Do not build on stable-2.14 branch

Gerrit v2.14 is EOL and we should not build this branch
anymore on the CI.

Change-Id: I3994c1147c6e7e52cfc3efbc3fb7c320b8f3418d
diff --git a/Jenkinsfile b/Jenkinsfile
deleted file mode 100644
index e09b0f0..0000000
--- a/Jenkinsfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env groovy
-// Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
-import groovy.json.JsonOutput
-class Globals {
-    static final String gerritUrl = ""
-    static final String gerritCredentialsId = ""
-    static final long curlTimeout = 10000
-    static final int waitForResultTimeout = 10000
-    static final String gerritRepositoryNameSha1Suffix = "-a6a0e4682515f3521897c5f950d1394f4619d928"
-    static final resTicks = [ 'ABORTED':'\u26aa', 'SUCCESS':'\u2705', 'FAILURE':'\u274c' ]
-class Change {
-    static String sha1 = ""
-    static String number = ""
-    static String branch = ""
-    static String ref = ""
-    static String patchNum = ""
-    static String url = ""
-class Build {
-    String url
-    String result
-    Build(url, result) {
-        this.url = url
-        this.result = result
-    }
-class Builds {
-    static Set<String> modes = []
-    static Build codeStyle = null
-    static Map verification = [:]
-class GerritCheck {
-    String uuid
-    String changeNum
-    String sha1
-    Build build
-    GerritCheck(name, changeNum, sha1, build) {
-        this.uuid = "gerritforge:" + name.replaceAll("(bazel/)", "") +
-            Globals.gerritRepositoryNameSha1Suffix
-        this.changeNum = changeNum
-        this.sha1 = sha1
- = build
-    }
-    def getCheckResultFromBuild() {
-        switch(build.result) {
-            case 'SUCCESS':
-                return "SUCCESSFUL"
-            case 'NOT_BUILT':
-            case 'ABORTED':
-                return "NOT_STARTED"
-            case 'FAILURE':
-            case 'UNSTABLE':
-            default:
-                return "FAILED"
-        }
-    }
-    def createCheckPayload() {
-        return JsonOutput.toJson([
-            checker_uuid: uuid,
-            state: getCheckResultFromBuild(),
-            url: "${build.url}consoleText"
-        ])
-    }
-def postCheck(check) {
-    def gerritPostUrl = Globals.gerritUrl +
-        "a/changes/${check.changeNum}/revisions/${check.sha1}/checks"
-    try {
-        def json = check.createCheckPayload()
-        httpRequest(httpMode: 'POST', authentication: Globals.gerritCredentialsId,
-            contentType: 'APPLICATION_JSON', requestBody: json,
-            validResponseCodes: '200', url: gerritPostUrl)
-        echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
-        echo "Gerrit Check: ${check.uuid}=" + + " to change " +
-            check.changeNum + "/" + check.sha1
-        echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
-    } catch(Exception e) {
-        echo "ERROR> Failed to post check results to Gerrit: ${e}"
-    }
-def queryChangedFiles(url, changeNum, sha1) {
-    def queryUrl = "${url}changes/${Change.number}/revisions/${Change.sha1}/files/"
-    def response = httpRequest queryUrl
-    def files = response.getContent().substring(5)
-    def filesJson = new JsonSlurper().parseText(files)
-    return filesJson.keySet().findAll { it != "/COMMIT_MSG" }
-def queryChange(){
-    def requestedChangeId = env.BRANCH_NAME.split('/')[1]
-    def queryUrl = "${Globals.gerritUrl}changes/${requestedChangeId}/?pp=0&O=3"
-    def response = httpRequest queryUrl
-    def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper()
-    return jsonSlurper.parseText(response.getContent().substring(5))
-def getChangeMetaData(){
-    def changeJson = queryChange()
-    Change.sha1 = changeJson.current_revision
-    Change.number = changeJson._number
-    Change.branch = changeJson.branch
-    def revision = changeJson.revisions.get(Change.sha1)
-    Change.ref = revision.ref
-    Change.patchNum = revision._number
-    Change.url = Globals.gerritUrl + "#/c/" + Change.number + "/" + Change.patchNum
-def collectBuildModes() {
-    Builds.modes = ["reviewdb"]
-    def changedFiles = queryChangedFiles(Globals.gerritUrl, Change.number, Change.sha1)
-    def polygerritFiles = changedFiles.findAll { it.startsWith("polygerrit-ui") ||
-        it.startsWith("lib/js") }
-    if(polygerritFiles.size() > 0) {
-        if(changedFiles.size() == polygerritFiles.size()) {
-            println "Only PolyGerrit UI changes detected, skipping other test modes..."
-            Builds.modes = ["polygerrit"]
-        } else {
-            println "PolyGerrit UI changes detected, adding 'polygerrit' validation..."
-            Builds.modes += "polygerrit"
-        }
-    } else if(changedFiles.contains("WORKSPACE")) {
-        println "WORKSPACE file changes detected, adding 'polygerrit' validation..."
