Convert polygerrit to es6-modules

This change replace all HTML imports with es6-modules. The only exceptions are:
* gr-app.html file, which can be deleted only after updating the
  gerrit/httpd/raw/ file.
* dark-theme.html which is loaded via importHref. Must be updated manually
  later in a separate change.

This change was produced automatically by ./ script.
No manual changes were made.

Change-Id: I0c447dd8c05757741e2c940720652d01d9fb7d67
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/admin/gr-rule-editor/gr-rule-editor.js b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/admin/gr-rule-editor/gr-rule-editor.js
index ac98d33..2421c46 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/admin/gr-rule-editor/gr-rule-editor.js
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/admin/gr-rule-editor/gr-rule-editor.js
@@ -14,270 +14,286 @@
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
-(function() {
-  'use strict';
+import '../../../scripts/bundled-polymer.js';
+import '@polymer/iron-autogrow-textarea/iron-autogrow-textarea.js';
+import '../../../behaviors/base-url-behavior/base-url-behavior.js';
+import '../../../behaviors/fire-behavior/fire-behavior.js';
+import '../../../behaviors/gr-access-behavior/gr-access-behavior.js';
+import '../../../behaviors/gr-url-encoding-behavior/gr-url-encoding-behavior.js';
+import '../../../styles/gr-form-styles.js';
+import '../../../styles/shared-styles.js';
+import '../../shared/gr-button/gr-button.js';
+import '../../shared/gr-select/gr-select.js';
+import '../../shared/gr-rest-api-interface/gr-rest-api-interface.js';
+import {mixinBehaviors} from '@polymer/polymer/lib/legacy/class.js';
+import {GestureEventListeners} from '@polymer/polymer/lib/mixins/gesture-event-listeners.js';
+import {LegacyElementMixin} from '@polymer/polymer/lib/legacy/legacy-element-mixin.js';
+import {PolymerElement} from '@polymer/polymer/polymer-element.js';
+import {htmlTemplate} from './gr-rule-editor_html.js';
+ * Fired when the rule has been modified or removed.
+ *
+ * @event access-modified
+ */
+ * Fired when a rule that was previously added was removed.
+ *
+ * @event added-rule-removed
+ */
+  'BATCH',
+const Action = {
+  DENY: 'DENY',
+const DROPDOWN_OPTIONS = [Action.ALLOW, Action.DENY, Action.BLOCK];
+const ForcePushOptions = {
+  ALLOW: [
+    {name: 'Allow pushing (but not force pushing)', value: false},
+    {name: 'Allow pushing with or without force', value: true},
+  ],
+  BLOCK: [
+    {name: 'Block pushing with or without force', value: false},
+    {name: 'Block force pushing', value: true},
+  ],
+  {
+    name: 'No Force Edit',
+    value: false,
+  },
+  {
+    name: 'Force Edit',
+    value: true,
+  },
+ * @appliesMixin Gerrit.AccessMixin
+ * @appliesMixin Gerrit.BaseUrlMixin
+ * @appliesMixin Gerrit.FireMixin
+ * @appliesMixin Gerrit.URLEncodingMixin
+ * @extends Polymer.Element
+ */
+class GrRuleEditor extends mixinBehaviors( [
+  Gerrit.AccessBehavior,
+  Gerrit.BaseUrlBehavior,
-   * Fired when the rule has been modified or removed.
-   *
-   * @event access-modified
+   * Unused in this element, but called by other elements in tests
+   * e.g gr-permission_test.
+  Gerrit.FireBehavior,
+  Gerrit.URLEncodingBehavior,
+], GestureEventListeners(
+    LegacyElementMixin(
+        PolymerElement))) {
+  static get template() { return htmlTemplate; }
-  /**
-   * Fired when a rule that was previously added was removed.
