Serialize TagSetHolder with protobuf

TagSetHolder and TagSet have some slightly exotic properties:
  * A subclass of AtomicReference<ObjectId> with additional fields,
  * An ObjectIdOwnerMap, which requires a custom subclass of ObjectId
    with additional fields.
  * BitSets.
  * Volatile field references.

However, it still boils down to collections of value types, so the
resulting TagSetProto structure is pretty straightforward.

The most annoying thing is that the AtomicReference and ObjectId
subclasses can't reasonably implement equals(), so the tests need to
have more detailed assertions which reach into what would otherwise be
private fields.

While we're in there, eliminate the intermediate EntryVal class, which
was serving no purpose other than to hold the readObject/writeObject
methods for Java serialization.

It is quite possible that this change will be slower to deserialize than
using Java serialization, since it was previously able to directly
deserialize the internal data structures, whereas we now have to build
these structures piece by piece. However, as with the rest of the
serialization code, we assume that proto is good enough until proven

Beyond that, we don't attempt to further rework the tag cache types or
the cache as a whole. In particular:
  * Continue to use volatile types to handle incrementally updating
    specific cache entries.
  * Using composition instead of inheritance for CachedRef is out of
    scope. However, note that using protobuf for serialization means
    that we can make this change without flushing the cache.
  * Using a less exotic type than ObjectIdOwnerMap would probably
    require some benchmarking to prove that it's worth making the

Change-Id: I08623b3f51ef1a0541559bbb2360c0d06a9de9d4
6 files changed
tree: bd105f9687366be22f8856e83b4e3dd2c05c6bae
  1. .settings/
  2. antlr3/
  3. contrib/
  4. Documentation/
  5. gerrit-acceptance-tests/
  6. gerrit-gwtdebug/
  7. gerrit-gwtui/
  8. gerrit-gwtui-common/
  9. gerrit-plugin-gwtui/
  10. java/
  11. javatests/
  12. lib/
  13. plugins/
  14. polygerrit-ui/
  15. prolog/
  16. prologtests/
  17. proto/
  18. resources/
  19. tools/
  20. webapp/
  21. .bazelproject
  22. .editorconfig
  23. .git-blame-ignore-revs
  24. .gitignore
  25. .gitmodules
  26. .mailmap
  27. .pydevproject
  28. BUILD
  33. version.bzl

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