blob: 577eec6eda54b7f3ca7467bde1f3cc707c385849 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
(function() {
'use strict';
is: 'gr-diff-highlight',
properties: {
comments: Object,
loggedIn: Boolean,
* querySelector can return null, so needs to be nullable.
* @type {?HTMLElement}
* */
_cachedDiffBuilder: Object,
isAttached: Boolean,
listeners: {
'comment-mouse-out': '_handleCommentMouseOut',
'comment-mouse-over': '_handleCommentMouseOver',
'create-range-comment': '_createRangeComment',
observers: [
'_enableSelectionObserver(loggedIn, isAttached)',
get diffBuilder() {
if (!this._cachedDiffBuilder) {
this._cachedDiffBuilder =
return this._cachedDiffBuilder;
_enableSelectionObserver(loggedIn, isAttached) {
if (loggedIn && isAttached) {
this.listen(document, 'selectionchange', '_handleSelectionChange');
} else {
this.unlisten(document, 'selectionchange', '_handleSelectionChange');
isRangeSelected() {
return !!this.$$('gr-selection-action-box');
_handleSelectionChange() {
// Can't use up or down events to handle selection started and/or ended in
// in comment threads or outside of diff.
// Debounce removeActionBox to give it a chance to react to click/tap.
this.debounce('selectionChange', this._handleSelection, 200);
_handleCommentMouseOver(e) {
const comment = e.detail.comment;
if (!comment.range) { return; }
const lineEl = this.diffBuilder.getLineElByChild(;
const side = this.diffBuilder.getSideByLineEl(lineEl);
const index = this._indexOfComment(side, comment);
if (index !== undefined) {
this.set(['comments', side, index, '__hovering'], true);
_handleCommentMouseOut(e) {
const comment = e.detail.comment;
if (!comment.range) { return; }
const lineEl = this.diffBuilder.getLineElByChild(;
const side = this.diffBuilder.getSideByLineEl(lineEl);
const index = this._indexOfComment(side, comment);
if (index !== undefined) {
this.set(['comments', side, index, '__hovering'], false);
_indexOfComment(side, comment) {
const idProp = ? 'id' : '__draftID';
for (let i = 0; i < this.comments[side].length; i++) {
if (comment[idProp] &&
this.comments[side][i][idProp] === comment[idProp]) {
return i;
* Get current normalized selection.
* Merges multiple ranges, accounts for triple click, accounts for
* syntax highligh, convert native DOM Range objects to Gerrit concepts
* (line, side, etc).
* @return {({
* start: {
* node: Node,
* side: string,
* line: Number,
* column: Number
* },
* end: {
* node: Node,
* side: string,
* line: Number,
* column: Number
* }
* })|null|!Object}
_getNormalizedRange() {
const selection = window.getSelection();
const rangeCount = selection.rangeCount;
if (rangeCount === 0) {
return null;
} else if (rangeCount === 1) {
return this._normalizeRange(selection.getRangeAt(0));
} else {
const startRange = this._normalizeRange(selection.getRangeAt(0));
const endRange = this._normalizeRange(
selection.getRangeAt(rangeCount - 1));
return {
start: startRange.start,
end: endRange.end,
* Normalize a specific DOM Range.
* @return {!Object} fixed normalized range
_normalizeRange(domRange) {
const range = GrRangeNormalizer.normalize(domRange);
return this._fixTripleClickSelection({
start: this._normalizeSelectionSide(
range.startContainer, range.startOffset),
end: this._normalizeSelectionSide(
range.endContainer, range.endOffset),
}, domRange);
* Adjust triple click selection for the whole line.
* A triple click always results in:
* - start.column == end.column == 0
* - end.line == start.line + 1
* @param {!Object} range Normalized range, ie column/line numbers
* @param {!Range} domRange DOM Range object
* @return {!Object} fixed normalized range
_fixTripleClickSelection(range, domRange) {
if (!range.start) {
// Selection outside of current diff.
return range;
const start = range.start;
const end = range.end;
// Happens when triple click in side-by-side mode with other side empty.
const endsAtOtherEmptySide = !end &&
domRange.endOffset === 0 &&
domRange.endContainer.nodeName === 'TD' &&
(domRange.endContainer.classList.contains('left') ||
const endsAtBeginningOfNextLine = end &&
start.column === 0 &&
end.column === 0 &&
end.line === start.line + 1;
const content = domRange.cloneContents().querySelector('.contentText');
const lineLength = content && this._getLength(content) || 0;
if (lineLength && (endsAtBeginningOfNextLine || endsAtOtherEmptySide)) {
// Move the selection to the end of the previous line.
range.end = {
node: start.node,
column: lineLength,
side: start.side,
line: start.line,
return range;
* Convert DOM Range selection to concrete numbers (line, column, side).
