Refactor gr-router_test

The new test is 400 lines shorter, but simpler and produces more test
coverage. It actually tests the pattern matching, which did not happen

We are now consistently using these 3 methods:
* checkRedirect
* checkRedirectToLogin
* checkUrlToState

The names of the test are named directly after their `RoutePattern`.
And most of the time we also copy the pattern as a comment into the
test, so the tests are super easy to read and understand what they
are supposed to be testing.

We are only doing all this, so that we can follow-up with other
refactorings. We need decent test coverage, so that we can be sure
to not break anything.

Also, moving routes into view model files will be much easier now,
because in this new format the tests will be super easy to copy.

Release-Notes: skip
Change-Id: Ib3dc0362099ed56948bce0b7d382d3e8cd184681
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/core/gr-router/gr-router_test.ts b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/core/gr-router/gr-router_test.ts
index af44739..e1ba42c 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/core/gr-router/gr-router_test.ts
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/core/gr-router/gr-router_test.ts
@@ -10,33 +10,42 @@
-  waitEventLoop,
 } from '../../../test/test-utils';
-import {GrRouter, routerToken, _testOnly_RoutePattern} from './gr-router';
+import {GrRouter, routerToken} from './gr-router';
 import {GerritView} from '../../../services/router/router-model';
 import {
-  GroupId,
 } from '../../../types/common';
-import {AppElementParams} from '../../gr-app-types';
+import {AppElementJustRegisteredParams} from '../../gr-app-types';
 import {assert} from '@open-wc/testing';
 import {AdminChildView, AdminViewState} from '../../../models/views/admin';
 import {RepoDetailView} from '../../../models/views/repo';
 import {GroupDetailView} from '../../../models/views/group';
-import {ChangeChildView, ChangeViewState} from '../../../models/views/change';
+import {ChangeChildView} from '../../../models/views/change';
 import {PatchRangeParams} from '../../../utils/url-util';
 import {testResolver} from '../../../test/common-test-setup';
 import {
+  createAdminPluginsViewState,
+  createAdminReposViewState,
+  createChangeViewState,
+  createDashboardViewState,
+  createDiffViewState,
+  createEditViewState,
+  createGroupViewState,
+  createRepoBranchesViewState,
+  createRepoTagsViewState,
+  createRepoViewState,
+  createSearchViewState,
 } from '../../../test/test-data-generators';
 import {ParsedChangeInfo} from '../../../types/types';
 import {ViewState} from '../../../models/views/base';
@@ -50,6 +59,10 @@
     page =;
+  teardown(async () => {
+    router.finalize();
+  });
   test('getHashFromCanonicalPath', () => {
     let url = '/foo/bar';
     let hash = router.getHashFromCanonicalPath(url);
@@ -105,7 +118,7 @@
-  test('startRouter requires auth for the right handlers', () => {
+  test('startRouterForTesting requires auth for the right handlers', () => {
     // This test encodes the lists of route handler methods that gr-router
     // automatically checks for authentication before triggering.
@@ -122,7 +135,7 @@
           doesNotRequireAuth[methodName] = true;
-    router.startRouter();
+    router._testOnly_startRouter();
     const actualRequiresAuth = Object.keys(requiresAuth);
@@ -280,26 +293,38 @@
     let redirectStub: sinon.SinonStub;
     let setStateStub: sinon.SinonStub;
     let handlePassThroughRoute: sinon.SinonStub;
+    let redirectToLoginStub: sinon.SinonStub;
-    // Simple route handlers are direct mappings from parsed route ctx to a
-    // new set of app.params. This test helper asserts that passing `ctx`
-    // into `methodName` results in setting the params specified in `params`.
-    function assertctxToParams(
-      ctx: PageContext,
-      methodName: string,
-      params: AppElementParams
+    async function checkUrlToState<T extends ViewState>(
+      url: string,
+      state: T | AppElementJustRegisteredParams
     ) {
-      (router as any)[methodName](ctx);
-      assert.deepEqual(setStateStub.lastCall.args[0], params);
-    }
-    async function checkUrlToState<T extends ViewState>(url: string, state: T) {
       await waitUntilCalled(setStateStub, 'setState');
+      assert.isTrue(setStateStub.calledOnce);
       assert.deepEqual(setStateStub.lastCall.firstArg, state);
+    async function checkRedirect(fromUrl: string, toUrl: string) {
+      redirectStub.reset();
+      await waitUntilCalled(redirectStub, 'redirect');
+      assert.isTrue(redirectStub.calledOnce);
+      assert.isFalse(setStateStub.called);
+      assert.equal(redirectStub.lastCall.firstArg, toUrl);
+    }
+    async function checkRedirectToLogin(fromUrl: string, toUrl: string) {
+      redirectToLoginStub.reset();
+      await waitUntilCalled(redirectToLoginStub, 'redirectToLogin');
+      assert.isTrue(redirectToLoginStub.calledOnce);
+      assert.isFalse(redirectStub.called);
+      assert.isFalse(setStateStub.called);
+      assert.equal(redirectToLoginStub.lastCall.firstArg, toUrl);
+    }
     async function checkUrlNotMatched(url: string) {
@@ -318,57 +343,49 @@
     setup(() => {
+      stubRestApi('setInProjectLookup');
       redirectStub = sinon.stub(router, 'redirect');
+      redirectToLoginStub = sinon.stub(router, 'redirectToLogin');
       setStateStub = sinon.stub(router, 'setState');
       handlePassThroughRoute = sinon.stub(router, 'handlePassThroughRoute');
-      router.startRouter();
+      router._testOnly_startRouter();
-    test('handleLegacyProjectDashboardRoute', () => {
-      const params = {
-        ...createPageContext(),
-        params: {0: 'gerrit/project', 1: 'dashboard:main'},
-      };
-      router.handleLegacyProjectDashboardRoute(params);
-      assert.isTrue(redirectStub.calledOnce);
-      assert.equal(
-        redirectStub.lastCall.args[0],
+    test('LEGACY_PROJECT_DASHBOARD', async () => {
+      // LEGACY_PROJECT_DASHBOARD: /^\/projects\/(.+),dashboards\/(.+)/,
+      await checkRedirect(
+        '/projects/gerrit/project,dashboards/dashboard:main',
-    test('handleAgreementsRoute', () => {
-      router.handleAgreementsRoute();
-      assert.isTrue(redirectStub.calledOnce);
-      assert.equal(redirectStub.lastCall.args[0], '/settings/#Agreements');
+    test('AGREEMENTS', async () => {
+      // AGREEMENTS: /^\/settings\/agreements\/?/,
+      await checkRedirect('/settings/agreements', '/settings/#Agreements');
-    test('handleNewAgreementsRoute', () => {
-      router.handleNewAgreementsRoute();
-      assert.isTrue(setStateStub.calledOnce);
-      assert.equal(setStateStub.lastCall.args[0].view, GerritView.AGREEMENTS);
-    });
-    test('handleSettingsLegacyRoute', () => {
-      const ctx = {...createPageContext(), params: {0: 'my-token'}};
-      assertctxToParams(ctx, 'handleSettingsLegacyRoute', {
-        view: GerritView.SETTINGS,
-        emailToken: 'my-token',
+    test('NEW_AGREEMENTS', async () => {
+      // NEW_AGREEMENTS: /^\/settings\/new-agreement\/?/,
+      await checkUrlToState('/settings/new-agreement', {
+        view: GerritView.AGREEMENTS,
+      });
+      await checkUrlToState('/settings/new-agreement/', {
+        view: GerritView.AGREEMENTS,
-    test('handleSettingsLegacyRoute with +', () => {
-      const ctx = {...createPageContext(), params: {0: 'my-token test'}};
-      assertctxToParams(ctx, 'handleSettingsLegacyRoute', {
+    test('SETTINGS', async () => {
+      // SETTINGS: /^\/settings\/?/,
+      // SETTINGS_LEGACY: /^\/settings\/VE\/(\S+)/,
+      await checkUrlToState('/settings', {view: GerritView.SETTINGS});
+      await checkUrlToState('/settings/', {view: GerritView.SETTINGS});
+      await checkUrlToState('/settings/VE/asdf', {
         view: GerritView.SETTINGS,
-        emailToken: 'my-token+test',
+        emailToken: 'asdf',
-    });
-    test('handleSettingsRoute', () => {
-      const ctx = createPageContext();
-      assertctxToParams(ctx, 'handleSettingsRoute', {
+      await checkUrlToState('/settings/VE/asdf%2520qwer', {
         view: GerritView.SETTINGS,
+        emailToken: 'asdf+qwer',
@@ -391,7 +408,7 @@
       sinon.stub(page, 'exit').callsFake(onRegisteringExit);
       sinon.stub(page, 'start');
       sinon.stub(page, 'base');
-      router.startRouter();
+      router._testOnly_startRouter();
@@ -401,88 +418,62 @@
-    test('handleImproperlyEncodedPlusRoute', () => {
-      const params = {
-        ...createPageContext(),
-        canonicalPath: '/c/test/%20/42',
-        params: {0: 'test', 1: '42'},
-      };
-      // Regression test for Issue 7100.
