Update replication plugin

The replication is updated to include the following changes:
* a9fcff5 Create missing repositories on the remote site
* ad923e4 Support replication of project deletions

a9fcff5 is a change in behaviour of the replication plugin and a
warning about this should be added to the release notes.

Change-Id: Ic5c643c8a10b27e61e0a34fe15acfdc0cdec9c9d
Signed-off-by: Edwin Kempin <edwin.kempin@sap.com>
diff --git a/plugins/replication b/plugins/replication
index d4871d5..0c5fef2 160000
--- a/plugins/replication
+++ b/plugins/replication
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit d4871d5df64d6968f2b256766dc8fa9a8133fdac
+Subproject commit 0c5fef2a8eda0e76677e5487d2fb8391e1cb126e