Overrule BLOCK with ALLOW on the same project
It was impossible to block a permission for a group and allow the same
permission for a sub-group of that group as the block always won over an
allow. For example, it was impossible to block the "Forge Committer"
permission for all users and then allow it only for a couple of
privileged users.
This change gives an ALLOW permission priority over a BLOCK permission
when they are defined in the same access section of a project. To
achieve the above mentioned policy we define:
[access "refs/heads/*"]
forgeCommitter = block group Anonymous Users
forgeCommitter = group Privileged Users
Across projects the BLOCK permission still wins over an ALLOW
permission. This way one cannot override an inherited BLOCK in a
Overruling of BLOCK with ALLOW also works for labels i.e. permission
ranges. If a dedicated Verifiers group need to be the only group who can
vote in the Verified label and we must ensure that even project
owners cannot change this policy then we define the following in a
common parent project:
[access "refs/heads/*"]
label-Verified = block -1..+1 group Anonymous Users
label-Verified = -1..+1 group Verifiers
Change-Id: I8e27b6b060d60bb8a846ce62d0338f613a7d7a3e
Signed-off-by: Sasa Zivkov <sasa.zivkov@sap.com>
Signed-off-by: Edwin Kempin <edwin.kempin@sap.com>
3 files changed