-      router.handleImproperlyEncodedPlusRoute(params);
-      assert.isTrue(redirectStub.calledOnce);
-      assert.equal(redirectStub.lastCall.args[0], '/c/test/+/42');
-      sinon.stub(router, 'getHashFromCanonicalPath').returns('foo');
-      router.handleImproperlyEncodedPlusRoute(params);
-      assert.equal(redirectStub.lastCall.args[0], '/c/test/+/42#foo');
+    test('IMPROPERLY_ENCODED_PLUS', async () => {
+      // IMPROPERLY_ENCODED_PLUS: /^\/c\/(.+)\/ \/(.+)$/,
+      await checkRedirect('/c/repo/ /42', '/c/repo/+/42');
+      await checkRedirect('/c/repo/%20/42', '/c/repo/+/42');
+      await checkRedirect('/c/repo/ /42#foo', '/c/repo/+/42#foo');
-    test('handleQueryRoute', () => {
-      const ctx: PageContext = {
-        ...createPageContext(),
-        params: {0: 'project:foo/bar/baz'},
-      };
-      assertctxToParams(ctx, 'handleQueryRoute', {
-        view: GerritView.SEARCH,
+    test('QUERY', async () => {
+      // QUERY: /^\/q\/([^,]+)(,(\d+))?$/,
+      await checkUrlToState('/q/asdf', {
+        ...createSearchViewState(),
+        query: 'asdf',
+      });
+      await checkUrlToState('/q/project:foo/bar/baz', {
+        ...createSearchViewState(),
         query: 'project:foo/bar/baz',
-        offset: undefined,
-      } as AppElementParams);
-      ctx.params[1] = '123';
-      ctx.params[2] = '123';
-      assertctxToParams(ctx, 'handleQueryRoute', {
-        view: GerritView.SEARCH,
-        query: 'project:foo/bar/baz',
+      });
+      await checkUrlToState('/q/asdf,123', {
+        ...createSearchViewState(),
+        query: 'asdf',
         offset: '123',
-      } as AppElementParams);
+      });
-    test('handleQueryLegacySuffixRoute', () => {
-      const params = {...createPageContext(), path: '/q/foo+bar,n,z'};
-      router.handleQueryLegacySuffixRoute(params);
-      assert.isTrue(redirectStub.calledOnce);
-      assert.equal(redirectStub.lastCall.args[0], '/q/foo+bar');
+    test('QUERY_LEGACY_SUFFIX', async () => {
+      // QUERY_LEGACY_SUFFIX: /^\/q\/.+,n,z$/,
+      await checkRedirect('/q/foo+bar,n,z', '/q/foo+bar');
-    test('handleChangeIdQueryRoute', () => {
-      const ctx = {
-        ...createPageContext(),
-        params: {0: 'I0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567'},
-      };
-      assertctxToParams(ctx, 'handleChangeIdQueryRoute', {
-        view: GerritView.SEARCH,
+    test('CHANGE_ID_QUERY', async () => {
+      // CHANGE_ID_QUERY: /^\/id\/(I[0-9a-f]{40})$/,
+      await checkUrlToState('/id/I0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567', {
+        ...createSearchViewState(),
         query: 'I0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567',
-        offset: undefined,
-      } as AppElementParams);
-    });
-    suite('handleRegisterRoute', () => {
-      test('happy path', () => {
-        const ctx = {...createPageContext(), params: {0: '/foo/bar'}};
-        router.handleRegisterRoute(ctx);
-        assert.isTrue(redirectStub.calledWithExactly('/foo/bar'));
-        assert.isTrue(setStateStub.calledOnce);
-        assert.isTrue(setStateStub.lastCall.args[0].justRegistered);
-      });
-      test('no param', () => {
-        const ctx = createPageContext();
-        router.handleRegisterRoute(ctx);
-        assert.isTrue(redirectStub.calledWithExactly('/'));
-        assert.isTrue(setStateStub.calledOnce);
-        assert.isTrue(setStateStub.lastCall.args[0].justRegistered);
-      });
-      test('prevent redirect', () => {
-        const ctx = {...createPageContext(), params: {0: '/register'}};
-        router.handleRegisterRoute(ctx);
-        assert.isTrue(redirectStub.calledWithExactly('/'));
-        assert.isTrue(setStateStub.calledOnce);
-        assert.isTrue(setStateStub.lastCall.args[0].justRegistered);
-    suite('handleRootRoute', () => {
+    test('REGISTER', async () => {
+      // REGISTER: /^\/register(\/.*)?$/,
+      await checkUrlToState('/register/foo/bar', {
+        justRegistered: true,
+      });
+      assert.isTrue(redirectStub.calledWithExactly('/foo/bar'));
+      await checkUrlToState('/register', {
+        justRegistered: true,
+      });
+      assert.isTrue(redirectStub.calledWithExactly('/'));
+      await checkUrlToState('/register/register', {
+        justRegistered: true,
+      });
+      assert.isTrue(redirectStub.calledWithExactly('/'));
+    });
+    suite('ROOT', () => {
       test('closes for closeAfterLogin', () => {
         const ctx = {...createPageContext(), querystring: 'closeAfterLogin'};
         const closeStub = sinon.stub(window, 'close');
@@ -492,268 +483,116 @@
-      test('redirects to dashboard if logged in', () => {
-        const ctx = {...createPageContext(), canonicalPath: '/', path: '/'};
-        const result = router.handleRootRoute(ctx);
-        assert.isOk(result);
-        return result!.then(() => {
-          assert.isTrue(redirectStub.calledWithExactly('/dashboard/self'));
-        });
+      test('ROOT logged in', async () => {
+        stubRestApi('getLoggedIn').resolves(true);
+        await checkRedirect('/', '/dashboard/self');
-      test('redirects to open changes if not logged in', () => {
-        stubRestApi('getLoggedIn').returns(Promise.resolve(false));
-        const ctx = {...createPageContext(), canonicalPath: '/', path: '/'};
-        const result = router.handleRootRoute(ctx);
-        assert.isOk(result);
-        return result!.then(() => {
-          assert.isTrue(
-            redirectStub.calledWithExactly('/q/status:open+-is:wip')
-          );
-        });
+      test('ROOT not logged in', async () => {
+        stubRestApi('getLoggedIn').resolves(false);
+        await checkRedirect('/', '/q/status:open+-is:wip');
-      suite('GWT hash-path URLs', () => {
-        test('redirects hash-path URLs', () => {
-          const ctx = {
-            ...createPageContext(),
-            canonicalPath: '/#/foo/bar/baz',
-            hash: '/foo/bar/baz',
-          };
-          const result = router.handleRootRoute(ctx);
-          assert.isNotOk(result);
-          assert.isTrue(redirectStub.called);
-          assert.isTrue(redirectStub.calledWithExactly('/foo/bar/baz'));
+      suite('ROOT GWT hash-path URLs', () => {
+        test('ROOT hash-path URLs', async () => {
+          await checkRedirect('/#/foo/bar/baz', '/foo/bar/baz');
-        test('redirects hash-path URLs w/o leading slash', () => {
-          const ctx = {
-            ...createPageContext(),
-            canonicalPath: '/#foo/bar/baz',
-            hash: 'foo/bar/baz',
-          };
