Merge branch 'stable-2.15'

* stable-2.15: Add support for multiple version
  Update .mailmap
  SmtpEmailSender: Open Writer in try-with-resource
  Open instances of JsonReader in try-with-resource
  Set 2.13.12-SNAPSHOT in pom.xml and plugin documentation
  Clarify behavior of ownerin: and reviewerin: predicates
  AbstractElasticIndex: Open XContentBuilder in try-with-resource
  Docs: Clarify that for external groups the name in GroupInfo can be missing
  AccountGroupAuditLogScreen: Display group UUID if group name is missing
  GetAuditLog: Fix NPE if group UUID cannot be resolved
  VersionedMetaData: Open TreeWalk in try-with-resource
  FileContentUtil: Open TreeWalk in try-with-resource
  Add ProjectCache.remove(Project.NameKey name) method
  Set version to 2.13.12-SNAPSHOT
  Use SecureRandom instead of Random
  Use try with resource in DelegatingClassLoader
  AbstractQueryChangesTest: Add test coverage for query: predicate
  AbstractQueryChangesTest: Add test coverage for destination: predicate
  doc: fix the example of index activate command
  doc: add groups index to index activate command
  AbstractQueryChangesTest: explicitly cover is:owner
  AbstractQueryChangesTest: Add stub test for "query:" predicate
  Fix internal errors when 'destination:' refers to non-existing destination
  lib/elasticsearch: restore jackson_dataformat_smile
  AbstractQueryChangesTest: Add back test for visible: predicate
  AbstractQueryChangesTest: Add coverage of is:mergeable
  AbstractQueryChangesTest: Add coverage of is:cc and cc:self
  AbstractQueryChangesTest: Add coverage for is:visible
  AbstractQueryChangesTest#submitRecords: Add coverage for submittable:closed
  AbstractQueryChangesTest#bySize: Make it easier to discover size: and delta:
  AbstractQueryChangesTest: Use Lists.newArrayList
  AbstractQueryChangesTest: Add coverage for the commit: predicate
  user-search: Add missing documentation of is:cc predicate
  AbstractQueryChangesTest: Add coverage for is:reviewer and reviewer:self
  AbstractQueryChangesTest: Add coverage for parentproject: predicate
  AbstractQueryChangesTest: Add coverage for is:reviewed and status:reviewed
  AbstractQueryChangesTest#byStatusOpen: Add coverage for is:pending
  AbstractQueryChangesTest: Add test coverage for since: and until: predicates
  AbstractQueryChangesTest: Add test coverage for assignee related queries
  Add extra info when checking access to change
  Fix logging of a change ID that failed to rebuild.
  Log NoteDb migration state transitions
  lib/elasticsearch: remove unnecessary dependencies
  lib/jest for Elasticsearch: refactor dependencies
  Elasticsearch BUILD: remove unneeded dependencies

Change-Id: I93d0c7cd71dfcbfe0fcbd6ec0cd2884a8081bb9d
tree: 94099473b6a3dcd0db07345b14ba2a9eee026a5e
  1. .settings/
  2. antlr3/
  3. contrib/
  4. Documentation/
  5. gerrit-gwtdebug/
  6. gerrit-gwtui/
  7. gerrit-gwtui-common/
  8. gerrit-plugin-gwtui/
  9. java/
  10. javatests/
  11. lib/
  12. plugins/
  13. polygerrit-ui/
  14. prolog/
  15. prologtests/
  16. resources/
  17. tools/
  18. webapp/
  19. .bazelproject
  20. .editorconfig
  21. .git-blame-ignore-revs
  22. .gitignore
  23. .gitmodules
  24. .mailmap
  25. .pydevproject
  26. BUILD
  31. version.bzl

Gerrit Code Review

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Install Bazel and run the following:

    git clone --recursive
    cd gerrit && bazel build release

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    apt-get update & apt-get install gerrit=<version>-<release>

NOTE: release is a counter that starts with 1 and indicates the number of packages that have been released with the same version of the software.

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    yum clean all && yum install gerrit-<version>[-<release>]

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    dnf clean all && dnf install gerrit-<version>[-<release>]

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    docker run -p 8080:8080 gerritforge/gerrit-centos7[:version]

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    docker run -p 8080:8080 gerritforge/gerrit-ubuntu15.04[:version]

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