-   *
-   * @event added-rule-removed
-   */
+  static get is() { return 'gr-rule-editor'; }
-    'BATCH',
-  ];
+  static get properties() {
+    return {
+      hasRange: Boolean,
+      /** @type {?} */
+      label: Object,
+      editing: {
+        type: Boolean,
+        value: false,
+        observer: '_handleEditingChanged',
+      },
+      groupId: String,
+      groupName: String,
+      permission: String,
+      /** @type {?} */
+      rule: {
+        type: Object,
+        notify: true,
+      },
+      section: String,
-  const Action = {
-    ALLOW: 'ALLOW',
-    DENY: 'DENY',
-    BLOCK: 'BLOCK',
-  };
+      _deleted: {
+        type: Boolean,
+        value: false,
+      },
+      _originalRuleValues: Object,
+    };
+  }
-  const DROPDOWN_OPTIONS = [Action.ALLOW, Action.DENY, Action.BLOCK];
+  static get observers() {
+    return [
+      '_handleValueChange(rule.value.*)',
+    ];
+  }
-  const ForcePushOptions = {
-    ALLOW: [
-      {name: 'Allow pushing (but not force pushing)', value: false},
-      {name: 'Allow pushing with or without force', value: true},
-    ],
-    BLOCK: [
-      {name: 'Block pushing with or without force', value: false},
-      {name: 'Block force pushing', value: true},
-    ],
-  };
+  /** @override */
+  created() {
+    super.created();
+    this.addEventListener('access-saved',
+        () => this._handleAccessSaved());
+  }
-    {
-      name: 'No Force Edit',
-      value: false,
-    },
-    {
-      name: 'Force Edit',
-      value: true,
-    },
-  ];
+  /** @override */
+  ready() {
+    super.ready();
+    // Called on ready rather than the observer because when new rules are
+    // added, the observer is triggered prior to being ready.
+    if (!this.rule) { return; } // Check needed for test purposes.
+    this._setupValues(this.rule);
+  }
-  /**
-   * @appliesMixin Gerrit.AccessMixin
-   * @appliesMixin Gerrit.BaseUrlMixin
-   * @appliesMixin Gerrit.FireMixin
-   * @appliesMixin Gerrit.URLEncodingMixin
-   * @extends Polymer.Element
-   */
-  class GrRuleEditor extends Polymer.mixinBehaviors( [
-    Gerrit.AccessBehavior,
-    Gerrit.BaseUrlBehavior,
-    /**
-     * Unused in this element, but called by other elements in tests
-     * e.g gr-permission_test.
-     */
-    Gerrit.FireBehavior,
-    Gerrit.URLEncodingBehavior,
-  ], Polymer.GestureEventListeners(
-      Polymer.LegacyElementMixin(
-          Polymer.Element))) {
-    static get is() { return 'gr-rule-editor'; }
-    static get properties() {
-      return {
-        hasRange: Boolean,
-        /** @type {?} */
-        label: Object,
-        editing: {
-          type: Boolean,
-          value: false,
-          observer: '_handleEditingChanged',
-        },
-        groupId: String,
-        groupName: String,
-        permission: String,
-        /** @type {?} */
-        rule: {
-          type: Object,
-          notify: true,
-        },
-        section: String,
-        _deleted: {
-          type: Boolean,
-          value: false,
-        },
-        _originalRuleValues: Object,
-      };
-    }
-    static get observers() {
-      return [
-        '_handleValueChange(rule.value.*)',
-      ];
-    }
-    /** @override */
-    created() {
-      super.created();
-      this.addEventListener('access-saved',
-          () => this._handleAccessSaved());
-    }
-    /** @override */
-    ready() {
-      super.ready();
-      // Called on ready rather than the observer because when new rules are
-      // added, the observer is triggered prior to being ready.
-      if (!this.rule) { return; } // Check needed for test purposes.
-      this._setupValues(this.rule);
-    }
-    /** @override */
-    attached() {
-      super.attached();
-      if (!this.rule) { return; } // Check needed for test purposes.