-          const result = router.handleRootRoute(ctx);
-          assert.isNotOk(result);
-          assert.isTrue(redirectStub.called);
-          assert.isTrue(redirectStub.calledWithExactly('/foo/bar/baz'));
+        test('ROOT hash-path URLs w/o leading slash', async () => {
+          await checkRedirect('/#foo/bar/baz', '/foo/bar/baz');
-        test('normalizes "/ /" in hash to "/+/"', () => {
-          const ctx = {
-            ...createPageContext(),
-            canonicalPath: '/#/foo/bar/+/123/4',
-            hash: '/foo/bar/ /123/4',
-          };
-          const result = router.handleRootRoute(ctx);
-          assert.isNotOk(result);
-          assert.isTrue(redirectStub.called);
-          assert.isTrue(redirectStub.calledWithExactly('/foo/bar/+/123/4'));
+        test('ROOT normalizes "/ /" in hash to "/+/"', async () => {
+          await checkRedirect('/#/foo/bar/+/123/4', '/foo/bar/+/123/4');
-        test('prepends baseurl to hash-path', () => {
-          const ctx = {
-            ...createPageContext(),
-            canonicalPath: '/#/foo/bar',
-            hash: '/foo/bar',
-          };
+        test('ROOT prepends baseurl to hash-path', async () => {
-          const result = router.handleRootRoute(ctx);
-          assert.isNotOk(result);
-          assert.isTrue(redirectStub.called);
-          assert.isTrue(redirectStub.calledWithExactly('/baz/foo/bar'));
+          await checkRedirect('/#/foo/bar', '/baz/foo/bar');
-        test('normalizes /VE/ settings hash-paths', () => {
-          const ctx = {
-            ...createPageContext(),
-            canonicalPath: '/#/VE/foo/bar',
-            hash: '/VE/foo/bar',
-          };
-          const result = router.handleRootRoute(ctx);
-          assert.isNotOk(result);
-          assert.isTrue(redirectStub.called);
-          assert.isTrue(redirectStub.calledWithExactly('/settings/VE/foo/bar'));
+        test('ROOT normalizes /VE/ settings hash-paths', async () => {
+          await checkRedirect('/#/VE/foo/bar', '/settings/VE/foo/bar');
-        test('does not drop "inner hashes"', () => {
-          const ctx = {
-            ...createPageContext(),
-            canonicalPath: '/#/foo/bar#baz',
-            hash: '/foo/bar',
-          };
-          const result = router.handleRootRoute(ctx);
-          assert.isNotOk(result);
-          assert.isTrue(redirectStub.called);
-          assert.isTrue(redirectStub.calledWithExactly('/foo/bar#baz'));
+        test('ROOT does not drop "inner hashes"', async () => {
+          await checkRedirect('/#/foo/bar#baz', '/foo/bar#baz');
-    suite('handleDashboardRoute', () => {
-      let redirectToLoginStub: sinon.SinonStub;
-      setup(() => {
-        redirectToLoginStub = sinon.stub(router, 'redirectToLogin');
+    suite('DASHBOARD', () => {
+      test('DASHBOARD own dashboard but signed out redirects to login', async () => {
+        stubRestApi('getLoggedIn').resolves(false);
+        await checkRedirectToLogin('/dashboard/seLF', '/dashboard/seLF');
-      test('own dashboard but signed out redirects to login', () => {
-        stubRestApi('getLoggedIn').returns(Promise.resolve(false));
-        const ctx = {
-          ...createPageContext(),
-          canonicalPath: '/dashboard/',
-          params: {0: 'seLF'},
-        };
-        return router.handleDashboardRoute(ctx).then(() => {
-          assert.isTrue(redirectToLoginStub.calledOnce);
-          assert.isFalse(redirectStub.called);
-          assert.isFalse(setStateStub.called);
-        });
+      test('DASHBOARD non-self dashboard but signed out redirects', async () => {
+        stubRestApi('getLoggedIn').resolves(false);
+        await checkRedirect('/dashboard/foo', '/q/owner:foo');
-      test('non-self dashboard but signed out does not redirect', () => {
-        stubRestApi('getLoggedIn').returns(Promise.resolve(false));
-        const ctx = {
-          ...createPageContext(),
-          canonicalPath: '/dashboard/',
-          params: {0: 'foo'},
-        };
-        return router.handleDashboardRoute(ctx).then(() => {
-          assert.isFalse(redirectToLoginStub.called);
-          assert.isFalse(setStateStub.called);
-          assert.isTrue(redirectStub.calledOnce);
-          assert.equal(redirectStub.lastCall.args[0], '/q/owner:foo');
-        });
-      });
-      test('dashboard while signed in sets params', () => {
-        const ctx = {
-          ...createPageContext(),
-          canonicalPath: '/dashboard/',
-          params: {0: 'foo'},
-        };
-        return router.handleDashboardRoute(ctx).then(() => {
-          assert.isFalse(redirectToLoginStub.called);
-          assert.isFalse(redirectStub.called);
-          assert.isTrue(setStateStub.calledOnce);
-          assert.deepEqual(setStateStub.lastCall.args[0], {
-            view: GerritView.DASHBOARD,
-            user: 'foo',
-          });
+      test('DASHBOARD', async () => {
+        // DASHBOARD: /^\/dashboard\/(.+)$/,
+        await checkUrlToState('/dashboard/foo', {
+          ...createDashboardViewState(),
+          user: 'foo',
-    suite('handleCustomDashboardRoute', () => {
-      let redirectToLoginStub: sinon.SinonStub;
-      setup(() => {
-        redirectToLoginStub = sinon.stub(router, 'redirectToLogin');
+    suite('CUSTOM_DASHBOARD', () => {
+      test('CUSTOM_DASHBOARD no user specified', async () => {
+        await checkRedirect('/dashboard/', '/dashboard/self');
-      test('no user specified', () => {
-        const ctx: PageContext = {
-          ...createPageContext(),
-          canonicalPath: '/dashboard/',
-          params: {0: ''},
-          querystring: '',
-        };
-        return router.handleCustomDashboardRoute(ctx).then(() => {
-          assert.isFalse(setStateStub.called);
-          assert.isTrue(redirectStub.called);
-          assert.equal(redirectStub.lastCall.args[0], '/dashboard/self');
+      test('CUSTOM_DASHBOARD', async () => {
+        // CUSTOM_DASHBOARD: /^\/dashboard\/?$/,
+        await checkUrlToState('/dashboard?title=Custom Dashboard&a=b&d=e', {
+          ...createDashboardViewState(),
+          sections: [
+            {name: 'a', query: 'b'},
+            {name: 'd', query: 'e'},
+          ],
+          title: 'Custom Dashboard',
-      });
-      test('custom dashboard without title', () => {
-        const ctx: PageContext = {
-          ...createPageContext(),
-          canonicalPath: '/dashboard/',
-          params: {0: ''},
-          querystring: '?a=b&c&d=e',
-        };
-        return router.handleCustomDashboardRoute(ctx).then(() => {
-          assert.isFalse(redirectStub.called);
