Documentation: improve Verified label configuation section

* Adjust documentation to state that the Code-Review label is the only
  actual default configured label.
* Add `copyAllScoresIfNoCodeChange = true` to example Verified label
  configuration to mimick what the InitLabels InitStep would configure.

Change-Id: I37a56c38cffca7bbc6e7c6c2bf7ef68ee5596238
diff --git a/Documentation/config-labels.txt b/Documentation/config-labels.txt
index e4b9a83..532b8c42 100644
--- a/Documentation/config-labels.txt
+++ b/Documentation/config-labels.txt
@@ -11,11 +11,10 @@
 == Label: Code-Review
-The code review label is the second of two default labels that is
-configured upon the creation of a Gerrit instance.  It may have any
-meaning the project desires.  It was originally invented by the Android
-Open Source Project to mean 'I read the code and it seems reasonably
+The Code-Review label is configured upon the creation of a Gerrit
+instance.  It may have any meaning the project desires.  It was
+originally invented by the Android Open Source Project to mean
+'I read the code and it seems reasonably correct'.
 The range of values is:
@@ -87,8 +86,10 @@
 Project to mean 'compiles, passes basic unit tests'.  Some CI tools
 expect to use the Verified label to vote on a change after running.
-Administrators can install the Verified label by adding the following
-text to `project.config`:
+During site initialization the administrator may have chosen to
+configure the default Verified label for all projects.  In case it is
+desired to configure it at a later time, administrators can do this by
+adding the following to `project.config` in `All-Projects`:
   [label "Verified"]
@@ -96,6 +97,7 @@
       value = -1 Fails
       value =  0 No score
       value = +1 Verified
+      copyAllScoresIfNoCodeChange = true
 The range of values is:
@@ -315,8 +317,8 @@
 the commit message is different. This can be used to enable sticky
 approvals on labels that only depend on the code, reducing turn-around
 if only the commit message is changed prior to submitting a change.
-For the Verified label that is installed by the link:pgm-init.html[init]
-site program this is enabled by default.
+For the Verified label that is optionally installed by the
+link:pgm-init.html[init] site program this is enabled by default.
 Defaults to false.