* Moves range end if it's not inside td.content.
* Returns null if selection end is not valid (outside of diff).
* @param {Node} node td.content child
* @param {number} offset offset within node
* @return {({
* node: Node,
* side: string,
* line: Number,
* column: Number
* }|undefined)}
_normalizeSelectionSide(node, offset) {
let column;
if (!this.contains(node)) {
const lineEl = this.diffBuilder.getLineElByChild(node);
if (!lineEl) {
const side = this.diffBuilder.getSideByLineEl(lineEl);
if (!side) {
const line = this.diffBuilder.getLineNumberByChild(lineEl);
if (!line) {
const contentText = this.diffBuilder.getContentByLineEl(lineEl);
if (!contentText) {
const contentTd = contentText.parentElement;
if (!contentTd.contains(node)) {
node = contentText;
column = 0;
} else {
const thread = contentTd.querySelector('gr-diff-comment-thread');
if (thread && thread.contains(node)) {
column = this._getLength(contentText);
node = contentText;
} else {
column = this._convertOffsetToColumn(node, offset);
return {
* The only line in which add a comment tooltip is cut off is the first
* line. Even if there is a collapsed section, The first visible line is
* in the position where the second line would have been, if not for the
* collapsed section, so don't need to worry about this case for
* positioning the tooltip.
_positionActionBox(actionBox, startLine, range) {
if (startLine > 1) {
actionBox.positionBelow = true;
_handleSelection() {
const normalizedRange = this._getNormalizedRange();
if (!normalizedRange) {
const domRange = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
/** @type {?} */
const start = normalizedRange.start;
if (!start) {
const end = normalizedRange.end;
if (!end) {
if (start.side !== end.side ||
end.line < start.line ||
(start.line === end.line && start.column === end.column)) {
// TODO (viktard): Drop empty first and last lines from selection.
const actionBox = document.createElement('gr-selection-action-box');
const root = Polymer.dom(this.root);
root.insertBefore(actionBox, root.firstElementChild);
actionBox.range = {
startLine: start.line,
startChar: start.column,
endLine: end.line,
endChar: end.column,
actionBox.side = start.side;
if (start.line === end.line) {
this._positionActionBox(actionBox, start.line, domRange);
} else if (start.node instanceof Text) {
if (start.column) {
this._positionActionBox(actionBox, start.line,
start.node.parentElement.normalize(); // Undo splitText from above.
} else if (start.node.classList.contains('content') &&
start.node.firstChild) {
this._positionActionBox(actionBox, start.line, start.node.firstChild);
} else {
this._positionActionBox(actionBox, start.line, start.node);
_createRangeComment(e) {
_removeActionBoxDebounced() {
this.debounce('removeActionBox', this._removeActionBox, 10);
_removeActionBox() {
const actionBox = this.$$('gr-selection-action-box');
if (actionBox) {
_convertOffsetToColumn(el, offset) {
if (el instanceof Element && el.classList.contains('content')) {
return offset;
while (el.previousSibling ||
!el.parentElement.classList.contains('content')) {
if (el.previousSibling) {
el = el.previousSibling;
offset += this._getLength(el);
} else {
el = el.parentElement;
return offset;
* Traverse Element from right to left, call callback for each node.
* Stops if callback returns true.
* @param {!Element} startNode
* @param {function(Node):boolean} callback
* @param {Object=} opt_flags If flags.left is true, traverse left.
_traverseContentSiblings(startNode, callback, opt_flags) {
const travelLeft = opt_flags && opt_flags.left;
let node = startNode;
while (node) {
if (node instanceof Element &&
node.tagName !== 'HL' &&
node.tagName !== 'SPAN') {
const nextNode = travelLeft ? node.previousSibling : node.nextSibling;
if (callback(node)) {
node = nextNode;
* Get length of a node. If the node is a content node, then only give the
* length of its .contentText child.
* @param {?Element} node this is sometimes passed as null.
* @return {number}
_getLength(node) {
if (node instanceof Element && node.classList.contains('content')) {
return this._getLength(node.querySelector('.contentText'));
} else {
return GrAnnotation.getLength(node);