Make use of HTML in outgoing emails optional

This will make it possible for to turn
HTML off in the emails it sends until bugs in its EmailSender are
ironed out.

Bug: Issue 4589
Change-Id: Iadcfb5a38ac14044e0163a3f2db0c326ccda1f73
diff --git a/Documentation/config-gerrit.txt b/Documentation/config-gerrit.txt
index f66f47e..8661d40 100644
--- a/Documentation/config-gerrit.txt
+++ b/Documentation/config-gerrit.txt
@@ -3327,6 +3327,14 @@
 By default, true, allowing notifications to be sent.
+If false, Gerrit will only send plain-text emails.
+If true, Gerrit will send multi-part emails with an HTML and
+plain text part.
+By default, true, allowing HTML in the emails Gerrit sends.
 The connection timeout of opening a socket connected to a