Drop MemberInfo and use AccountInfo instead

Both entities represent accounts and have similar fields. MemberInfo has
more fields but they aren't used so we can just drop them.

Move AccountInfo (on client and server side) from the 'change' package
into the 'account' package since it is now also used outside of the
'/changes/' scope.

Change-Id: I8e8732981ed09851ea0db848ad63a45b983954fe
Signed-off-by: Edwin Kempin <edwin.kempin@sap.com>
diff --git a/Documentation/rest-api-groups.txt b/Documentation/rest-api-groups.txt
index 7ede30f..e9be1bd 100644
--- a/Documentation/rest-api-groups.txt
+++ b/Documentation/rest-api-groups.txt
@@ -494,9 +494,9 @@
 Lists the direct members of a Gerrit internal group.
-As result a list of link:#member-info[MemberInfo] entries is returned.
-The entries in the list are sorted by full name, preferred email and
+As result a list of detailed link:rest-api-accounts.html#account-info[
+AccountInfo] entries is returned. The entries in the list are sorted by
+full name, preferred email and id.
@@ -512,20 +512,14 @@
-      "kind": "gerritcodereview#member",
-      "full_name": "Jane Roe",
-      "id": "1000097",
-      "account_id": 1000097,
-      "preferred_email": "jane.roe@example.com",
-      "user_name": "jane"
+      "_account_id": 1000097,
+      "name": "Jane Roe",
+      "email": "jane.roe@example.com"
-      "kind": "gerritcodereview#member",
-      "full_name": "John Doe",
-      "id": "1000096",
-      "account_id": 1000096,
-      "preferred_email": "john.doe@example.com",
-      "user_name": "doe"
+      "_account_id": 1000096,
+      "name": "John Doe",
+      "email": "john.doe@example.com"
@@ -588,8 +582,8 @@
   GET /groups/834ec36dd5e0ed21a2ff5d7e2255da082d63bbd7/members/1000096 HTTP/1.0
-As response a link:#member-info[MemberInfo] entity is returned that
-describes the group member.
+As response a detailed link:rest-api-accounts.html#account-info[
+AccountInfo] entity is returned that describes the group member.
@@ -599,12 +593,9 @@
-    "kind": "gerritcodereview#member",
-    "full_name": "John Doe",
-    "id": "1000096",
-    "account_id": 1000096,
-    "preferred_email": "john.doe@example.com",
-    "user_name": "doe"
+    "_account_id": 1000096,
+    "name": "John Doe",
+    "email": "john.doe@example.com"
@@ -618,8 +609,8 @@
   PUT /groups/MyProject-Committers/members/John%20Doe HTTP/1.0
-As response a link:#member-info[MemberInfo] entity is returned that
-describes the group member.
+As response a detailed link:rest-api-accounts.html#account-info[
+AccountInfo] entity is returned that describes the group member.
@@ -629,12 +620,9 @@
-    "kind": "gerritcodereview#member",
-    "full_name": "John Doe",
-    "id": "1000037",
-    "account_id": 1000037,
-    "preferred_email": "john.doe@example.com",
-    "user_name": "jdoe"
+    "_account_id": 1000037,
+    "name": "John Doe",
+    "email": "john.doe@example.com"
@@ -666,9 +654,10 @@
-As response a list of link:#member-info[MemberInfo] entities is
-returned that describes the group members that were specified in the
-link:#member-input[MemberInput]. A link:#member-info[MemberInfo] entity
+As response a list of detailed link:rest-api-accounts.html#account-info[
+AccountInfo] entities is returned that describes the group members that
+were specified in the link:#member-input[MemberInput]. An
+link:rest-api-accounts.html#account-info[AccountInfo] entity
 is returned for each user specified in the input, independently of
 whether the user was newly added to the group or whether the user was
 already a member of the group.
@@ -682,20 +671,14 @@
-      "kind": "gerritcodereview#member",
-      "full_name": "Jane Roe",
-      "id": "1000057",
-      "account_id": 1000057,
-      "preferred_email": "jane.roe@example.com",
-      "user_name": "jroe"
+      "_account_id": 1000057,
+      "name": "Jane Roe",
+      "email": "jane.roe@example.com"
-      "kind": "gerritcodereview#member",
-      "full_name": "John Doe",
-      "id": "1000037",
-      "account_id": 1000037,
-      "preferred_email": "john.doe@example.com",
-      "user_name": "jdoe"
+      "_account_id": 1000037,
+      "name": "John Doe",
+      "email": "john.doe@example.com"
@@ -1078,25 +1061,6 @@
 Whether the group is visible to all registered users.
-The `MemberInfo` entity contains information about an account that is
-member of a group.
-|Field Name        ||Description
-|`kind`            ||`gerritcodereview#member`
-|`id`              ||The URL encoded ID of the account.
-|`account_id`      ||The numeric ID of the account.
-|`full_name`       |optional|
-The full name of the user ("Given-name Surname" style).
-|`preferred_email` |optional|
-The email address the user prefers to be contacted through.
-|`user_name`       ||The user name.