-          assert.isTrue(setStateStub.calledOnce);
-          assert.deepEqual(setStateStub.lastCall.args[0], {
-            view: GerritView.DASHBOARD,
-            user: 'self',
-            sections: [
-              {name: 'a', query: 'b'},
-              {name: 'd', query: 'e'},
-            ],
-            title: 'Custom Dashboard',
-          });
-        });
-      });
-      test('custom dashboard with title', () => {
-        const ctx: PageContext = {
-          ...createPageContext(),
-          canonicalPath: '/dashboard/',
-          params: {0: ''},
-          querystring: '?a=b&c&d=&=e&title=t',
-        };
-        return router.handleCustomDashboardRoute(ctx).then(() => {
-          assert.isFalse(redirectToLoginStub.called);
-          assert.isFalse(redirectStub.called);
-          assert.isTrue(setStateStub.calledOnce);
-          assert.deepEqual(setStateStub.lastCall.args[0], {
-            view: GerritView.DASHBOARD,
-            user: 'self',
-            sections: [{name: 'a', query: 'b'}],
-            title: 't',
-          });
-        });
-      });
-      test('custom dashboard with foreach', () => {
-        const ctx: PageContext = {
-          ...createPageContext(),
-          canonicalPath: '/dashboard/',
-          params: {0: ''},
-          querystring: '?a=b&c&d=&=e&foreach=is:open',
-        };
-        return router.handleCustomDashboardRoute(ctx).then(() => {
-          assert.isFalse(redirectToLoginStub.called);
-          assert.isFalse(redirectStub.called);
-          assert.isTrue(setStateStub.calledOnce);
-          assert.deepEqual(setStateStub.lastCall.args[0], {
-            view: GerritView.DASHBOARD,
-            user: 'self',
-            sections: [{name: 'a', query: 'is:open b'}],
-            title: 'Custom Dashboard',
-          });
+        await checkUrlToState('/dashboard?a=b&c&d=&=e&foreach=is:open', {
+          ...createDashboardViewState(),
+          sections: [{name: 'a', query: 'is:open b'}],
+          title: 'Custom Dashboard',
     suite('group routes', () => {
-      test('handleGroupInfoRoute', () => {
-        const ctx = {...createPageContext(), params: {0: '1234'}};
-        router.handleGroupInfoRoute(ctx);
-        assert.isTrue(redirectStub.calledOnce);
-        assert.equal(redirectStub.lastCall.args[0], '/admin/groups/1234');
+      test('GROUP_INFO', async () => {
+        // GROUP_INFO: /^\/admin\/groups\/(?:uuid-)?(.+),info$/,
+        await checkRedirect('/admin/groups/1234,info', '/admin/groups/1234');
-      test('handleGroupAuditLogRoute', () => {
-        const ctx = {...createPageContext(), params: {0: '1234'}};
-        assertctxToParams(ctx, 'handleGroupAuditLogRoute', {
-          view: GerritView.GROUP,
+      test('GROUP_AUDIT_LOG', async () => {
+        // GROUP_AUDIT_LOG: /^\/admin\/groups\/(?:uuid-)?(.+),audit-log$/,
+        await checkUrlToState('/admin/groups/1234,audit-log', {
+          ...createGroupViewState(),
           detail: GroupDetailView.LOG,
-          groupId: '1234' as GroupId,
+          groupId: '1234',
-      test('handleGroupMembersRoute', () => {
-        const ctx = {...createPageContext(), params: {0: '1234'}};
-        assertctxToParams(ctx, 'handleGroupMembersRoute', {
-          view: GerritView.GROUP,
+      test('GROUP_MEMBERS', async () => {
+        // GROUP_MEMBERS: /^\/admin\/groups\/(?:uuid-)?(.+),members$/,
+        await checkUrlToState('/admin/groups/1234,members', {
+          ...createGroupViewState(),
           detail: GroupDetailView.MEMBERS,
-          groupId: '1234' as GroupId,
+          groupId: '1234',
-      test('list of groups', async () => {
+      test('GROUP_LIST_*', async () => {
+        // GROUP_LIST_OFFSET: /^\/admin\/groups(,(\d+))?(\/)?$/,
+        // GROUP_LIST_FILTER: '/admin/groups/q/filter::filter',
+        // GROUP_LIST_FILTER_OFFSET: '/admin/groups/q/filter::filter,:offset',
         const defaultState: AdminViewState = {
           view: GerritView.ADMIN,
           adminView: AdminChildView.GROUPS,
@@ -804,417 +643,274 @@
         await checkUrlNotMatched('/admin/groups/q/filter:asdf%2Fqwer,11');
-      test('handleGroupRoute', () => {
-        const ctx = {...createPageContext(), params: {0: '4321'}};
-        assertctxToParams(ctx, 'handleGroupRoute', {
-          view: GerritView.GROUP,
-          groupId: '4321' as GroupId,
+      test('GROUP', async () => {
+        // GROUP: /^\/admin\/groups\/(?:uuid-)?([^,]+)$/,
+        await checkUrlToState('/admin/groups/4321', {
+          ...createGroupViewState(),
+          groupId: '4321',
-    suite('repo routes', () => {
-      test('handleProjectsOldRoute', () => {
-        const ctx = {...createPageContext(), params: {}};
-        router.handleProjectsOldRoute(ctx);
-        assert.isTrue(redirectStub.calledOnce);
-        assert.equal(redirectStub.lastCall.args[0], '/admin/repos/');
-      });
-      test('handleProjectsOldRoute test', () => {
-        const ctx = {...createPageContext(), params: {1: 'test'}};
-        router.handleProjectsOldRoute(ctx);
-        assert.isTrue(redirectStub.calledOnce);
-        assert.equal(redirectStub.lastCall.args[0], '/admin/repos/test');
-      });
-      test('handleProjectsOldRoute test,branches', () => {
-        const ctx = {...createPageContext(), params: {1: 'test,branches'}};
-        router.handleProjectsOldRoute(ctx);
-        assert.isTrue(redirectStub.calledOnce);
-        assert.equal(
-          redirectStub.lastCall.args[0],
+    suite('REPO*', () => {
+      test('PROJECT_OLD', async () => {
+        // PROJECT_OLD: /^\/admin\/(projects)\/?(.+)?$/,
+        await checkRedirect('/admin/projects/', '/admin/repos/');
+        await checkRedirect('/admin/projects/test', '/admin/repos/test');
+        await checkRedirect(
+          '/admin/projects/test,branches',
-      test('handleRepoRoute', () => {
-        const ctx = {...createPageContext(), path: '/admin/repos/test'};
-        router.handleRepoRoute(ctx);
-        assert.isTrue(redirectStub.calledOnce);
-        assert.equal(
-          redirectStub.lastCall.args[0],
-          '/admin/repos/test,general'
-        );
+      test('REPO', async () => {
+        // REPO: /^\/admin\/repos\/([^,]+)$/,
+        await checkRedirect('/admin/repos/test', '/admin/repos/test,general');
-      test('handleRepoGeneralRoute', () => {
-        const ctx = {...createPageContext(), params: {0: '4321'}};
-        assertctxToParams(ctx, 'handleRepoGeneralRoute', {
-          view: GerritView.REPO,
+      test('REPO_GENERAL', async () => {
