Mention the tool in the release documentation

Change-Id: I7448d89a4239a1e584ce82c12f701f6ff83227e4
diff --git a/Documentation/dev-release.txt b/Documentation/dev-release.txt
index 5392114..eb6592e 100644
--- a/Documentation/dev-release.txt
+++ b/Documentation/dev-release.txt
@@ -405,11 +405,19 @@
 === Increase Gerrit Version for Current Development
-All new development that is done in the `master` branch will be
-included in the next Gerrit release. Update the Gerrit version in the
-`VERSION` file, and plugin archetypes' `pom.xml` files. Push the change
-for review and get it merged.
+All new development that is done in the `master` branch will be included in the
+next Gerrit release. The Gerrit version should be set to the snapshot version
+for the next release.
+Use the `version` tool to set the version in the `VERSION` file and plugin
+archetypes' `pom.xml` files:
+ ./tools/ 2.11-SNAPSHOT
+Verify that the changes made by the tool are sane, then commit them, push
+the change for review on the master branch, and get it merged.
 === Merge `stable` into `master`