blob: 3e71f14fe394a7395ff72489b4530508b97ab7e8 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
(function() {
'use strict';
window.Gerrit = window.Gerrit || {};
// This method will eventually move to gr-diff-host (so that gr-diff and it's
// descendants, including gr-diff-comment-thread-group, do not depend on a
// specific comment thread implementation, but can instead be used with other
// comment widgets). I cannot move it there yet, because it is still called
// from this file, and this file cannot depend on gr-diff-host. I decided to
// make it a function on the global Gerrit namespace, so that
// 1) I can move the call-side in the next change without moving this code,
// and thereby reduce the number of moving parts per commit.
// 2) To already now cut the ties to the this object - if it was an element
// method, I would probably want to use isOnParent etc. from `this`, and
// thus be required to change the code when I move it to gr-diff host.
// Making it a free function first requires me to catch any references to
// `this` and instead pass those in as parameter, which then allows me
// to move it later without any other changes, which makes the diff
// easier to read.
* @param {Object} thread
* @param {boolean} isOnParent
* @param {number} parentIndex
* @param {number} changeNum
* @param {string} path
* @param {string} projectName
window.Gerrit.createThreadElement = function(
thread, isOnParent, parentIndex, changeNum, path, projectName) {
const threadEl = document.createElement('gr-diff-comment-thread');
threadEl.comments = thread.comments;
threadEl.commentSide = thread.commentSide;
threadEl.isOnParent = isOnParent;
threadEl.parentIndex = parentIndex;
threadEl.changeNum = changeNum;
threadEl.patchNum = thread.patchNum;
threadEl.lineNum = thread.lineNum;
const rootIdChangedListener = changeEvent => {
thread.rootId = changeEvent.detail.value;
threadEl.addEventListener('root-id-changed', rootIdChangedListener);
threadEl.path = path;
threadEl.projectName = projectName;
threadEl.range = thread.range;
const threadDiscardListener = e => {
const threadEl = /** @type {!Node} */ (e.currentTarget);
const parent = Polymer.dom(threadEl).parentNode;
threadEl.removeEventListener('root-id-changed', rootIdChangedListener);
threadEl.removeEventListener('thread-discard', threadDiscardListener);
threadEl.addEventListener('thread-discard', threadDiscardListener);
return threadEl;
is: 'gr-diff-comment-thread-group',
properties: {
get threadEls() {
return Polymer.dom(this).queryDistributedElements(
* Fetch the thread element at the given range, or the range-less thread
* element on the line if no range is provided, lineNum, and side.
* @param {string} side
* @param {!Object=} opt_range
* @return {!Object|undefined}
getThreadEl(side, opt_range) {
const threads = [],
thread => this._rangesEqual(thread.range, opt_range))
.filter(thread => thread.commentSide === side);
if (threads.length === 1) {
return threads[0];
* Compare two ranges. Either argument may be falsy, but will only return
* true if both are falsy or if neither are falsy and have the same position
* values.
* @param {Object=} a range 1
* @param {Object=} b range 2
* @return {boolean}
_rangesEqual(a, b) {
if (!a && !b) { return true; }
if (!a || !b) { return false; }
return a.startLine === b.startLine &&
a.startChar === b.startChar &&
a.endLine === b.endLine &&
a.endChar === b.endChar;