+        // REPO_GENERAL: /^\/admin\/repos\/(.+),general$/,
+        await checkUrlToState('/admin/repos/4321,general', {
+          ...createRepoViewState(),
           detail: RepoDetailView.GENERAL,
           repo: '4321' as RepoName,
-      test('handleRepoCommandsRoute', () => {
-        const ctx = {...createPageContext(), params: {0: '4321'}};
-        assertctxToParams(ctx, 'handleRepoCommandsRoute', {
-          view: GerritView.REPO,
+      test('REPO_COMMANDS', async () => {
+        // REPO_COMMANDS: /^\/admin\/repos\/(.+),commands$/,
+        await checkUrlToState('/admin/repos/4321,commands', {
+          ...createRepoViewState(),
           detail: RepoDetailView.COMMANDS,
           repo: '4321' as RepoName,
-      test('handleRepoAccessRoute', () => {
-        const ctx = {...createPageContext(), params: {0: '4321'}};
-        assertctxToParams(ctx, 'handleRepoAccessRoute', {
-          view: GerritView.REPO,
+      test('REPO_ACCESS', async () => {
+        // REPO_ACCESS: /^\/admin\/repos\/(.+),access$/,
+        await checkUrlToState('/admin/repos/4321,access', {
+          ...createRepoViewState(),
           detail: RepoDetailView.ACCESS,
           repo: '4321' as RepoName,
-      suite('branch list routes', () => {
-        test('handleBranchListOffsetRoute', () => {
-          const ctx: PageContext = {
-            ...createPageContext(),
-            params: {0: '4321'},
-          };
-          assertctxToParams(ctx, 'handleBranchListOffsetRoute', {
-            view: GerritView.REPO,
-            detail: RepoDetailView.BRANCHES,
+      suite('BRANCH_LIST_*', () => {
+        test('BRANCH_LIST_OFFSET', async () => {
+          // BRANCH_LIST_OFFSET: /^\/admin\/repos\/(.+),branches(,(.+))?$/,
+          await checkUrlToState('/admin/repos/4321,branches', {
+            ...createRepoBranchesViewState(),
             repo: '4321' as RepoName,
-            offset: 0,
-            filter: null,
-          ctx.params[2] = '42';
-          assertctxToParams(ctx, 'handleBranchListOffsetRoute', {
-            view: GerritView.REPO,
-            detail: RepoDetailView.BRANCHES,
+          await checkUrlToState('/admin/repos/4321,branches,42', {
+            ...createRepoBranchesViewState(),
             repo: '4321' as RepoName,
             offset: '42',
-            filter: null,
-        test('handleBranchListFilterOffsetRoute', () => {
-          const ctx = {
-            ...createPageContext(),
-            params: {repo: '4321', filter: 'foo', offset: '42'},
-          };
-          assertctxToParams(ctx, 'handleBranchListFilterOffsetRoute', {
-            view: GerritView.REPO,
-            detail: RepoDetailView.BRANCHES,
+        test('BRANCH_LIST_FILTER_OFFSET', async () => {
+          // BRANCH_LIST_FILTER_OFFSET: '/admin/repos/:repo,branches/q/filter::filter,:offset',
+          await checkUrlToState('/admin/repos/4321,branches/q/filter:foo,42', {
+            ...createRepoBranchesViewState(),
             repo: '4321' as RepoName,
             offset: '42',
             filter: 'foo',
-        test('handleBranchListFilterRoute', () => {
-          const ctx = {
-            ...createPageContext(),
-            params: {repo: '4321', filter: 'foo'},
-          };
-          assertctxToParams(ctx, 'handleBranchListFilterRoute', {
-            view: GerritView.REPO,
-            detail: RepoDetailView.BRANCHES,
+        test('BRANCH_LIST_FILTER', async () => {
+          // BRANCH_LIST_FILTER: '/admin/repos/:repo,branches/q/filter::filter',
+          await checkUrlToState('/admin/repos/4321,branches/q/filter:foo', {
+            ...createRepoBranchesViewState(),
             repo: '4321' as RepoName,
             filter: 'foo',
-      suite('tag list routes', () => {
-        test('handleTagListOffsetRoute', () => {
-          const ctx = {...createPageContext(), params: {0: '4321'}};
-          assertctxToParams(ctx, 'handleTagListOffsetRoute', {
-            view: GerritView.REPO,
-            detail: RepoDetailView.TAGS,
+      suite('TAG_LIST_*', () => {
+        test('TAG_LIST_OFFSET', async () => {
+          // TAG_LIST_OFFSET: /^\/admin\/repos\/(.+),tags(,(.+))?$/,
+          await checkUrlToState('/admin/repos/4321,tags', {
+            ...createRepoTagsViewState(),
             repo: '4321' as RepoName,
-            offset: 0,
-            filter: null,
+          });
+          await checkUrlToState('/admin/repos/4321,tags,42', {
+            ...createRepoTagsViewState(),
+            repo: '4321' as RepoName,
+            offset: '42',
-        test('handleTagListFilterOffsetRoute', () => {
-          const ctx = {
-            ...createPageContext(),
-            params: {repo: '4321', filter: 'foo', offset: '42'},
-          };
-          assertctxToParams(ctx, 'handleTagListFilterOffsetRoute', {
-            view: GerritView.REPO,
-            detail: RepoDetailView.TAGS,
+        test('TAG_LIST_FILTER_OFFSET', async () => {
+          // TAG_LIST_FILTER_OFFSET: '/admin/repos/:repo,tags/q/filter::filter,:offset',
+          await checkUrlToState('/admin/repos/4321,tags/q/filter:foo,42', {
+            ...createRepoTagsViewState(),
             repo: '4321' as RepoName,
             offset: '42',
             filter: 'foo',
-        test('handleTagListFilterRoute', () => {
-          const ctx: PageContext = {
-            ...createPageContext(),
-            params: {repo: '4321'},
-          };
-          assertctxToParams(ctx, 'handleTagListFilterRoute', {
-            view: GerritView.REPO,
-            detail: RepoDetailView.TAGS,
-            repo: '4321' as RepoName,
-            filter: null,
-          });
-          ctx.params.filter = 'foo';
-          assertctxToParams(ctx, 'handleTagListFilterRoute', {
-            view: GerritView.REPO,
-            detail: RepoDetailView.TAGS,
+        test('TAG_LIST_FILTER', async () => {
+          // TAG_LIST_FILTER: '/admin/repos/:repo,tags/q/filter::filter',
+          await checkUrlToState('/admin/repos/4321,tags/q/filter:foo', {
+            ...createRepoTagsViewState(),
             repo: '4321' as RepoName,
             filter: 'foo',
-      suite('repo list routes', () => {
-        test('handleRepoListOffsetRoute', () => {
-          const ctx = createPageContext();
-          assertctxToParams(ctx, 'handleRepoListOffsetRoute', {
-            view: GerritView.ADMIN,
-            adminView: AdminChildView.REPOS,
-            offset: 0,
-            filter: null,
-            openCreateModal: false,
+      suite('REPO_LIST_*', () => {
+        test('REPO_LIST_OFFSET', async () => {
+          // REPO_LIST_OFFSET: /^\/admin\/repos(,(\d+))?(\/)?$/,
