Bump JGit to e81c5135f

This includes fixes already included on stable branches which will make
merging those branches up easier and/or lets us backport this bump to
the stable branches following our JGit update policy.

$ git log --oneline --no-merges 2021ce342..e81c5135f
e81c5135f Prepare 6.4.0-SNAPSHOT builds
21fb73818 JGit v6.4.0.202211160543-m3
48316309b [benchmarks] Remove profiler configuration
c20e9676c Add SHA1 benchmark
4fac79658 [benchmarks] Set version of maven-compiler-plugin to 3.8.1
8d53a1433 Fix running JMH benchmarks
59029aec3 Add option to allow using JDK's SHA1 implementation
4d9e004f5 Fix API breakage caused by extracting WorkTreeUpdater
f288de749 Update Orbit to S20221109014815
bd2aced4a Use replace instead of replaceAll in toCleanString
5bf7472e0 Extract Exception -> HTTP status code mapping for reuse
ac127a793 Don't handle internal git errors as an HTTP error
3a4974930 Fix the path for JSchText.properties
e7adcac9f Fix Maven SHA1 for Bazel build
fe9aeb02e UploadPack: Receive and parse client session-id
7b0a71a5e TransferConfig: Move reading advertisesid setting into TransferConfig
e8068188f FirstWant: Parse client session-id if received.
93097f001 ReceivePack: Receive and parse client session-id.
924491d4d Ignore IllegalStateException if JVM is already shutting down
45ed93cc8 Prepare 6.4.0-SNAPSHOT builds
cb90ed085 Allow to perform PackedBatchRefUpdate without locking loose refs
afa65f8f0 JGit v6.4.0.202210260700-m2
ad9c217f4 PushCommand: allow users to disable use of bitmaps for push
71af0d6a5 I/O redirection for the pre-push hook
96236fdcb PackParser: populate full size of the PackedObjectInfos
60206ea95 PackedObjectInfo: add the full size to the description
b58ea5c6c ObjectReader: New #isNotLargerThan method
b398bb91a Fail build if there are license issues with dependencies
490c586de Update org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore to 4.4.15
f319c9358 Update Orbit to S20220927175816
48d257382 Update JMH to 1.35
0a02adc02 Update org.eclipse.jdt:ecj to 3.31.0
4aada1285 Update plexus compiler to 2.12.1
5bb275e75 Update org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-ssh to 3.5.2
ca1c70ff5 pgm/BUILD: Add dependencty to java EWAH
cbf0d9a76 [sshd] Guard against numerical overflow
6beb2f376 Remove unused imports
656e32e9f Remove unused API filters

Change-Id: I4c083f30b34d50eff2bbe9c08634fb181717fbb5
Release-Notes: Updated JGit to e81c5135f
1 file changed
tree: 3ba484468bbf9d20726cc4940ba0ae5ca3cf6b74
  1. .settings/
  2. .ts-out/
  3. antlr3/
  4. contrib/
  5. Documentation/
  6. e2e-tests/
  7. java/
  8. javatests/
  9. lib/
  10. modules/
  11. plugins/
  12. polygerrit-ui/
  13. prolog/
  14. prologtests/
  15. proto/
  16. resources/
  17. tools/
  18. webapp/
  19. .bazelignore
  20. .bazelproject
  21. .bazelrc
  22. .bazelversion
  23. .editorconfig
  24. .git-blame-ignore-revs
  25. .gitignore
  26. .gitmodules
  27. .gitreview
  28. .mailmap
  29. .pydevproject
  30. .zuul.yaml
  31. BUILD
  34. Jenkinsfile
  35. package.json
  36. README.md
  38. version.bzl
  39. web-dev-server.config.mjs
  41. yarn.lock

Gerrit Code Review

Gerrit is a code review and project management tool for Git based projects.

Build Status Maven Central


Gerrit makes reviews easier by showing changes in a side-by-side display, and allowing inline comments to be added by any reviewer.

Gerrit simplifies Git based project maintainership by permitting any authorized user to submit changes to the master Git repository, rather than requiring all approved changes to be merged in by hand by the project maintainer.


For information about how to install and use Gerrit, refer to the documentation.


Our canonical Git repository is located on googlesource.com. There is a mirror of the repository on Github.

Reporting bugs

Please report bugs on the issue tracker.


Gerrit is the work of hundreds of contributors. We appreciate your help!

Please read the contribution guidelines.

Note that we do not accept Pull Requests via the Github mirror.

Getting in contact

The Developer Mailing list is repo-discuss on Google Groups.


Gerrit is provided under the Apache License 2.0.


Install Bazel and run the following:

    git clone --recurse-submodules https://gerrit.googlesource.com/gerrit
    cd gerrit && bazel build release

Install binary packages (Deb/Rpm)

The instruction how to configure GerritForge/BinTray repositories is here

On Debian/Ubuntu run:

    apt-get update && apt-get install gerrit=<version>-<release>

NOTE: release is a counter that starts with 1 and indicates the number of packages that have been released with the same version of the software.

On CentOS/RedHat run:

    yum clean all && yum install gerrit-<version>[-<release>]

On Fedora run:

    dnf clean all && dnf install gerrit-<version>[-<release>]

Use pre-built Gerrit images on Docker

Docker images of Gerrit are available on DockerHub

To run a CentOS 8 based Gerrit image:

    docker run -p 8080:8080 gerritcodereview/gerrit[:version]-centos8

To run a Ubuntu 20.04 based Gerrit image:

    docker run -p 8080:8080 gerritcodereview/gerrit[:version]-ubuntu20

NOTE: release is optional. Last released package of the version is installed if the release number is omitted.