antlr/BUILD: clear timestamps

zip was earlier introduced to avoid problems with Bazel's zipper,
which tried to rename things where it couldn't. The standard zip
stores timestamps, leading to spurious rebuilds, especially when
building in IntelliJ.

Change-Id: I7174e14e397da1c6774f543284009b307e982cce
diff --git a/antlr3/BUILD b/antlr3/BUILD
index 08acf38..6d7102a 100644
--- a/antlr3/BUILD
+++ b/antlr3/BUILD
@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@
     cmd = " && ".join([
         "$(location //lib/antlr:antlr-tool) -o $$TMP $<",
         "cd $$TMP",
-        "zip -q $$ROOT/$@ $$(find . -type f )",
+        "find . -exec touch -t 198001010000 '{}' ';'",
+        "zip -q $$ROOT/$@ $$(find . -type f)",
     tools = [
-        "@bazel_tools//tools/zip:zipper",
     visibility = ["//visibility:public"],