dev-inspector.txt: Remove references to ReviewDb

ReviewDb no longer exists and the global 'ds' and 'schk' variables are
no longer set.

Change-Id: I4ddbb41ad40d31f3f8fe360a4a7e5aceef45dc34
Signed-off-by: Edwin Kempin <>
diff --git a/Documentation/dev-inspector.txt b/Documentation/dev-inspector.txt
index 2134f2f..b1559ca 100644
--- a/Documentation/dev-inspector.txt
+++ b/Documentation/dev-inspector.txt
@@ -54,8 +54,6 @@
 "Shell" is ""
 "m" is ""
-"ds" is ""
-"schk" is ""
 Welcome to the Gerrit Inspector
 Enter help() to see the above again, EOF to quit and stop Gerrit
@@ -109,71 +107,11 @@
 'registerNatives', 'toString', 'wait']
-Startup script provides some convenient variables to access some global Gerrit components,
-for example a connection to the review database is kept open:
->>> ds
->>> ds.driverClassName
->>> ds.dataSource
->>> ds.dataSource.connection
-jdbc:postgresql://localhost/reviewdb, UserName=rv, PostgreSQL Native Driver
-It is also possible to interact with the ORM layer:
->>> db =
->>> db$$28@24cbbdf3
->>> db.getDialect()
->>> for x in db.patchSets().iterateAllEntities():
-...     print x
-[PatchSet 1,1]
-[PatchSet 2,1]
-[PatchSet 3,1]
-[PatchSet 4,1]
-[PatchSet 5,1]
-[PatchSet 6,1]
-[PatchSet 7,1]
-[PatchSet 8,1]
-[PatchSet 6,2]
->>> for x in db.patchComments().iterateAllEntities():
-...     print x
->>> dir(
-['Key', 'STATUS_DRAFT', 'STATUS_PUBLISHED', 'Status', '__class__',
-'__copy__', '__deepcopy__', '__delattr__', '__doc__', '__eq__',
-'__getattribute__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__ne__', '__new__',
-'__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__str__',
-'__unicode__', 'author', 'class', 'clone', 'equals', 'finalize',
-'getAuthor', 'getClass', 'getKey', 'getLine', 'getMessage',
-'getParentUuid', 'getSide', 'getStatus', 'getWrittenOn', 'hashCode',
-'key', 'line', 'lineNbr', 'message', 'notify', 'notifyAll',
-'parentUuid', 'registerNatives', 'setMessage', 'setSide', 'setStatus',
-'side', 'status', 'toString', 'updated', 'wait', 'writtenOn']
->>> for x in db.patchComments().iterateAllEntities():
-...     print x.status, x.line, x.message
-P 2 I like it!
-P 2 more
-P 1 better
 A built-in *help()* function provides values of global variables
 defined in the interpreter:
 >>> help()
-"schk" is ""
-"ds" is ""
 "m" is ""
 "Shell" is ""
 "d" is ""