+          await checkUrlToState('/admin/repos', {
+            ...createAdminReposViewState(),
-          ctx.params[1] = '42';
-          assertctxToParams(ctx, 'handleRepoListOffsetRoute', {
-            view: GerritView.ADMIN,
-            adminView: AdminChildView.REPOS,
+          await checkUrlToState('/admin/repos,42', {
+            ...createAdminReposViewState(),
             offset: '42',
-            filter: null,
-            openCreateModal: false,
-          ctx.hash = 'create';
-          assertctxToParams(ctx, 'handleRepoListOffsetRoute', {
-            view: GerritView.ADMIN,
-            adminView: AdminChildView.REPOS,
+          await checkUrlToState('/admin/repos,42#create', {
+            ...createAdminReposViewState(),
             offset: '42',
-            filter: null,
             openCreateModal: true,
-        test('handleRepoListFilterOffsetRoute', () => {
-          const ctx = {
-            ...createPageContext(),
-            params: {filter: 'foo', offset: '42'},
-          };
-          assertctxToParams(ctx, 'handleRepoListFilterOffsetRoute', {
-            view: GerritView.ADMIN,
-            adminView: AdminChildView.REPOS,
+        test('REPO_LIST_FILTER_OFFSET', async () => {
+          // REPO_LIST_FILTER_OFFSET: '/admin/repos/q/filter::filter,:offset',
+          await checkUrlToState('/admin/repos/q/filter:foo,42', {
+            ...createAdminReposViewState(),
             offset: '42',
             filter: 'foo',
-        test('handleRepoListFilterRoute', () => {
-          const ctx = createPageContext();
-          assertctxToParams(ctx, 'handleRepoListFilterRoute', {
-            view: GerritView.ADMIN,
-            adminView: AdminChildView.REPOS,
-            filter: null,
-          });
-          ctx.params.filter = 'foo';
-          assertctxToParams(ctx, 'handleRepoListFilterRoute', {
-            view: GerritView.ADMIN,
-            adminView: AdminChildView.REPOS,
+        test('REPO_LIST_FILTER', async () => {
+          // REPO_LIST_FILTER: '/admin/repos/q/filter::filter',
+          await checkUrlToState('/admin/repos/q/filter:foo', {
+            ...createAdminReposViewState(),
             filter: 'foo',
-    suite('plugin routes', () => {
-      test('handlePluginListOffsetRoute', () => {
-        const ctx = createPageContext();
-        assertctxToParams(ctx, 'handlePluginListOffsetRoute', {
-          view: GerritView.ADMIN,
-          adminView: AdminChildView.PLUGINS,
-          offset: 0,
-          filter: null,
+    suite('PLUGIN_LIST_*', () => {
+      test('PLUGIN_LIST_OFFSET', async () => {
+        // PLUGIN_LIST_OFFSET: /^\/admin\/plugins(,(\d+))?(\/)?$/,
+        await checkUrlToState('/admin/plugins', {
+          ...createAdminPluginsViewState(),
-        ctx.params[1] = '42';
-        assertctxToParams(ctx, 'handlePluginListOffsetRoute', {
-          view: GerritView.ADMIN,
-          adminView: AdminChildView.PLUGINS,
+        await checkUrlToState('/admin/plugins/', {
+          ...createAdminPluginsViewState(),
+        });
+        await checkUrlToState('/admin/plugins,42', {
+          ...createAdminPluginsViewState(),
           offset: '42',
-          filter: null,
-      test('handlePluginListFilterOffsetRoute', () => {
-        const ctx = {
-          ...createPageContext(),
-          params: {filter: 'foo', offset: '42'},
-        };
-        assertctxToParams(ctx, 'handlePluginListFilterOffsetRoute', {
-          view: GerritView.ADMIN,
-          adminView: AdminChildView.PLUGINS,
+      test('PLUGIN_LIST_FILTER_OFFSET', async () => {
+        // PLUGIN_LIST_FILTER_OFFSET: '/admin/plugins/q/filter::filter,:offset',
+        await checkUrlToState('/admin/plugins/q/filter:foo,42', {
+          ...createAdminPluginsViewState(),
           offset: '42',
           filter: 'foo',
-      test('handlePluginListFilterRoute', () => {
-        const ctx = createPageContext();
-        assertctxToParams(ctx, 'handlePluginListFilterRoute', {
-          view: GerritView.ADMIN,
-          adminView: AdminChildView.PLUGINS,
-          filter: null,
-        });
-        ctx.params.filter = 'foo';
-        assertctxToParams(ctx, 'handlePluginListFilterRoute', {
-          view: GerritView.ADMIN,
-          adminView: AdminChildView.PLUGINS,
+      test('PLUGIN_LIST_FILTER', async () => {
+        // PLUGIN_LIST_FILTER: '/admin/plugins/q/filter::filter',
+        await checkUrlToState('/admin/plugins/q/filter:foo', {
+          ...createAdminPluginsViewState(),
           filter: 'foo',
-    suite('change/diff routes', () => {
-      test('handleChangeNumberLegacyRoute', () => {
-        const ctx = {...createPageContext(), params: {0: '12345'}};
-        router.handleChangeNumberLegacyRoute(ctx);
-        assert.isTrue(redirectStub.calledOnce);
-        assert.isTrue(redirectStub.calledWithExactly('/c/12345'));
+    suite('CHANGE* / DIFF*', () => {
+      test('CHANGE_NUMBER_LEGACY', async () => {
+        // CHANGE_NUMBER_LEGACY: /^\/(\d+)\/?/,
+        await checkRedirect('/12345', '/c/12345');
-      test('handleChangeLegacyRoute', async () => {
-        stubRestApi('getFromProjectLookup').returns(
-          Promise.resolve('project' as RepoName)
-        );
-        const ctx = {
-          ...createPageContext(),
-          params: {0: '1234', 1: 'comment/6789'},
-        };
-        router.handleChangeLegacyRoute(ctx);
-        await waitEventLoop();
-        assert.isTrue(
-          redirectStub.calledWithExactly('/c/project/+/1234' + '/comment/6789')
+      test('CHANGE_LEGACY', async () => {
+        // CHANGE_LEGACY: /^\/c\/(\d+)\/?(.*)$/,
+        stubRestApi('getFromProjectLookup').resolves('project' as RepoName);
+        await checkRedirect('/c/1234', '/c/project/+/1234/');
+        await checkRedirect(
+          '/c/1234/comment/6789',
+          '/c/project/+/1234/comment/6789'
-      test('handleLegacyLinenum w/ @321', () => {
-        const ctx = {...createPageContext(), path: '/c/1234/3..8/foo/bar@321'};
-        router.handleLegacyLinenum(ctx);
-        assert.isTrue(redirectStub.calledOnce);
-        assert.isTrue(
-          redirectStub.calledWithExactly('/c/1234/3..8/foo/bar#321')
+      test('DIFF_LEGACY_LINENUM', async () => {
+        await checkRedirect(
+          '/c/1234/3..8/foo/bar@321',
+          '/c/1234/3..8/foo/bar#321'
+        );
+        await checkRedirect(
+          '/c/1234/3..8/foo/bar@b321',
+          '/c/1234/3..8/foo/bar#b321'
-      test('handleLegacyLinenum w/ @b123', () => {
-        const ctx = {...createPageContext(), path: '/c/1234/3..8/foo/bar@b123'};
