Document CapabilityInfo that is returned by /accounts/self/capabilities
Change-Id: I40da206b36bb2182e0736245d7406d35bccc3d5a
Signed-off-by: Edwin Kempin <>
diff --git a/Documentation/json.txt b/Documentation/json.txt
index eb53208..c7b49b9 100644
--- a/Documentation/json.txt
+++ b/Documentation/json.txt
@@ -151,16 +151,6 @@
project:: Project path in Gerrit.
-Information about the link:access-control.html#capability_queryLimit[queryLimit]
-of a user.
-min:: lower limit
-max:: upper limit
diff --git a/Documentation/rest-api-accounts.txt b/Documentation/rest-api-accounts.txt
index a8a73d2..6de0690 100644
--- a/Documentation/rest-api-accounts.txt
+++ b/Documentation/rest-api-accounts.txt
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
GET /accounts/\{account-id\}/capabilities (List Account Capabilities)
-Returns the global capabilities (such as `createProject` or
-`createGroup`) that are enabled for the specified user.
+Returns the global capabilities that are enabled for the specified
If the global capabilities for the calling user should be listed,
`self` can be used as account-id. This can be used by UI tools to
@@ -24,6 +24,9 @@
GET /accounts/self/capabilities HTTP/1.0
+As response the global capabilities of the user are returned as a
+link:#capability-info[CapabilityInfo] entity.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
@@ -102,10 +105,6 @@
-Most results are boolean, and a field is only present when its value
-is `true`. link:json.html#queryLimit[`queryLimit`] is a range and is
-presented as a nested JSON object with `min` and `max` members.
.Check if you can create groups
@@ -131,6 +130,67 @@
* `self` for the calling user
+JSON Entities
+The `CapabilityInfo` entity contains information about the global
+capabilities of a user.
+|Field Name ||Description
+|`administrateServer`|not set if `false`|Whether the user has the
+Server] capability.
+|`queryLimit`||The link:access-control.html#capability_queryLimit[Query
+Limit] of the user as link:#query-limit-info[QueryLimitInfo].
+|`createAccount` |not set if `false`|Whether the user has the
+link:access-control.html#capability_createAccount[Create Account]
+|`createGroup` |not set if `false`|Whether the user has the
+link:access-control.html#capability_createGroup[Create Group]
+|`createProject` |not set if `false`|Whether the user has the
+link:access-control.html#capability_createProject[Create Project]
+|`emailReviewers` |not set if `false`|Whether the user has the
+link:access-control.html#capability_emailReviewers[Email Reviewers]
+|`killTask` |not set if `false`|Whether the user has the
+link:access-control.html#capability_kill[Kill Task] capability.
+|`viewCaches` |not set if `false`|Whether the user has the
+link:access-control.html#capability_viewCaches[View Caches] capability.
+|`flushCaches` |not set if `false`|Whether the user has the
+link:access-control.html#capability_flushCaches[Flush Caches]
+|`viewConnections` |not set if `false`|Whether the user has the
+link:access-control.html#capability_viewConnections[View Connections]
+|`viewQueue` |not set if `false`|Whether the user has the
+link:access-control.html#capability_viewQueue[View Queue] capability.
+|`startReplication` |not set if `false`|Whether the user has the
+link:access-control.html#capability_startReplication[Start Replication]
+The `QueryLimitInfo` entity contains information about the
+link:access-control.html#capability_queryLimit[Query Limit] of a user.
+|Field Name |Description
+|`min` |Lower limit.
+|`max` |Upper limit.
Part of link:index.html[Gerrit Code Review]