Convert legacy Polyemer elements to class-based

This commit converts almost all Polymer elements from Polymer-function
based components to class-based components. There are few files which
should be converted manually after this commit.

Change-Id: I9e597e79053e0a6b5d5c0f1b54676d11b9d81db7
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-comment-api/gr-comment-api.js b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-comment-api/gr-comment-api.js
index 1ac307f..e84e996 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-comment-api/gr-comment-api.js
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-comment-api/gr-comment-api.js
@@ -460,20 +460,27 @@
         this._isInRevisionOfPatchRange(comment, range);
-  Polymer({
-    is: 'gr-comment-api',
+  /**
+    * @appliesMixin Gerrit.PatchSetMixin
+    */
+  class GrCommentApi extends Polymer.mixinBehaviors( [
+    Gerrit.PatchSetBehavior,
+  ], Polymer.GestureEventListeners(
+      Polymer.LegacyElementMixin(
+          Polymer.Element))) {
+    static get is() { return 'gr-comment-api'; }
-    properties: {
-      _changeComments: Object,
-    },
+    static get properties() {
+      return {
+        _changeComments: Object,
+      };
+    }
-    listeners: {
-      'reload-drafts': 'reloadDrafts',
-    },
-    behaviors: [
-      Gerrit.PatchSetBehavior,
-    ],
+    created() {
+      super.created();
+      this.addEventListener('reload-drafts',
+          changeNum => this.reloadDrafts(changeNum));
+    }
      * Load all comments (with drafts and robot comments) for the given change
@@ -494,7 +501,7 @@
             robotComments, drafts, changeNum);
         return this._changeComments;
-    },
+    }
      * Re-initialize _changeComments with a new ChangeComments object, that
@@ -513,6 +520,8 @@
             this._changeComments.robotComments, drafts, changeNum);
         return this._changeComments;
-    },
-  });
+    }
+  }
+  customElements.define(, GrCommentApi);
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-coverage-layer/gr-coverage-layer.js b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-coverage-layer/gr-coverage-layer.js
index 3d9c172..d1df4d0 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-coverage-layer/gr-coverage-layer.js
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-coverage-layer/gr-coverage-layer.js
@@ -24,20 +24,23 @@
     [Gerrit.CoverageType.NOT_INSTRUMENTED, 'Not instrumented by any tests.'],
-  Polymer({
-    is: 'gr-coverage-layer',
+  class GrCoverageLayer extends Polymer.GestureEventListeners(
+      Polymer.LegacyElementMixin(
+          Polymer.Element)) {
+    static get is() { return 'gr-coverage-layer'; }
-    properties: {
+    static get properties() {
+      return {
        * Must be sorted by code_range.start_line.
        * Must only contain ranges that match the side.
        * @type {!Array<!Gerrit.CoverageRange>}
-      coverageRanges: Array,
-      side: String,
+        coverageRanges: Array,
+        side: String,
-      /**
+        /**
        * We keep track of the line number from the previous annotate() call,
        * and also of the index of the coverage range that had matched.
        * annotate() calls are coming in with increasing line numbers and
@@ -45,15 +48,16 @@
        * and efficient way for finding the coverage range that matches a given
        * line number.
-      _lineNumber: {
-        type: Number,
-        value: 0,
-      },
-      _index: {
-        type: Number,
-        value: 0,
-      },
-    },
+        _lineNumber: {
+          type: Number,
+          value: 0,
+        },
+        _index: {
+          type: Number,
+          value: 0,
+        },
+      };
+    }
      * Layer method to add annotations to a line.
@@ -102,6 +106,8 @@
         lineNumberEl.title = TOOLTIP_MAP.get(coverageRange.type);
-    },
-  });
+    }
+  }
+  customElements.define(, GrCoverageLayer);
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-cursor/gr-diff-cursor.js b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-cursor/gr-diff-cursor.js
index 8848b1c1..039a99fa 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-cursor/gr-diff-cursor.js
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-cursor/gr-diff-cursor.js
@@ -35,33 +35,36 @@
   const LEFT_SIDE_CLASS = 'target-side-left';
   const RIGHT_SIDE_CLASS = 'target-side-right';
-  Polymer({
-    is: 'gr-diff-cursor',
+  class GrDiffCursor extends Polymer.GestureEventListeners(
+      Polymer.LegacyElementMixin(
+          Polymer.Element)) {
+    static get is() { return 'gr-diff-cursor'; }
-    properties: {
+    static get properties() {
+      return {
        * Either DiffSides.LEFT or DiffSides.RIGHT.
