Set '_more_groups' on last group of query result

If the number of groups matching the query exceeds the limit the
last group has a '_more_groups: true' JSON field set.

Change-Id: I6f1fcda58813e2c7b5dc788d88b989c377afec7e
Signed-off-by: Edwin Kempin <>
diff --git a/Documentation/rest-api-groups.txt b/Documentation/rest-api-groups.txt
index 1cfcb55..a2d2ff2 100644
--- a/Documentation/rest-api-groups.txt
+++ b/Documentation/rest-api-groups.txt
@@ -249,6 +249,10 @@
+If the number of groups matching the query exceeds either the internal
+limit or a supplied `limit` query parameter, the last group object has
+a `_more_groups: true` JSON field set.
 ==== Group Limit
 The `/groups/?query2=<query>` URL also accepts a limit integer in the
@@ -1341,6 +1345,10 @@
 |`group_id`    |only for internal groups|The numeric ID of the group.
 |`owner`       |only for internal groups|The name of the owner group.
 |`owner_id`    |only for internal groups|The URL encoded UUID of the owner group.
+|`_more_groups`|optional, only for internal groups, not set if `false`|
+Whether the query would deliver more results if not limited. +
+Only set on the last group that is returned by a
+link:#query-groups[group query].
 |`members`     |optional, only for internal groups|
 A list of link:rest-api-accounts.html#account-info[AccountInfo]
 entities describing the direct members. +