Upgrade Jgit to v5.7.0.202001151323-m1-35-g730b7a5eb

Update to the latest revision on the head of the master branch, which
includes the following commits: [2].

Note that commit 42f0c7c9c ("Enhance WindowCache statistics") [1]
deprecated the getOpenFiles() and getOpenByteCount() methods, causing
warnings. These are fixed in change I9f7ebb11d which will be merged
from stable-3.0 later.

[1] https://git.eclipse.org/r/#/c/153601/
730b7a5eb - Update Maven plugins
2a134e154 - AmazonS3: Speed up fetch, try recent packs first
7d5300023 - Fix string format parameter for invalidRefAdvertisementLine
0babfaad8 - Update orbit to S20200128200239 for 2020-03 M2
1f9c717ff - WindowCache: add metric for cached bytes per repository
187b7ad72 - pgm daemon: fallback to user and system config if no config specified
af0585048 - FS: re-order fields and use all uppercase for true constants
64715a189 - FS: Don't use innocuous threads for CompletableFuture
4cc13297c - ErrorProne: Enable and fix UnusedException check
0e4a71787 - Update Orbit to I20200126235943 and org.junit to 4.13.0.v20200126-2018
7a23fc125 - Fix SshSessionFactory#setInstance to use service loader
54b1c7cc6 - Use ServiceLoader to define the default SSH session factory.
8fa359456 - Remove Error-Prone ExpectedExceptionChecker
fc7b00316 - ReceivePack: enable overriding filterCommands and executeCommands
8ada9048c - Replace ExpectedException which was deprecated in junit 4.13
b5cabfbff - Add org.assertj 3.14.0.v20200120-1926 to target platform
c49c0f991 - Replace deprecated junit assertion methods with hamcrest
c02a57f4f - Update to Orbit I20200120214610 and JUnit to 4.13
926d392ea - Update to Tycho 1.6.0
709f83d48 - WindowCache: add option to use strong refs to reference ByteWindows
eca34be43 - Extract method refactoring in class DirCacheCheckout
be49375fb - Update Orbit to I20200115225246 and update dependencies
d74daad1e - Update bazlets and bazel version
9f1dad4d4 - Prepare 5.7.0-SNAPSHOT builds
3c527a8a3 - JGit v5.7.0.202001151323-m1
0652b5b21 - Upgrade jetty to 9.4.25.v20191220
00252730d - Add ReftableNumbersNotIncreasingException#toString
6185db3d7 - Replace usage of ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in treewalk
2f3258cc2 - Move ConnectivityChecker to fix API leak
fefddb28b - Fix API problem filters
2b9dd32a8 - Add config constants for WindowCache configuration options
4209a0f84 - Fix unclosed resource warning in SmartOutputStream
14bfe0875 - JschConfigSessionFactory: fix boxing warning
d9e957dc2 - SshSupport#runSshCommand: don't throw exception in finally block
8e21f0f9c - Remove no longer used API problem filter
ebea36aa0 - Don't override already managed maven-compiler-plugin version
f4e653328 - Remove unused import from CreateFileSnapshotBenchmark
d422a8208 - Remove duplicate ignore_optional_problems entry in .classpath
b2bf9d430 - Remove duplicate copyright statements
5c5f7c6b1 - Update EDL 1.0 license headers to new short SPDX compliant format
c2c6d6d1b - Update spring-boot-maven-plugin to 2.1.5.RELEASE
d661b9f43 - TLS support on IBM JDKs
a586bfc40 - Upgrade maven-source-plugin to 3.2.1
cff427bd9 - Upgrade ecj to 3.20.0
2323d7a1e - Hooks: avoid problems with backslashes in paths
eeca0196a - Update jetty to 9.4.24.v20191120
8669d6df1 - Update maven-site-plugin used by benchmark module to 3.8.2
3c0c38119 - Add dependency to enable site generation for benchmark module
ccd68dc1d - Using StringBuilder in StringUtils#capitalize method
e3922b590 - Ignore warnings for generated source code in org.eclipse.jgit.benchmark
2db0c6bb7 - Add resource preferences for top level jgit project
c2a3ce796 - pgm: add option if reflogs should be written when converting to reftable
dbe915def - pgm: add option to configure if convert-ref-storage should create backup
83f90a274 - Set config "extensions" option when converting ref storage format
57f22d6db - Externalize error message in FileRepository#convertRefStorage
ecba5e48b - Fix indentation in ConvertRefStorage
74bc50125 - Replace chain of if statements with switch
549c3acc5 - Fix MBean registration
de234106b - Minor - Removes unnecessary whitespace in ReftableReader
527b9ed36 - Update API baseline for 5.7 to
4cb80f897 - Prepare 5.6.1-SNAPSHOT builds
9710c6292 - JGit v5.6.0.201912101111-r
ba7f9c061 - Change the wildcard import to explicit ones.
23125abc2 - Add ability to redirect stderr from git hooks
d1bdfcd0a - Add possibility to get pure stderr output from AbortedByHookException
42f0c7c9c - Enhance WindowCache statistics
c42f314b6 - Fix API check errors introduced in ReceivePack in 945d43d5
02dc0ca68 - Cleanup CommitAndLogCommandTest
5bf226d50 - CLI: Add support for excluding paths from Git log command
945d43d50 - ReceivePack: Moves connectivity check to separate class
97844038d - Upgrade error_prone_core to 2.3.4
a4ad83c96 - Suppress API error for RefDatabase.hasFastTipsWithSha1()
1cb37e89d - Remove API filters which became obsolete after bumping version to 5.7.0
b24ec8f71 - ReftableTest: Clean up boxing warnings on usage of String.format
e2c12c391 - Add missing @since tag for ReceivePack#receiveWithExceptionPropagation
62d16a914 - MergedReftable: Remove unnecessary semicolon
f487a9eb2 - Prepare 5.7.0-SNAPSHOT builds
5185d288c - Introduce RefDatabase#hasFastTipsWithSha1
3198df186 - Update Orbit to R20191126223242 for 2019-12
473527e42 - Prepare 5.6.0-SNAPSHOT builds
75ec5b746 - server: Add a custom error handler
e75e95e53 - transport: Add methods that do not handle exceptions
6ccff8142 - transport: Let users specify an error handler for unpacking a pack file
224746e0f - ReceivePack: Use try-with-resources for PostReceiveHook
4fcc43a1d - transport: Consolidate status reporting code
a91489f4a - transport: Add ReceiveCommandErrorHandler
19293add8 - transport: Move exception handler to the caller
6bc366576 - transport: Move handling code to the caller side
d72d6a6b4 - UploadPackServlet: Use uploadWithExceptionPropagation
2d4196b96 - GitSmartHttpTools: Do not use sideband when sending an error

Change-Id: I4fb4eead9ad3a89e2269bbebab79661da16d68ae
1 file changed
tree: ca8726ca0861c9b8bdc164318cbc792275fe5247
  1. .settings/
  2. antlr3/
  3. contrib/
  4. Documentation/
  5. e2e-tests/
  6. java/
  7. javatests/
  8. lib/
  9. modules/
  10. plugins/
  11. polygerrit-ui/
  12. prolog/
  13. prologtests/
  14. proto/
  15. resources/
  16. tools/
  17. webapp/
  18. .bazelignore
  19. .bazelproject
  20. .bazelrc
  21. .bazelversion
  22. .editorconfig
  23. .git-blame-ignore-revs
  24. .gitignore
  25. .gitmodules
  26. .gitreview
  27. .mailmap
  28. .pydevproject
  29. BUILD
  32. Jenkinsfile
  33. package.json
  34. README.md
  36. version.bzl

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