-      side: {
-        type: String,
-        value: DiffSides.RIGHT,
-      },
-      /** @type {!HTMLElement|undefined} */
-      diffRow: {
-        type: Object,
-        notify: true,
-        observer: '_rowChanged',
-      },
+        side: {
+          type: String,
+          value: DiffSides.RIGHT,
+        },
+        /** @type {!HTMLElement|undefined} */
+        diffRow: {
+          type: Object,
+          notify: true,
+          observer: '_rowChanged',
+        },
-      /**
+        /**
        * The diff views to cursor through and listen to.
-      diffs: {
-        type: Array,
-        value() { return []; },
-      },
+        diffs: {
+          type: Array,
+          value() { return []; },
+        },
-      /**
+        /**
        * If set, the cursor will attempt to move to the line number (instead of
        * the first chunk) the next time the diff renders. It is set back to null
        * when used. It should be only used if you want the line to be focused
@@ -71,56 +74,61 @@
        * @type (?number)
-      initialLineNumber: {
-        type: Number,
-        value: null,
-      },
+        initialLineNumber: {
+          type: Number,
+          value: null,
+        },
-      /**
+        /**
        * The scroll behavior for the cursor. Values are 'never' and
        * 'keep-visible'. 'keep-visible' will only scroll if the cursor is beyond
        * the viewport.
-      _scrollBehavior: {
-        type: String,
-        value: ScrollBehavior.KEEP_VISIBLE,
-      },
+        _scrollBehavior: {
+          type: String,
+          value: ScrollBehavior.KEEP_VISIBLE,
+        },
-      _focusOnMove: {
-        type: Boolean,
-        value: true,
-      },
+        _focusOnMove: {
+          type: Boolean,
+          value: true,
+        },
-      _listeningForScroll: Boolean,
-    },
+        _listeningForScroll: Boolean,
+      };
+    }
-    observers: [
-      '_updateSideClass(side)',
-      '_diffsChanged(diffs.splices)',
-    ],
+    static get observers() {
+      return [
+        '_updateSideClass(side)',
+        '_diffsChanged(diffs.splices)',
+      ];
+    }
     attached() {
+      super.attached();
       // Catch when users are scrolling as the view loads.
       this.listen(window, 'scroll', '_handleWindowScroll');
-    },
+    }
     detached() {
+      super.detached();
       this.unlisten(window, 'scroll', '_handleWindowScroll');
-    },
+    }
     moveLeft() {
       this.side = DiffSides.LEFT;
       if (this._isTargetBlank()) {
-    },
+    }
     moveRight() {
       this.side = DiffSides.RIGHT;
       if (this._isTargetBlank()) {
-    },
+    }
     moveDown() {
       if (this._getViewMode() === DiffViewMode.SIDE_BY_SIDE) {
@@ -128,7 +136,7 @@
       } else {
-    },
+    }
     moveUp() {
       if (this._getViewMode() === DiffViewMode.SIDE_BY_SIDE) {
@@ -136,7 +144,7 @@
       } else {
-    },
+    }
     moveToNextChunk(opt_clipToTop) {
@@ -144,22 +152,22 @@
             return target.parentNode.scrollHeight;
           }, opt_clipToTop);
-    },
+    }
     moveToPreviousChunk() {
-    },
+    }
     moveToNextCommentThread() {
-    },
+    }
     moveToPreviousCommentThread() {
-    },
+    }
      * @param {number} number
@@ -172,7 +180,7 @@
         this.side = side;
-    },
+    }
      * Get the line number element targeted by the cursor row and side.