-      if (!this._originalRuleValues) {
-        // Observer _handleValueChange is called after the ready()
-        // method finishes. Original values must be set later to
-        // avoid set .modified flag to true
-        this._setOriginalRuleValues(this.rule.value);
-      }
-    }
-    _setupValues(rule) {
-      if (!rule.value) {
-        this._setDefaultRuleValues();
-      }
-    }
-    _computeForce(permission, action) {
-      if ( === permission &&
-          action !== Action.DENY) {
-        return true;
-      }
-      return === permission;
-    }
-    _computeForceClass(permission, action) {
-      return this._computeForce(permission, action) ? 'force' : '';
-    }
-    _computeGroupPath(group) {
-      return `${this.getBaseUrl()}/admin/groups/${this.encodeURL(group, true)}`;
-    }
-    _handleAccessSaved() {
-      // Set a new 'original' value to keep track of after the value has been
-      // saved.
+  /** @override */
+  attached() {
+    super.attached();
+    if (!this.rule) { return; } // Check needed for test purposes.
+    if (!this._originalRuleValues) {
+      // Observer _handleValueChange is called after the ready()
+      // method finishes. Original values must be set later to
+      // avoid set .modified flag to true
-    _handleEditingChanged(editing, editingOld) {
-      // Ignore when editing gets set initially.
-      if (!editingOld) { return; }
-      // Restore original values if no longer editing.
-      if (!editing) {
-        this._handleUndoChange();
-      }
-    }
-    _computeSectionClass(editing, deleted) {
-      const classList = [];
-      if (editing) {
-        classList.push('editing');
-      }
-      if (deleted) {
-        classList.push('deleted');
-      }
-      return classList.join(' ');
-    }
-    _computeForceOptions(permission, action) {
-      if (permission === {
-        if (action === Action.ALLOW) {
-          return ForcePushOptions.ALLOW;
-        } else if (action === Action.BLOCK) {
-          return ForcePushOptions.BLOCK;
-        } else {
-          return [];
-        }
-      } else if (permission === {
-        return FORCE_EDIT_OPTIONS;
-      }
-      return [];
-    }
-    _getDefaultRuleValues(permission, label) {
-      const ruleAction = Action.ALLOW;
-      const value = {};
-      if (permission === 'priority') {
-        value.action = PRIORITY_OPTIONS[0];
-        return value;
-      } else if (label) {
-        value.min = label.values[0].value;
-        value.max = label.values[label.values.length - 1].value;
-      } else if (this._computeForce(permission, ruleAction)) {
-        value.force =
-            this._computeForceOptions(permission, ruleAction)[0].value;
-      }
-      value.action = DROPDOWN_OPTIONS[0];
-      return value;
-    }
-    _setDefaultRuleValues() {
-      this.set('rule.value', this._getDefaultRuleValues(this.permission,
-          this.label));
-    }
-    _computeOptions(permission) {
-      if (permission === 'priority') {
-        return PRIORITY_OPTIONS;
-      }
-      return DROPDOWN_OPTIONS;
-    }
-    _handleRemoveRule() {
-      if (this.rule.value.added) {
-        this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(
-            'added-rule-removed', {bubbles: true, composed: true}));
-      }
-      this._deleted = true;
-      this.rule.value.deleted = true;
-      this.dispatchEvent(
-          new CustomEvent('access-modified', {bubbles: true, composed: true}));
-    }
-    _handleUndoRemove() {
-      this._deleted = false;
-      delete this.rule.value.deleted;
-    }
-    _handleUndoChange() {
-      // gr-permission will take care of removing rules that were added but
-      // unsaved. We need to keep the added bit for the filter.
-      if (this.rule.value.added) { return; }
-      this.set('rule.value', Object.assign({}, this._originalRuleValues));
-      this._deleted = false;
-      delete this.rule.value.deleted;
-      delete this.rule.value.modified;
-    }
-    _handleValueChange() {
-      if (!this._originalRuleValues) { return; }
-      this.rule.value.modified = true;
-      // Allows overall access page to know a change has been made.
