Do not fail when listing files for initial commit against the first parent

DiffOperations used an empty *tree* as the base *commit* when getting
the diff for an initial commit and the user specified comparing against
the first parent (which doesn't exist). In this case the request failed
with 500 ISE because the empty tree is not a commit and thus we run into
an IncorrectObjectTypeException.

Instead of failing in this case we are now falling back to comparing
against the default root.

This also makes the code more readable as it was quite confusing that
the methods getParentCommit and getBaseCommit in BaseCommitUtil were
actually not guaranteed to return a commit, but could return a Git tree
instead. It seems that none of the callers was expecting and handling
this. Now we return null as the base/parent commit if the commit doesn't
have a parent. Null was already returned before when the commit had more
than 2 parents, so returning null in the new case is consistent with
that. FWIW null is not properly handled by all callers yet, but it is at
least handled by the one caller now that is relevant for the use case
that we are fixing here.

The old code also used the inserter that was supposed for creating
auto-merge commits only to insert the empty tree into the repository. It
seems this was not intended and it's good if we can get rid of this now.

At the moment at Google this issue happens very frequently and these
errors are counted against our SLO budget, potentially triggering SLO
violation alerts.

Release-Notes: Fixed listing files for initial commit when user specified to compare against the first parent which doesn't exist
Change-Id: I37edf7c394ef9472a641270798612652c6586c8c
Signed-off-by: Edwin Kempin <>
Bug: Google b/284443167
3 files changed
tree: 487737dfd87b99bc1ee99103ce2893c942f5c718
  1. .settings/
  2. .ts-out/
  3. antlr3/
  4. contrib/
  5. Documentation/
  6. e2e-tests/
  7. java/
  8. javatests/
  9. lib/
  10. modules/
  11. plugins/
  12. polygerrit-ui/
  13. prolog/
  14. prologtests/
  15. proto/
  16. resources/
  17. tools/
  18. webapp/
  19. .bazelignore
  20. .bazelproject
  21. .bazelrc
  22. .bazelversion
  23. .editorconfig
  24. .git-blame-ignore-revs
  25. .gitignore
  26. .gitmodules
  27. .gitreview
  28. .mailmap
  29. .pydevproject
  30. .zuul.yaml
  31. BUILD
  34. Jenkinsfile
  35. package.json
  38. version.bzl
  39. web-dev-server.config.mjs
  41. yarn.lock

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