-        Builds.modes += "polygerrit"
-    }
-def prepareBuildsForMode(buildName, mode="reviewdb", retryTimes = 1) {
-    return {
-        stage("${buildName}/${mode}") {
-            def slaveBuild = null
-            for (int i = 1; i <= retryTimes; i++) {
-                try {
-                    slaveBuild = build job: "${buildName}", parameters: [
-                        string(name: 'REFSPEC', value: Change.ref),
-                        string(name: 'BRANCH', value: Change.sha1),
-                        string(name: 'CHANGE_URL', value: Change.url),
-                        string(name: 'MODE', value: mode),
-                        string(name: 'TARGET_BRANCH', value: Change.branch)
-                    ], propagate: false
-                } finally {
-                    if (buildName == "Gerrit-codestyle"){
-                        Builds.codeStyle = new Build(
-                            slaveBuild.getAbsoluteUrl(), slaveBuild.getResult())
-                    } else {
-                        Builds.verification[mode] = new Build(
-                            slaveBuild.getAbsoluteUrl(), slaveBuild.getResult())
-                    }
-                    if (slaveBuild.getResult() == "SUCCESS") {
-                        break
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-def collectBuilds() {
-    def builds = [:]
-    builds["Gerrit-codestyle"] = prepareBuildsForMode("Gerrit-codestyle")
-    Builds.modes.each {
-        builds["Gerrit-verification(${it})"] = prepareBuildsForMode("Gerrit-verifier-bazel", it)
-    }
-    return builds
-def findFlakyBuilds() {
-    def flaky = Builds.verification.findAll { it.value.result == null ||
-        it.value.result != 'SUCCESS' }
-    if(flaky.size() == Builds.verification.size()) {
-        return []
-    }
-    def retryBuilds = []
-    flaky.each {
-        def mode = it.key
-        Builds.verification = Builds.verification.findAll { it.key != mode }
-        retryBuilds += mode
-    }
-    return retryBuilds
-def getLabelValue(acc, res) {
-    if(res == null || res == 'ABORTED') {
-        return 0
-    }
-    switch(acc) {
-        case 0: return 0
-        case 1:
-            if(res == null) {
-                return 0;
-            }
-            switch(res) {
-                case 'SUCCESS': return +1;
-                case 'FAILURE': return -1;
-                default: return 0;
-            }
-        case -1: return -1
-    }
-def setResult(resultVerify, resultCodeStyle) {
-    if (resultVerify == 0 || resultCodeStyle == 0) {
-        currentBuild.result = 'ABORTED'
-    } else if (resultVerify == -1 || resultCodeStyle == -1) {
-        currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
-    } else {
-        currentBuild.result = 'SUCCESS'
-    }
-def findCodestyleFilesInLog(build) {
-    def codeStyleFiles = []
-    def needsFormatting = false
-    def response = httpRequest "${build.url}consoleText"
-    response.content.eachLine {
-        needsFormatting = needsFormatting || (it ==~ /.*Need Formatting.*/)
-        if(needsFormatting && it ==~ /\[.*\]/) {
-            codeStyleFiles += it.substring(1,it.length()-1)
-        }
-    }
-    return codeStyleFiles
-def createCodeStyleMsgBody(build, label) {
-    def codeStyleFiles = findCodestyleFilesInLog(build)
-    def formattingMsg = label < 0 ? ('The following files need formatting:\n    ' +
-        codeStyleFiles.join('\n    ')) : 'All files are correctly formatted'
-    def url = build.url + "consoleText"
-    return "${Globals.resTicks[build.result]} $formattingMsg\n    (${url})"
-def createVerifyMsgBody(builds) {
-    def msgList = builds.collect { type, build -> [
-        'type': type, 'res': build.result, 'url': build.url + "consoleText" ]
-    }
-    return msgList.collect {
-        "${Globals.resTicks[it.res]} ${it.type} : ${it.res}\n    (${it.url})"
-    } .join('\n')
-node ('master') {
-    stage('Preparing'){
-        gerritReview labels: ['Verified': 0, 'Code-Style': 0]
-        getChangeMetaData()
-        collectBuildModes()
-    }
-    parallel(collectBuilds())
-    stage('Retry Flaky Builds'){
-        def flakyBuildsModes = findFlakyBuilds()
-        if (flakyBuildsModes.size() > 0){
-            parallel flakyBuildsModes.collectEntries {
-                ["Gerrit-verification(${it})" :
-                    prepareBuildsForMode("Gerrit-verifier-bazel", it, 3)]
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    stage('Report to Gerrit'){
-        resCodeStyle = getLabelValue(1, Builds.codeStyle.result)
-        gerritReview(
-            labels: ['Code-Style': resCodeStyle],
-            message: createCodeStyleMsgBody(Builds.codeStyle, resCodeStyle))
-        postCheck(new GerritCheck("codestyle", Change.number, Change.sha1, Builds.codeStyle))
-        def verificationResults = Builds.verification.collect { k, v -> v }
-        def resVerify = verificationResults.inject(1) {
-            acc, build -> getLabelValue(acc, build.result)
-        }
-        gerritReview(
-            labels: ['Verified': resVerify],
-            message: createVerifyMsgBody(Builds.verification))
-        Builds.verification.each { type, build -> postCheck(
-            new GerritCheck(type, Change.number, Change.sha1, build)
-        )}
-        setResult(resVerify, resCodeStyle)
-    }