blob: c40229720e9e70ae325146cdd5089a7c1316d4d0 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Do not add any bazel-specific properties in this file to keep it clean.
// Please add such properties to the .eslintrc-bazel.js file
const path = require('path');
module.exports = {
"extends": ["eslint:recommended", "google"],
"parserOptions": {
"ecmaVersion": 9,
"sourceType": "module"
"env": {
"browser": true,
"es6": true
"rules": {
"no-confusing-arrow": "error",
"newline-per-chained-call": ["error", {"ignoreChainWithDepth": 2}],
"arrow-body-style": ["error", "as-needed",
{"requireReturnForObjectLiteral": true}],
"arrow-parens": ["error", "as-needed"],
"block-spacing": ["error", "always"],
"brace-style": ["error", "1tbs", {"allowSingleLine": true}],
"camelcase": "off",
"comma-dangle": ["error", {
"arrays": "always-multiline",
"objects": "always-multiline",
"imports": "always-multiline",
"exports": "always-multiline",
"functions": "never"
"eol-last": "off",
"indent": ["error", 2, {
"MemberExpression": 2,
"FunctionDeclaration": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2},
"FunctionExpression": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2},
"CallExpression": {"arguments": 2},
"ArrayExpression": 1,
"ObjectExpression": 1,
"SwitchCase": 1
"keyword-spacing": ["error", {"after": true, "before": true}],
"lines-between-class-members": ["error", "always"],
"max-len": [
"ignoreComments": true,
"ignorePattern": "^import .*;$"
"new-cap": ["error", {
"capIsNewExceptions": ["Polymer", "GestureEventListeners"],
"capIsNewExceptionPattern": "^.*Mixin$"
"no-console": ["error", { allow: ["warn", "error", "info", "assert", "group", "groupEnd"] }],
"no-multiple-empty-lines": ["error", {"max": 1}],
"no-prototype-builtins": "off",
"no-redeclare": "off",
'array-callback-return': ['error', { allowImplicit: true }],
"no-restricted-syntax": [
"selector": "ExpressionStatement > CallExpression > MemberExpression['test']['only']",
"message": "Remove test.only."
"selector": "ExpressionStatement > CallExpression > MemberExpression['suite']['only']",
"message": "Remove suite.only."
// no-undef disables global variable.
// "globals" declares allowed global variables.
"no-undef": ["error"],
"no-useless-escape": "off",
"no-var": "error",
"operator-linebreak": "off",
"object-shorthand": ["error", "always"],
"padding-line-between-statements": [
"blankLine": "always",
"prev": "class",
"next": "*"
"blankLine": "always",
"prev": "*",
"next": "class"
"prefer-arrow-callback": "error",
"prefer-const": "error",
"prefer-promise-reject-errors": "error",
"prefer-spread": "error",
"prefer-object-spread": "error",
"quote-props": ["error", "consistent-as-needed"],
"semi": ["error", "always"],
"template-curly-spacing": "error",
"require-jsdoc": 0,
"valid-jsdoc": 0,
"jsdoc/check-alignment": 2,
"jsdoc/check-examples": 0,
"jsdoc/check-indentation": 0,
"jsdoc/check-param-names": 0,
"jsdoc/check-syntax": 0,
"jsdoc/check-tag-names": 0,
"jsdoc/check-types": 0,
"jsdoc/implements-on-classes": 2,
"jsdoc/match-description": 0,
"jsdoc/newline-after-description": 2,
"jsdoc/no-types": 0,
"jsdoc/no-undefined-types": 0,
"jsdoc/require-description": 0,
"jsdoc/require-description-complete-sentence": 0,
"jsdoc/require-example": 0,
"jsdoc/require-hyphen-before-param-description": 0,
"jsdoc/require-jsdoc": 0,
"jsdoc/require-param": 0,
"jsdoc/require-param-description": 0,
"jsdoc/require-param-name": 2,
"jsdoc/require-param-type": 2,
"jsdoc/require-returns": 0,
"jsdoc/require-returns-check": 0,
"jsdoc/require-returns-description": 0,
"jsdoc/require-returns-type": 2,
"jsdoc/valid-types": 2,
"jsdoc/require-file-overview": ["error", {
"tags": {
"license": {
"mustExist": true,
"preventDuplicates": true
"import/no-self-import": 2,
// The no-cycle rule is slow, because it doesn't cache dependencies.
