Update jgit to 9bfb0f3a4

This update includes the following commits:

9bfb0f3a4 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) [releng] japicmp: update last release version
29697d86c IgnoreNode: include path to file for invalid .gitignore patterns
4e745c57f FastIgnoreRule: include bad pattern in log message
927deed5a init: add config option to set default for the initial branch name
cb8924a80 init: allow specifying the initial branch name for the new repository
64cb7148a Fail clone if initial branch doesn't exist in remote repository
704ccdc09 GPG: fix reading unprotected old-format secret keys
81a76383a Update Orbit to S20210216215844
7e38792ea Add missing bazel dependency for o.e.j.gpg.bc.test
bdc48aeac GPG: handle extended private key format
a14455dfd dfs: handle short copies
27fbd8bf5 Merge "[GPG] Provide a factory for the BouncyCastleGpgSigner"
cd12b570f [GPG] Provide a factory for the BouncyCastleGpgSigner
f1312b4a9 Merge "Rename PackFile to Pack"
3b94ba6c2 Fix boxing warnings
64cbea8a9 GPG: compute the keygrip to find a secret key
3774fcc84 GPG signature verification via BouncyCastle
15a38e5b4 Post commit hook failure should not cause commit failure
935c8b752 Allow to define additional Hook classes outside JGit
f17f8e8ba GitHook: use default charset for output and error streams
5b528474f GitHook: use generic OutputStream instead of PrintStream
7cc1a52c6 Update jetty to 9.4.36.v20210114
efb154fc2 Rename PackFile to Pack
1b9911d9a Allow dir/file conflicts in virtual base commit on recursive merge.
fe4b2a465 Merge "GitHook: make fields outputStream and errorStream private"
686565f41 GitHook: make fields outputStream and errorStream private
6d462e5fe GPG: support git config gpg.program
19bed3399 Bump bazel version to 4.0.0
775564577 Bazel: Remove unused resources variable
c7685003d Fix DateRevQueue tie breaks with more than 2 elements
3259a9602 Field updateHead can be a local variable in RefDirectoryRename
58f2e23fd Fix FileRepository#convertToReftable which failed if no reflog existed
9299df41c Fix SeparateClassloaderTestRunner on Java 9 or higher
c2990810e Merge "reftable: add random suffix to table names"
f077158ac TransportGitAnon: remove unnecessary socket bind to a local address before connecting.
b832b068d reftable: add random suffix to table names

Change-Id: I6eaab410924f2b7c462e7c63519b0aa53773a80e
1 file changed
tree: 34b0acccf9a78b1636696b8a5ee36668df6b2fb3
  1. .settings/
  2. .ts-out/
  3. antlr3/
  4. contrib/
  5. Documentation/
  6. e2e-tests/
  7. java/
  8. javatests/
  9. lib/
  10. modules/
  11. plugins/
  12. polygerrit-ui/
  13. prolog/
  14. prologtests/
  15. proto/
  16. resources/
  17. tools/
  18. webapp/
  19. .bazelignore
  20. .bazelproject
  21. .bazelrc
  22. .bazelversion
  23. .editorconfig
  24. .git-blame-ignore-revs
  25. .gitignore
  26. .gitmodules
  27. .gitreview
  28. .mailmap
  29. .pydevproject
  30. .zuul.yaml
  31. BUILD
  34. Jenkinsfile
  35. package.json
  36. README.md
  38. version.bzl
  40. yarn.lock

Gerrit Code Review

Gerrit is a code review and project management tool for Git based projects.

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Gerrit simplifies Git based project maintainership by permitting any authorized user to submit changes to the master Git repository, rather than requiring all approved changes to be merged in by hand by the project maintainer.


For information about how to install and use Gerrit, refer to the documentation.


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Install Bazel and run the following:

    git clone --recurse-submodules https://gerrit.googlesource.com/gerrit
    cd gerrit && bazel build release

Install binary packages (Deb/Rpm)

The instruction how to configure GerritForge/BinTray repositories is here

On Debian/Ubuntu run:

    apt-get update & apt-get install gerrit=<version>-<release>

NOTE: release is a counter that starts with 1 and indicates the number of packages that have been released with the same version of the software.

On CentOS/RedHat run:

    yum clean all && yum install gerrit-<version>[-<release>]

On Fedora run:

    dnf clean all && dnf install gerrit-<version>[-<release>]

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To run a CentOS 8 based Gerrit image:

    docker run -p 8080:8080 gerritcodereview/gerrit[:version]-centos8

To run a Ubuntu 20.04 based Gerrit image:

    docker run -p 8080:8080 gerritcodereview/gerrit[:version]-ubuntu20

NOTE: release is optional. Last released package of the version is installed if the release number is omitted.