-      this.dispatchEvent(
-          new CustomEvent('access-modified', {bubbles: true, composed: true}));
-    }
-    _setOriginalRuleValues(value) {
-      this._originalRuleValues = Object.assign({}, value);
-    }
-  customElements.define(, GrRuleEditor);
+  _setupValues(rule) {
+    if (!rule.value) {
+      this._setDefaultRuleValues();
+    }
+  }
+  _computeForce(permission, action) {
+    if ( === permission &&
+        action !== Action.DENY) {
+      return true;
+    }
+    return === permission;
+  }
+  _computeForceClass(permission, action) {
+    return this._computeForce(permission, action) ? 'force' : '';
+  }
+  _computeGroupPath(group) {
+    return `${this.getBaseUrl()}/admin/groups/${this.encodeURL(group, true)}`;
+  }
+  _handleAccessSaved() {
+    // Set a new 'original' value to keep track of after the value has been
+    // saved.
+    this._setOriginalRuleValues(this.rule.value);
+  }
+  _handleEditingChanged(editing, editingOld) {
+    // Ignore when editing gets set initially.
+    if (!editingOld) { return; }
+    // Restore original values if no longer editing.
+    if (!editing) {
+      this._handleUndoChange();
+    }
+  }
+  _computeSectionClass(editing, deleted) {
+    const classList = [];
+    if (editing) {
+      classList.push('editing');
+    }
+    if (deleted) {
+      classList.push('deleted');
+    }
+    return classList.join(' ');
+  }
+  _computeForceOptions(permission, action) {
+    if (permission === {
+      if (action === Action.ALLOW) {
+        return ForcePushOptions.ALLOW;
+      } else if (action === Action.BLOCK) {
+        return ForcePushOptions.BLOCK;
+      } else {
+        return [];
+      }
+    } else if (permission === {
+      return FORCE_EDIT_OPTIONS;
+    }
+    return [];
+  }
+  _getDefaultRuleValues(permission, label) {
+    const ruleAction = Action.ALLOW;
+    const value = {};
+    if (permission === 'priority') {
+      value.action = PRIORITY_OPTIONS[0];
+      return value;
+    } else if (label) {
+      value.min = label.values[0].value;
+      value.max = label.values[label.values.length - 1].value;
+    } else if (this._computeForce(permission, ruleAction)) {
+      value.force =
+          this._computeForceOptions(permission, ruleAction)[0].value;
+    }
+    value.action = DROPDOWN_OPTIONS[0];
+    return value;
+  }
+  _setDefaultRuleValues() {
+    this.set('rule.value', this._getDefaultRuleValues(this.permission,
+        this.label));
+  }
+  _computeOptions(permission) {
+    if (permission === 'priority') {
+      return PRIORITY_OPTIONS;
+    }
+  }
+  _handleRemoveRule() {
+    if (this.rule.value.added) {
+      this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(
+          'added-rule-removed', {bubbles: true, composed: true}));
+    }
+    this._deleted = true;
+    this.rule.value.deleted = true;
+    this.dispatchEvent(
+        new CustomEvent('access-modified', {bubbles: true, composed: true}));
+  }
+  _handleUndoRemove() {
+    this._deleted = false;
+    delete this.rule.value.deleted;
+  }
+  _handleUndoChange() {
+    // gr-permission will take care of removing rules that were added but
+    // unsaved. We need to keep the added bit for the filter.
+    if (this.rule.value.added) { return; }
+    this.set('rule.value', Object.assign({}, this._originalRuleValues));
+    this._deleted = false;
+    delete this.rule.value.deleted;
+    delete this.rule.value.modified;
+  }
+  _handleValueChange() {
+    if (!this._originalRuleValues) { return; }
+    this.rule.value.modified = true;
+    // Allows overall access page to know a change has been made.
+    this.dispatchEvent(
+        new CustomEvent('access-modified', {bubbles: true, composed: true}));
+  }
+  _setOriginalRuleValues(value) {
+    this._originalRuleValues = Object.assign({}, value);
+  }
+customElements.define(, GrRuleEditor);