;
* Take a block of comment text that contains a list and potentially
* a paragraph (but does not contain blank lines), generate appropriate
* block objects and append them to the output list.
* In simple cases, this will generate a single list block. For example, on
* the following input.
* * Item one.
* * Item two.
* * item three.
* However, if the list starts with a paragraph, it will need to also
* generate that paragraph. Consider the following input.
* A bit of text describing the context of the list:
* * List item one.
* * List item two.
* * Et cetera.
* In this case, `_makeList` generates a paragraph block object
* containing the non-bullet-prefixed text, followed by a list block.
* @param {!string} p The block containing the list (as well as a
* potential paragraph).
* @param {!Array<!Object>} out The list of blocks to append to.
_makeList: function(p, out) {
var block = null;
var inList = false;
var inParagraph = false;
var lines = p.split('\n');
var line;
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
line = lines[i];
if (line[0] === '-' || line[0] === '*') {
// The next line looks like a list item. If not building a list
// already, then create one. Remove the list item marker (* or -) from
// the line.
if (!inList) {
if (inParagraph) {
// Add the finished paragraph block to the result.
inParagraph = false;
inList = true;
block = {type: 'list', items: []};
line = line.substring(1).trim();
} else if (!inList) {
// Otherwise, if a list has not yet been started, but the next line
// does not look like a list item, then add the line to a paragraph
// block. If a paragraph block has not yet been started, then create
// one.
if (!inParagraph) {
inParagraph = true;
block = {type: 'paragraph', text: ''};
} else {
block.text += ' ';
block.text += line;
if (block != null) {
_makeQuote: function(p) {
var quotedLines = p
.map(function(l) { return l.replace(/^[ ]?>[ ]?/, ''); })
return {
type: 'quote',
blocks: this._computeBlocks(quotedLines),
_isQuote: function(p) {
return p.indexOf('> ') === 0 || p.indexOf(' > ') === 0;
_isPreFormat: function(p) {
return p.indexOf('\n ') !== -1 || p.indexOf('\n\t') !== -1 ||
p.indexOf(' ') === 0 || p.indexOf('\t') === 0;
_isList: function(p) {
return p.indexOf('\n- ') !== -1 || p.indexOf('\n* ') !== -1 ||
p.indexOf('- ') === 0 || p.indexOf('* ') === 0;
_makeLinkedText: function(content, isPre) {
var text = document.createElement('gr-linked-text');
text.config = this.config;
text.content = content;
text.pre = true;
if (isPre) {
return text;
* Map an array of block objects to an array of DOM nodes.
* @param {!Array<!Object>} blocks
* @return {!Array<!HTMLElement>}
_computeNodes: function(blocks) {
return {
if (block.type === 'paragraph') {
var p = document.createElement('p');
return p;
if (block.type === 'quote') {
var bq = document.createElement('blockquote');
this._computeNodes(block.blocks).forEach(function(node) {
return bq;
if (block.type === 'pre') {
return this._makeLinkedText(block.text, true);
if (block.type === 'list') {
var ul = document.createElement('ul');
block.items.forEach(function(item) {
var li = document.createElement('li');
return ul;
_blocksToText: function(blocks) {
return {
if (block.type === 'paragraph' || block.type === 'pre') {
return block.text;
if (block.type === 'quote') {
return this._blocksToText(block.blocks);
if (block.type === 'list') {
return block.items.join('\n');