blob: 90800a37d6578a4d0c34c19eb8e94edc3e9983b3 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
(function(window) {
'use strict';
const ADMIN_LINKS = [{
name: 'Repositories',
noBaseUrl: true,
url: '/admin/repos',
view: 'gr-repo-list',
viewableToAll: true,
}, {
name: 'Groups',
section: 'Groups',
noBaseUrl: true,
url: '/admin/groups',
view: 'gr-admin-group-list',
}, {
name: 'Plugins',
capability: 'viewPlugins',
section: 'Plugins',
noBaseUrl: true,
url: '/admin/plugins',
view: 'gr-plugin-list',
window.Gerrit = window.Gerrit || {};
/** @polymerBehavior Gerrit.AdminNavBehavior */
Gerrit.AdminNavBehavior = {
* @param {!Object} account
* @param {!Function} getAccountCapabilities
* @param {!Function} getAdminMenuLinks
* Possible aguments in options:
* repoName?: string
* groupId?: string,
* groupName?: string,
* groupIsInternal?: boolean,
* isAdmin?: boolean,
* groupOwner?: boolean,
* @param {!Object=} opt_options
* @return {Promise<!Object>}
getAdminLinks(account, getAccountCapabilities, getAdminMenuLinks,
opt_options) {
if (!account) {
return Promise.resolve(this._filterLinks(link => link.viewableToAll,
getAdminMenuLinks, opt_options));
return getAccountCapabilities()
.then(capabilities => this._filterLinks(
link => !link.capability
|| capabilities.hasOwnProperty(link.capability),
* @param {!Function} filterFn
* @param {!Function} getAdminMenuLinks
* Possible aguments in options:
* repoName?: string
* groupId?: string,
* groupName?: string,
* groupIsInternal?: boolean,
* isAdmin?: boolean,
* groupOwner?: boolean,
* @param {!Object|undefined} opt_options
* @return {Promise<!Object>}
_filterLinks(filterFn, getAdminMenuLinks, opt_options) {
let links = ADMIN_LINKS.slice(0);
let expandedSection;
const isExernalLink = link => link.url[0] !== '/';
// Append top-level links that are defined by plugins.
links.push(...getAdminMenuLinks().map(link => {
return {
url: link.url,
name: link.text,
capability: link.capability || null,
noBaseUrl: !isExernalLink(link),
view: null,
viewableToAll: !link.capability,
target: isExernalLink(link) ? '_blank' : null,
links = links.filter(filterFn);
const filteredLinks = [];
const repoName = opt_options && opt_options.repoName;
const groupId = opt_options && opt_options.groupId;
const groupName = opt_options && opt_options.groupName;
const groupIsInternal = opt_options && opt_options.groupIsInternal;
const isAdmin = opt_options && opt_options.isAdmin;
const groupOwner = opt_options && opt_options.groupOwner;
// Don't bother to get sub-navigation items if only the top level links
// are needed. This is used by the main header dropdown.
if (!repoName && !groupId) { return {links, expandedSection}; }
// Otherwise determine the full set of links and return both the full
// set in addition to the subsection that should be displayed if it
// exists.
for (const link of links) {
const linkCopy = Object.assign({}, link);
if ( === 'Repositories' && repoName) {
linkCopy.subsection = this.getRepoSubsections(repoName);
expandedSection = linkCopy.subsection;
} else if ( === 'Groups' && groupId && groupName) {
linkCopy.subsection = this.getGroupSubsections(groupId, groupName,
groupIsInternal, isAdmin, groupOwner);
expandedSection = linkCopy.subsection;
return {links: filteredLinks, expandedSection};
getGroupSubsections(groupId, groupName, groupIsInternal, isAdmin,
groupOwner) {
const subsection = {
name: groupName,
view: Gerrit.Nav.View.GROUP,
url: Gerrit.Nav.getUrlForGroup(groupId),
children: [],
if (groupIsInternal) {
name: 'Members',
detailType: Gerrit.Nav.GroupDetailView.MEMBERS,
view: Gerrit.Nav.View.GROUP,
url: Gerrit.Nav.getUrlForGroupMembers(groupId),
if (groupIsInternal && (isAdmin || groupOwner)) {
name: 'Audit Log',
detailType: Gerrit.Nav.GroupDetailView.LOG,
view: Gerrit.Nav.View.GROUP,
url: Gerrit.Nav.getUrlForGroupLog(groupId),
return subsection;
getRepoSubsections(repoName) {
return {
name: repoName,
view: Gerrit.Nav.View.REPO,
url: Gerrit.Nav.getUrlForRepo(repoName),
children: [{
name: 'Access',
view: Gerrit.Nav.View.REPO,
detailType: Gerrit.Nav.RepoDetailView.ACCESS,
url: Gerrit.Nav.getUrlForRepoAccess(repoName),
name: 'Commands',
view: Gerrit.Nav.View.REPO,
detailType: Gerrit.Nav.RepoDetailView.COMMANDS,
url: Gerrit.Nav.getUrlForRepoCommands(repoName),
name: 'Branches',
view: Gerrit.Nav.View.REPO,
detailType: Gerrit.Nav.RepoDetailView.BRANCHES,
url: Gerrit.Nav.getUrlForRepoBranches(repoName),
name: 'Tags',
view: Gerrit.Nav.View.REPO,
detailType: Gerrit.Nav.RepoDetailView.TAGS,
url: Gerrit.Nav.getUrlForRepoTags(repoName),
name: 'Dashboards',
view: Gerrit.Nav.View.REPO,
detailType: Gerrit.Nav.RepoDetailView.DASHBOARDS,
url: Gerrit.Nav.getUrlForRepoDashboards(repoName),
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
function defineEmptyMixin() {
// This is a temporary function.
// Polymer linter doesn't process correctly the following code:
// class MyElement extends Polymer.mixinBehaviors([legacyBehaviors], ...) {...}
// To workaround this issue, the mock mixin is declared in this method.
// In the following changes, legacy behaviors will be converted to mixins.
* @polymer
* @mixinFunction
Gerrit.AdminNavMixin = base =>
class extends base {