@@ -190,7 +198,7 @@
       return this.diffRow.querySelector(lineElSelector);
-    },
+    }
     getTargetDiffElement() {
       if (!this.diffRow) return null;
@@ -202,12 +210,12 @@
       return null;
-    },
+    }
     moveToFirstChunk() {
-    },
+    }
     reInitCursor() {
@@ -217,7 +225,7 @@
       } else {
-    },
+    }
     _handleWindowScroll() {
       if (this._listeningForScroll) {
@@ -225,7 +233,7 @@
         this._focusOnMove = false;
         this._listeningForScroll = false;
-    },
+    }
     handleDiffUpdate() {
@@ -240,11 +248,11 @@
       this._scrollBehavior = ScrollBehavior.KEEP_VISIBLE;
       this._focusOnMove = true;
       this._listeningForScroll = false;
-    },
+    }
     _handleDiffRenderStart() {
       this._listeningForScroll = true;
-    },
+    }
     createCommentInPlace() {
       const diffWithRangeSelected = this.diffs.find(diff => {
@@ -258,7 +266,7 @@
-    },
+    }
      * Get an object describing the location of the cursor. Such as
@@ -290,7 +298,7 @@
         leftSide: cell.matches('.left'),
         number: parseInt(number, 10),
-    },
+    }
     _getViewMode() {
       if (!this.diffRow) {
@@ -302,24 +310,24 @@
       } else {
         return DiffViewMode.UNIFIED;
-    },
+    }
     _rowHasSide(row) {
       const selector = (this.side === DiffSides.LEFT ? '.left' : '.right') +
           ' + .content';
       return !!row.querySelector(selector);
-    },
+    }
     _isFirstRowOfChunk(row) {
       const parentClassList = row.parentNode.classList;
       return parentClassList.contains('section') &&
           parentClassList.contains('delta') &&
-    },
+    }
     _rowHasThread(row) {
       return row.querySelector('.thread-group');
-    },
+    }
      * If we jumped to a row where there is no content on the current side then
@@ -331,7 +339,7 @@
         this.side = this.side === DiffSides.LEFT ?
           DiffSides.RIGHT : DiffSides.LEFT;
-    },
+    }
     _isTargetBlank() {
       if (!this.diffRow) {
@@ -341,14 +349,14 @@
       const actions = this._getActionsForRow();
       return (this.side === DiffSides.LEFT && !actions.left) ||
           (this.side === DiffSides.RIGHT && !actions.right);
-    },
+    }
     _rowChanged(newRow, oldRow) {
       if (oldRow) {
         oldRow.classList.remove(LEFT_SIDE_CLASS, RIGHT_SIDE_CLASS);
-    },
+    }
     _updateSideClass() {
       if (!this.diffRow) {
@@ -358,11 +366,11 @@
       this.toggleClass(RIGHT_SIDE_CLASS, this.side === DiffSides.RIGHT,
-    },
+    }
     _isActionType(type) {
       return type !== 'blank' && type !== 'contextControl';
-    },
+    }
     _getActionsForRow() {
       const actions = {left: false, right: false};
@@ -373,18 +381,18 @@
       return actions;
-    },
+    }
     _getStops() {
       return this.diffs.reduce(
           (stops, diff) => {
             return stops.concat(diff.getCursorStops());
           }, []);
-    },
+    }
     _updateStops() {
       this.$.cursorManager.stops = this._getStops();
-    },
+    }
      * Setup and tear down on-render listeners for any diffs that are added or
@@ -420,7 +428,7 @@
               'render-content', 'handleDiffUpdate');
-    },
+    }
     _findRowByNumberAndFile(targetNumber, side, opt_path) {
       let stops;
@@ -437,6 +445,8 @@
           return stops[i];
-    },
-  });
+    }
+  }
+  customElements.define(, GrDiffCursor);
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-highlight/gr-diff-highlight.js b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-highlight/gr-diff-highlight.js
index 4ccc8f2..88d19aa 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-highlight/gr-diff-highlight.js
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-highlight/gr-diff-highlight.js
@@ -17,24 +17,32 @@
 (function() {
   'use strict';
-  Polymer({
-    is: 'gr-diff-highlight',
+  /**
+    * @appliesMixin Gerrit.FireMixin
+    */
+  class GrDiffHighlight extends Polymer.mixinBehaviors( [
+    Gerrit.FireBehavior,
+  ], Polymer.GestureEventListeners(
+      Polymer.LegacyElementMixin(
+          Polymer.Element))) {
+    static get is() { return 'gr-diff-highlight'; }
-    properties: {
+    static get properties() {
+      return {
       /** @type {!Array<!Gerrit.HoveredRange>} */
-      commentRanges: {
-        type: Array,
-        notify: true,
-      },
-      loggedIn: Boolean,
-      /**
+        commentRanges: {
+          type: Array,
+          notify: true,
+        },
+        loggedIn: Boolean,
+        /**
        * querySelector can return null, so needs to be nullable.
        * @type {?HTMLElement}
        * */
-      _cachedDiffBuilder: Object,
+        _cachedDiffBuilder: Object,
-      /**
+        /**
        * Which range is currently selected by the user.
