Update git submodules

* Update plugins/replication from branch 'master'
  to 69c0c4dd67a942f42cb36ed3f89e4257d7de575e
  - FanoutConfigResourceTest: assert configuration updates being visible
    When updating a remote configuration using the FanoutConfigResource,
    the updated values should be also visible in-memory and not simply
    stored on the underlying filesystem.
    Fix an issue where the updates to the remotes performed using
    $GERRIT_SITE/etc/replication/remote.config fan-out config scheme
    was persisted on disk but left a stale in-memory copy.
    Change-Id: I2360ba447ffbc3695faad72e5674ca883f75081a
diff --git a/plugins/replication b/plugins/replication
index 05c096e..69c0c4d 160000
--- a/plugins/replication
+++ b/plugins/replication
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 05c096ed827467645776abcec6b39523b4e76843
+Subproject commit 69c0c4dd67a942f42cb36ed3f89e4257d7de575e