-        router.handleLegacyLinenum(ctx);
-        assert.isTrue(redirectStub.calledOnce);
-        assert.isTrue(
-          redirectStub.calledWithExactly('/c/1234/3..8/foo/bar#b123')
-        );
-      });
-      suite('handleChangeRoute', () => {
-        function makeParams(_path: string, _hash: string): PageContext {
-          return {
-            ...createPageContext(),
-            params: {
-              0: 'foo/bar', // 0 Project
-              1: '1234', // 1 Change number
-              2: '', // 2 Unused
-              3: '', // 3 Unused
-              4: '4', // 4 Base patch number
-              5: '', // 5 Unused
-              6: '7', // 6 Patch number
-            },
-          };
-        }
-        setup(() => {
-          stubRestApi('setInProjectLookup');
+      test('CHANGE', async () => {
+        // CHANGE: /^\/c\/(.+)\/\+\/(\d+)(\/?((-?\d+|edit)(\.\.(\d+|edit))?))?\/?$/,
+        await checkUrlToState('/c/test-project/+/42', {
+          ...createChangeViewState(),
+          basePatchNum: undefined,
+          patchNum: undefined,
-        test('change view', () => {
-          const ctx = makeParams('', '');
-          assertctxToParams(ctx, 'handleChangeRoute', {
-            view: GerritView.CHANGE,
-            childView: ChangeChildView.OVERVIEW,
-            repo: 'foo/bar' as RepoName,
-            changeNum: 1234 as NumericChangeId,
-            basePatchNum: 4 as BasePatchSetNum,
-            patchNum: 7 as RevisionPatchSetNum,
-          });
-          assert.isFalse(redirectStub.called);
+        await checkUrlToState('/c/test-project/+/42/7', {
+          ...createChangeViewState(),
+          basePatchNum: PARENT,
+          patchNum: 7,
-        test('params', () => {
-          const ctx = makeParams('', '');
-          const queryMap = new URLSearchParams();
-          queryMap.set('tab', 'checks');
-          queryMap.set('filter', 'fff');
-          queryMap.set('select', 'sss');
-          queryMap.set('attempt', '1');
-          queryMap.set('checksRunsSelected', 'asdf,qwer');
-          queryMap.set('checksResultsFilter', 'asdf.*qwer');
-          ctx.querystring = queryMap.toString();
-          assertctxToParams(ctx, 'handleChangeRoute', {
-            view: GerritView.CHANGE,
-            childView: ChangeChildView.OVERVIEW,
-            repo: 'foo/bar' as RepoName,
-            changeNum: 1234 as NumericChangeId,
-            basePatchNum: 4 as BasePatchSetNum,
-            patchNum: 7 as RevisionPatchSetNum,
+        await checkUrlToState('/c/test-project/+/42/4..7', {
+          ...createChangeViewState(),
+          basePatchNum: 4,
+          patchNum: 7,
+        });
+        await checkUrlToState(
+          '/c/test-project/+/42/4..7?tab=checks&filter=fff&attempt=1&checksRunsSelected=asdf,qwer&checksResultsFilter=asdf.*qwer',
+          {
+            ...createChangeViewState(),
+            basePatchNum: 4,
+            patchNum: 7,
             attempt: 1,
             filter: 'fff',
             tab: 'checks',
             checksRunsSelected: new Set(['asdf', 'qwer']),
             checksResultsFilter: 'asdf.*qwer',
-          });
-        });
+          }
+        );
+      });
+      test('COMMENTS_TAB', async () => {
+        // COMMENTS_TAB: /^\/c\/(.+)\/\+\/(\d+)\/comments(?:\/)?(\w+)?\/?$/,
+        await checkUrlToState(
+          '/c/gerrit/+/264833/comments/00049681_f34fd6a9/',
+          {
+            ...createChangeViewState(),
+            repo: 'gerrit' as RepoName,
+            changeNum: 264833 as NumericChangeId,
+            commentId: '00049681_f34fd6a9' as UrlEncodedCommentId,
+            view: GerritView.CHANGE,
+            childView: ChangeChildView.OVERVIEW,
+          }
+        );
       suite('handleDiffRoute', () => {
-        function makeParams(path: string, hash: string): PageContext {
-          return {
-            ...createPageContext(),
-            hash,
-            params: {
-              0: 'foo/bar', // 0 Project
-              1: '1234', // 1 Change number
-              2: '', // 2 Unused
-              3: '', // 3 Unused
-              4: '4', // 4 Base patch number
-              5: '', // 5 Unused
-              6: '7', // 6 Patch number
-              7: '', // 7 Unused,
-              8: path, // 8 Diff path
-            },
-          };
-        }
-        setup(() => {
-          stubRestApi('setInProjectLookup');
-        });
-        test('diff view', () => {
-          const ctx = makeParams('foo/bar/baz', 'b44');
-          assertctxToParams(ctx, 'handleDiffRoute', {
-            view: GerritView.CHANGE,
-            childView: ChangeChildView.DIFF,
-            repo: 'foo/bar' as RepoName,
-            changeNum: 1234 as NumericChangeId,
+        test('DIFF', async () => {
+          // DIFF: /^\/c\/(.+)\/\+\/(\d+)(\/((-?\d+|edit)(\.\.(\d+|edit))?(\/(.+))))\/?$/,
+          await checkUrlToState('/c/test-project/+/42/4..7/foo/bar/baz#b44', {
+            ...createDiffViewState(),
             basePatchNum: 4 as BasePatchSetNum,
             patchNum: 7 as RevisionPatchSetNum,
             diffView: {
@@ -1223,10 +919,9 @@
               leftSide: true,
-          assert.isFalse(redirectStub.called);
-        test('comment route base..1', async () => {
+        test('COMMENT base..1', async () => {
           const change: ParsedChangeInfo = createParsedChange();
           const repo = change.project;
           const changeNum = change._number;
@@ -1238,19 +933,13 @@
             filepath: [{...createComment(), id, patch_set: ps, line}],
-          const url = `/c/${repo}/+/${changeNum}/comment/${id}/`;
-          const groups = url.match(_testOnly_RoutePattern.COMMENT);
-          assert.deepEqual(groups!.slice(1), [repo, `${changeNum}`, id]);
-          await router.handleCommentRoute({params: groups!.slice(1)} as any);
-          assert.isTrue(redirectStub.calledOnce);
-          assert.equal(
-            redirectStub.lastCall.args[0],
+          await checkRedirect(
+            `/c/${repo}/+/${changeNum}/comment/${id}/`,
-        test('comment route 1..2', async () => {
+        test('COMMENT 1..2', async () => {
           const change: ParsedChangeInfo = {
             revisions: {
@@ -1270,16 +959,11 @@
           const diffStub = stubRestApi('getDiff');
-          const url = `/c/${repo}/+/${changeNum}/comment/${id}/`;
-          const groups = url.match(_testOnly_RoutePattern.COMMENT);
           // If getDiff() returns a diff with changes, then we will compare
           // the patchset of the comment (1) against latest (2).