// Disable it.
"import/no-cycle": 0,
"import/no-useless-path-segments": 2,
"import/no-unused-modules": 2,
"import/no-default-export": 2,
// Custom rule from the //tools/js/eslint-rules directory.
// See //tools/js/eslint-rules/ for details
"goog-module-id": 2,
// List of allowed globals in all files
"globals": {
// Polygerrit global variables.
// You must not add anything new in this list!
// Instead export variables from modules
// TODO(dmfilippov): Remove global variables from polygerrit
// Global variables from 3rd party libraries.
// You should not add anything in this list, always try to import
// If import is not possible - you can extend this list
"ShadyCSS": "readonly",
"linkify": "readonly",
"security": "readonly",
"overrides": [
// .js-only rules
"files": ["**/*.js"],
"rules": {
// The rule is required for .js files only, because typescript compiler
// always checks import.
"import/no-unresolved": 2,
"import/named": 2,
"globals": {
"goog": "readonly",
"files": ["**/*.ts"],
"extends": [require.resolve("gts/.eslintrc.json")],
"rules": {
// The following rules is required to match internal google rules
"@typescript-eslint/restrict-plus-operands": "error",
"parserOptions": {
"project": path.resolve(__dirname, "./tsconfig_eslint.json"),
"files": ["**/*.ts"],
"excludedFiles": "*.d.ts",
"rules": {
// Custom rule from the //tools/js/eslint-rules directory.
// See //tools/js/eslint-rules/ for details
"ts-imports-js": 2,
"files": ["**/*.d.ts"],
"rules": {
// See details in the //tools/js/eslint-rules/report-ts-error.js file.
"report-ts-error": "error",
"files": ["*.html", "test.js", "test-infra.js"],
"rules": {
"jsdoc/require-file-overview": "off"
"files": [
// Additional global variables allowed in tests
"globals": {
// Global variables from 3rd party test libraries/frameworks.
// You can extend this list if you want to use other global
// variables from these libraries and import is not possible
"MockInteractions": "readonly",
"_": "readonly",
"axs": "readonly",
"a11ySuite": "readonly",
"assert": "readonly",
"expect": "readonly",
"fixture": "readonly",
"flush": "readonly",
"flushAsynchronousOperations": "readonly",
"setup": "readonly",
"sinon": "readonly",
"stub": "readonly",
"suite": "readonly",
"suiteSetup": "readonly",
"suiteTeardown": "readonly",
"teardown": "readonly",
"test": "readonly",
"fixtureFromElement": "readonly",
"fixtureFromTemplate": "readonly",
"files": "import-href.js",
"globals": {
"HTMLImports": "readonly",
"files": ["samples/**/*.js"],
"globals": {
// Settings for samples. You can add globals here if you want to use it
"Gerrit": "readonly",
"Polymer": "readonly",
"files": ["test/functional/**/*.js"],
// Settings for functional tests. These scripts are node scripts.
// Turn off "no-undef" to allow any global variable
"env": {
"browser": false,
"node": true,
"es6": false
"rules": {
"no-undef": "off",
"files": ["*_html.js", "gr-icons.js", "*-theme.js", "*-styles.js"],
"rules": {
"max-len": "off"
"files": ["*_html.js"],
"rules": {
"prettier/prettier": ["error", {
"bracketSpacing": false,
"singleQuote": true,
"plugins": [
"settings": {
"html/report-bad-indent": "error",
"import/resolver": {
"node": {},
[path.resolve(__dirname, './.eslint-ts-resolver.js')]: {},