Allow plugins.checkFrequency = 0 to disable scanner

Production systems might not want to scan for plugins, and instead
rely on system administrators to invoke `gerrit plugin reload` or
`gerrit plugin install` to make explicit plugin changes. Disable the
background scanning thread when the check frequency is set to 0 or any
negative value.

Change-Id: Ib0c1b40db51c960650099e5ae84bda6aebbc572e
diff --git a/Documentation/config-gerrit.txt b/Documentation/config-gerrit.txt
index e7cc9e4..ddbddbe 100644
--- a/Documentation/config-gerrit.txt
+++ b/Documentation/config-gerrit.txt
@@ -1680,6 +1680,22 @@
 By default, 1.
+[[plugins]]Section plugins
+How often plugins should be examined for new plugins to load, removed
+plugins to be unloaded, or updated plugins to be reloaded.  Values can
+be specified using standard time unit abbreviations ('ms', 'sec',
+'min', etc.).
+If set to 0, automatic plugin reloading is disabled.  Administrators
+may force reloading with link:cmd-plugin.html[gerrit plugin reload].
+Default is 1 minute.
 [[receive]]Section receive
 This section is used to set who can execute the 'receive-pack' and