Upgrade JGit to v5.6.0.201912041214-rc1

Include the following changes:

a7e454bc5 - JGit v5.6.0.201912041214-rc1
4ea42bc81 - Prepare 5.6.0-SNAPSHOT builds
6c9aa82f7 - JGit v5.6.0.201911271000-m3
5897bc430 - ReceivePack: Open visibility for some methods
533a81db9 - JGit pgm: Format blame output to match canonical git
59f9d206c - Make blame work correctly on merge conflicts
7554bdfad - Bazel: Use java_plugin and java_binary from @rules_java in jmh.bzl
2c5ed560c - Bazel: Add missing newlines at end of BUILD files
8041b71c7 - Upgrade maven-enforcer-plugin to 3.0.0-M3
ffb979bef - Add missing license header to ReftableDatabase
3e01123a5 - Add missing license header to UploadPackRefSortingForReachabilityTest
3d4c95293 - [spotbugs] Fix potential NPE in FSTest
74487ffa1 - Remove unused import in CreateFileSnapshotBenchmark
9cb8e2f31 - RepositoryCache: don't require HEAD in git repositories
e0744891f - FileRepository: cleanup refs outside refs/ on reftable conversion
fd51cd159 - Update Orbit to S20191118194249 for 2019-12 M3
75038afc8 - Silence API error for new method in ReachabilityChecker
f2ccc4213 - UploadPackTest: Fix unused parameter in checkUnadvertisedIfUnallowed
f5f5c80bf - BitmappedReachabilityChecker: Use only one bitmap for the whole check
989a927a5 - checkNotAdvertisedWants: Be lazy converting Ref to RevCommit
a0204a472 - ReachabilityChecker: Receive a Stream instead of a Collection
2ff0c0aba - UploadPack: Prioritize references for non-advertised wants checks
fa1566f40 - ReceivePack: Fix name hiding of 'atomic' member
e9c21fca5 - ReceivePack: Remove unnecessarily nested else-clause
f8e60ce1c - Simplify comparator code
8fcba48b7 - Fix typo in Javadoc
0356613f4 - pgm: add write stats to BenchmarkReftable
a8f4bf6ab - pgm: add command to convert repo to reftable
38586d54d - file: implement FileReftableDatabase
7b73d5eec - Fix Maven missing version warning
7ab7ec00c - Use Java 8 source and target in Maven
a6bdcace3 - ReceivePack: Reduce visibility of methods
830e7bf67 - Suppress API error raised for constant added in 345e2648
cb85f7be8 - TopoSortGenerator: simplify first-parent handling
1daf6f13a - RewriteGenerator: avoid adding null parent
345e2648d - DiffFormatter: support core.quotePath = false
a227dc3ba - IndexDiff/SubmoduleWalk: make the RepositoryBuilder configurable
7a3b93cbe - IndexDiff/SubmoduleWalk: handle submodule.<name>.ignore correctly
63fba337b - Run Eclipse formatter on BatchRefUpdateTest
74bfec411 - Move KetchSystem.delay to FileUtils.

Change-Id: I82d728f4583e7c6b85643ebdc008e4a161c2e781
1 file changed
tree: 3ded1b660133f1ee70b5c375d4918fd57f929a95
  1. .settings/
  2. antlr3/
  3. contrib/
  4. Documentation/
  5. e2e-tests/
  6. java/
  7. javatests/
  8. lib/
  9. modules/
  10. plugins/
  11. polygerrit-ui/
  12. prolog/
  13. prologtests/
  14. proto/
  15. resources/
  16. tools/
  17. webapp/
  18. .bazelignore
  19. .bazelproject
  20. .bazelrc
  21. .bazelversion
  22. .editorconfig
  23. .git-blame-ignore-revs
  24. .gitignore
  25. .gitmodules
  26. .gitreview
  27. .mailmap
  28. .pydevproject
  29. BUILD
  32. Jenkinsfile
  33. package.json
  34. README.md
  36. version.bzl

Gerrit Code Review

Gerrit is a code review and project management tool for Git based projects.

Build Status


Gerrit makes reviews easier by showing changes in a side-by-side display, and allowing inline comments to be added by any reviewer.

Gerrit simplifies Git based project maintainership by permitting any authorized user to submit changes to the master Git repository, rather than requiring all approved changes to be merged in by hand by the project maintainer.


For information about how to install and use Gerrit, refer to the documentation.


Our canonical Git repository is located on googlesource.com. There is a mirror of the repository on Github.

Reporting bugs

Please report bugs on the issue tracker.


Gerrit is the work of hundreds of contributors. We appreciate your help!

Please read the contribution guidelines.

Note that we do not accept Pull Requests via the Github mirror.

Getting in contact

The Developer Mailing list is repo-discuss on Google Groups.


Gerrit is provided under the Apache License 2.0.


Install Bazel and run the following:

    git clone --recurse-submodules https://gerrit.googlesource.com/gerrit
    cd gerrit && bazel build release

Install binary packages (Deb/Rpm)

The instruction how to configure GerritForge/BinTray repositories is here

On Debian/Ubuntu run:

    apt-get update & apt-get install gerrit=<version>-<release>

NOTE: release is a counter that starts with 1 and indicates the number of packages that have been released with the same version of the software.

On CentOS/RedHat run:

    yum clean all && yum install gerrit-<version>[-<release>]

On Fedora run:

    dnf clean all && dnf install gerrit-<version>[-<release>]

Use pre-built Gerrit images on Docker

Docker images of Gerrit are available on DockerHub

To run a CentOS 7 based Gerrit image:

    docker run -p 8080:8080 gerritforge/gerrit-centos7[:version]

To run a Ubuntu 15.04 based Gerrit image:

    docker run -p 8080:8080 gerritforge/gerrit-ubuntu15.04[:version]

NOTE: release is optional. Last released package of the version is installed if the release number is omitted.