-          await router.handleCommentRoute({params: groups!.slice(1)} as any);
-          assert.isTrue(redirectStub.calledOnce);
-          assert.equal(
-            redirectStub.lastCall.args[0],
+          await checkRedirect(
+            `/c/${repo}/+/${changeNum}/comment/${id}/`,
@@ -1289,122 +973,56 @@
             content: [],
-          await router.handleCommentRoute({params: groups!.slice(1)} as any);
-          assert.isTrue(redirectStub.calledTwice);
-          assert.equal(
-            redirectStub.lastCall.args[0],
+          await checkRedirect(
+            `/c/${repo}/+/${changeNum}/comment/${id}/`,
-        test('comments route', () => {
-          const url = '/c/gerrit/+/264833/comments/00049681_f34fd6a9/';
-          const groups = url.match(_testOnly_RoutePattern.COMMENTS_TAB);
-          assert.deepEqual(groups!.slice(1), [
-            'gerrit', // project
-            '264833', // changeNum
-            '00049681_f34fd6a9', // commentId
-          ]);
-          assertctxToParams(
-            {params: groups!.slice(1)} as any,
-            'handleCommentsRoute',
-            {
-              repo: 'gerrit' as RepoName,
-              changeNum: 264833 as NumericChangeId,
-              commentId: '00049681_f34fd6a9' as UrlEncodedCommentId,
-              view: GerritView.CHANGE,
-              childView: ChangeChildView.OVERVIEW,
-            }
-          );
-        });
-      test('handleDiffEditRoute', () => {
-        stubRestApi('setInProjectLookup');
-        const ctx = {
-          ...createPageContext(),
-          hash: '',
-          params: {
-            0: 'foo/bar', // 0 Project
-            1: '1234', // 1 Change number
-            2: '3', // 2 Patch num
-            3: 'foo/bar/baz', // 3 File path
-          },
-        };
-        const appParams: ChangeViewState = {
+      test('DIFF_EDIT', async () => {
+        // DIFF_EDIT: /^\/c\/(.+)\/\+\/(\d+)\/(\d+|edit)\/(.+),edit(#\d+)?$/,
+        await checkUrlToState('/c/foo/bar/+/1234/3/foo/bar/baz,edit', {
+          ...createEditViewState(),
           repo: 'foo/bar' as RepoName,
           changeNum: 1234 as NumericChangeId,
           view: GerritView.CHANGE,
           childView: ChangeChildView.EDIT,
           patchNum: 3 as RevisionPatchSetNum,
           editView: {path: 'foo/bar/baz', lineNum: 0},
-        };
-        router.handleDiffEditRoute(ctx);
-        assert.isFalse(redirectStub.called);
-        assert.deepEqual(setStateStub.lastCall.args[0], appParams);
-      });
-      test('handleDiffEditRoute with lineNum', () => {
-        stubRestApi('setInProjectLookup');
-        const ctx = {
-          ...createPageContext(),
-          hash: '4',
-          params: {
-            0: 'foo/bar', // 0 Project
-            1: '1234', // 1 Change number
-            2: '3', // 2 Patch num
-            3: 'foo/bar/baz', // 3 File path
-          },
-        };
-        const appParams: ChangeViewState = {
+        });
+        await checkUrlToState('/c/foo/bar/+/1234/3/foo/bar/baz,edit#4', {
+          ...createEditViewState(),
           repo: 'foo/bar' as RepoName,
           changeNum: 1234 as NumericChangeId,
           view: GerritView.CHANGE,
           childView: ChangeChildView.EDIT,
           patchNum: 3 as RevisionPatchSetNum,
           editView: {path: 'foo/bar/baz', lineNum: 4},
-        };
-        router.handleDiffEditRoute(ctx);
-        assert.isFalse(redirectStub.called);
-        assert.deepEqual(setStateStub.lastCall.args[0], appParams);
+        });
-      test('handleChangeEditRoute', () => {
-        stubRestApi('setInProjectLookup');
-        const ctx = {
-          ...createPageContext(),
-          params: {
-            0: 'foo/bar', // 0 Project
-            1: '1234', // 1 Change number
-            2: '',
-            3: '3', // 3 Patch num
-          },
-        };
-        const appParams: ChangeViewState = {
+      test('CHANGE_EDIT', async () => {
+        // CHANGE_EDIT: /^\/c\/(.+)\/\+\/(\d+)(\/(\d+))?,edit\/?$/,
+        await checkUrlToState('/c/foo/bar/+/1234/3,edit', {
+          ...createChangeViewState(),
           repo: 'foo/bar' as RepoName,
           changeNum: 1234 as NumericChangeId,
           view: GerritView.CHANGE,
           childView: ChangeChildView.OVERVIEW,
           patchNum: 3 as RevisionPatchSetNum,
           edit: true,
-        };
-        router.handleChangeEditRoute(ctx);
-        assert.isFalse(redirectStub.called);
-        assert.deepEqual(setStateStub.lastCall.args[0], appParams);
+        });
-    test('handlePluginScreen', () => {
-      const ctx = {...createPageContext(), params: {0: 'foo', 1: 'bar'}};
-      assertctxToParams(ctx, 'handlePluginScreen', {
+    test('PLUGIN_SCREEN', async () => {
+      // PLUGIN_SCREEN: /^\/x\/([\w-]+)\/([\w-]+)\/?/,
+      await checkUrlToState('/x/foo/bar', {
         view: GerritView.PLUGIN_SCREEN,
         plugin: 'foo',
         screen: 'bar',
-      assert.isFalse(redirectStub.called);