Update git submodules

* Update plugins/replication from branch 'master'
  to 3ce09db0cae09038f2924f1ff8f097e6c91c7a1e
  - Implement AdminApi using Gerrit's REST API
    When a remote site is a Gerrit server, we can use its REST API to
    perform admin operations: create missing projects, delete project,
    update project's head.
    Admin operations, when a remote site is a Gerrit server, were already
    supported over SSH protocol. This change implements AdminApi using
    Gerrit's REST API. This is useful when replicating to a remote Gerrit
    server which doesn't run the SSH daemon.
    Change-Id: I1fdb8f60b551651e3c4c402e021390a27d678896
  - Execute all admin operations from the replication queue thread pool
    Before this change, the delete-project and update-head operations were
    executed from the calling Gerrit core thread while the create-project
    was executed in the context of the PushOne operation which is run from
    the replication queue.
    Tasks executed from the replication queue are created from an additional
    child injector which provides more bindings, among others the
    RemoteConfig. Having access to RemoteConfig from an admin task may be
    necessary in order to retrieve HTTP credentials, like the PushOne task
    does. This will be necessary when we implement admin operations over
    the HTTP/REST protocol.
    Change-Id: Iae608aa98474d6405b26bbae2508183c2d0cb212
  - Create missing repository only at the remote we are pushing to
    When replication of a ref failed due to missing remote repository at one
    remote site, we then initiated creation of the missing repository on all
    remotes where this repository is replicated. The creation of the missing
    repository is considered to be success if it succeeded for all remotes
    and only in this case the ref replication was rescheduled. This logic
    could cause a ref replication to not be rescheduled when creation of a
    missing repository fails in a remote which is unrelated to the current
    push operation. For example, if we replicate to two remote sites:
      [remote "foo"]
        url = https://foo.org/...
        adminUrl = ssh://gerrit@foo.org/...
      [remote "bar"]
        url = https://bar.org/...
        adminUrl = ssh://gerrit@bar.org/...
    and if during a push to "foo" we find that the repository is missing
    then we will try to create it on both "foo" and "bar". It could happen
    that the creation of the missing repository succeeds on "foo" and then
    fails on "bar" because "bar" is unreachable or down at that moment.
    In this case the replication to "foo" will not be rescheduled but it
    should be as we successfully created the missing repository in "foo".
    Create missing repository only under the (admin) URL in the same remote.
    Note that there will be one ref replication task for each remote which
    ensures that the missing repository will be created in all remotes.
    Change-Id: Idbc3f614df53bb3aabcc4cf6cb0d6540e7000e29
  - Remove the NewProjectCreatedListener implementation
    Initial version of this plugin implemented the NewProjectCreatedListener
    in order to create missing repositories in the replication targets. This
    was the only way how replication plugin created missing repositories.
    Since I4e587cdfca09445c9b1c528b2f1edae0944aec68, if during the
    replication of a ref it is found that the repository missing on the
    remote site it will be automatically created. This means, that since
    that change there are two ways a repository is created on the remote
    1: from the NewProjectCreatedListener.onNewProjectCreated
    2: during ref replication when the repository is missing
    There are two major differences in how cases 1 and 2 are invoked. In the
    case 1 the remote repository creation is performed from the calling
    thread, which means from the Gerrit core thread which invokes
    NewProjectCreatedListener(s). In the case 2, the creation of the remote
    repository is done from the replication queue thread which was
    processing the ref replication. Note that replication tasks are created
    with an additional child injector [1] which provides additional bindings
    available for injection into the classes implementing the replication
    and repository creation.  These binding are, however, not available when
    the repository creation is processed from the Gerrit core thread
    invoking NewProjectCreatedListener(s).
    Removing the NewProjectCreatedListener implementation removes this
    asymmetry and makes sure that all replication relevant steps, including
    repository creation, are processed from replication queue threads.
    [1] https://gerrit.googlesource.com/plugins/replication/+/871da5aa023bdfd03a3b943f7f6b82c7e0f16341/src/main/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/replication/Destination.java#189
    Change-Id: I32e7aa632ffe0e94eb525f7f2c007fbb88569004
  - Consistently handle remote repository creation failures
    Failure to create remote repository was handled inconsistently in the
    three existing AdminApi implementations. This issue was present in the
    code even before the refactoring done in
    Ie760bf3e143b1d143b6e81ac6cfa816ef1f8d016. For example, creation of
    remote repository over SSH [1] didn't return a status back to the
    caller, while the Gerrit+SSH implementation [2] did return a boolean
    flag which was afterwards ignored by the caller [3].
    Not handling remote repository creation failures had an ugly effect:
    we log the "Missing repository created; ..." [4], even if the repository
    creation failed.
    Let all three implementations of the AdminApi return a flag indicating
    the success/failure and make sure to handle it properly.
    Further, remove some redundant and potentially confusing parts of the
    log messages as they assume that failure to create missing repository
    can only be caused by using wrong protocol.
    [1] https://gerrit.googlesource.com/plugins/replication/+/d557ccc642c59a55750f560ce0d98870e1550d65/src/main/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/replication/ReplicationQueue.java#290
    [2] https://gerrit.googlesource.com/plugins/replication/+/d557ccc642c59a55750f560ce0d98870e1550d65/src/main/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/replication/GerritSshApi.java#43
    [3] https://gerrit.googlesource.com/plugins/replication/+/d557ccc642c59a55750f560ce0d98870e1550d65/src/main/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/replication/ReplicationQueue.java#259
    [4] https://gerrit.googlesource.com/plugins/replication/+/092792edacf9c29732a560a30967b92664cd65f9/src/main/java/com/googlesource/gerrit/plugins/replication/PushOne.java#400
    Change-Id: I6566f867138ab73c81ff7a67630772c3734e501b
  - Fix creation of missing repository when replicating to a Gerrit server
    When replicating to a Gerrit server over http, non-existence of a
    repository is reported as:
      <repo-name> unavailable
    This message wasn't among expected messages and creation of the missing
    repository wasn't executed.
    Change-Id: I3d6c3e14573b638b17d54d1777a606b8f356f1f9
diff --git a/plugins/replication b/plugins/replication
index bc5efb5..3ce09db 160000
--- a/plugins/replication
+++ b/plugins/replication
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit bc5efb5b60a5a93c25c075f3667841e02532a99c
+Subproject commit 3ce09db0cae09038f2924f1ff8f097e6c91c7a1e