        * Stored in order to add a range-based comment
        * later.
@@ -42,21 +50,22 @@
        * @type {{side: string, range: Gerrit.Range}|undefined}
-      selectedRange: {
-        type: Object,
-        notify: true,
-      },
-    },
+        selectedRange: {
+          type: Object,
+          notify: true,
+        },
+      };
+    }
-    behaviors: [
-      Gerrit.FireBehavior,
-    ],
-    listeners: {
-      'comment-thread-mouseleave': '_handleCommentThreadMouseleave',
-      'comment-thread-mouseenter': '_handleCommentThreadMouseenter',
-      'create-comment-requested': '_handleRangeCommentRequest',
-    },
+    created() {
+      super.created();
+      this.addEventListener('comment-thread-mouseleave',
+          e => this._handleCommentThreadMouseleave(e));
+      this.addEventListener('comment-thread-mouseenter',
+          e => this._handleCommentThreadMouseenter(e));
+      this.addEventListener('create-comment-requested',
+          e => this._handleRangeCommentRequest(e));
+    }
     get diffBuilder() {
       if (!this._cachedDiffBuilder) {
@@ -64,7 +73,7 @@
       return this._cachedDiffBuilder;
-    },
+    }
      * Determines side/line/range for a DOM selection and shows a tooltip.
@@ -93,7 +102,7 @@
           'selectionChange', () => this._handleSelection(selection, isMouseUp),
-    },
+    }
     _getThreadEl(e) {
       const path = Polymer.dom(e).path || [];
@@ -101,7 +110,7 @@
         if (pathEl.classList.contains('comment-thread')) return pathEl;
       return null;
-    },
+    }
     _handleCommentThreadMouseenter(e) {
       const threadEl = this._getThreadEl(e);
@@ -110,7 +119,7 @@
       if (index !== undefined) {
         this.set(['commentRanges', index, 'hovering'], true);
-    },
+    }
     _handleCommentThreadMouseleave(e) {
       const threadEl = this._getThreadEl(e);
@@ -119,7 +128,7 @@
       if (index !== undefined) {
         this.set(['commentRanges', index, 'hovering'], false);
-    },
+    }
     _indexForThreadEl(threadEl) {
       const side = threadEl.getAttribute('comment-side');
@@ -128,7 +137,7 @@
       if (!range) return undefined;
       return this._indexOfCommentRange(side, range);
-    },
+    }
     _indexOfCommentRange(side, range) {
       function rangesEqual(a, b) {
@@ -146,7 +155,7 @@
       return this.commentRanges.findIndex(commentRange =>
         commentRange.side === side && rangesEqual(commentRange.range, range));
-    },
+    }
      * Get current normalized selection.
@@ -184,7 +193,7 @@
           end: endRange.end,
-    },
+    }
      * Normalize a specific DOM Range.
@@ -198,7 +207,7 @@
         end: this._normalizeSelectionSide(
             range.endContainer, range.endOffset),
       }, domRange);
-    },
+    }
      * Adjust triple click selection for the whole line.
@@ -239,7 +248,7 @@
       return range;
-    },
+    }
      * Convert DOM Range selection to concrete numbers (line, column, side).
@@ -296,7 +305,7 @@
-    },
+    }
      * The only line in which add a comment tooltip is cut off is the first
@@ -312,7 +321,7 @@
       actionBox.positionBelow = true;
-    },
+    }
     _isRangeValid(range) {
       if (!range || !range.start || !range.end) {
@@ -326,7 +335,7 @@
         return false;
       return true;
-    },
+    }
     _handleSelection(selection, isMouseUp) {
       const normalizedRange = this._getNormalizedRange(selection);
@@ -398,12 +407,12 @@
       } else {
         this._positionActionBox(actionBox, start.line, start.node);
-    },
+    }
     _fireCreateRangeComment(side, range) {'create-range-comment', {side, range});
-    },
+    }
     _handleRangeCommentRequest(e) {
@@ -412,7 +421,7 @@
       const {side, range} = this.selectedRange;
       this._fireCreateRangeComment(side, range);
-    },
+    }
     _removeActionBox() {
       this.selectedRange = undefined;
@@ -420,7 +429,7 @@
       if (actionBox) {
-    },
+    }
     _convertOffsetToColumn(el, offset) {
       if (el instanceof Element && el.classList.contains('content')) {
@@ -436,7 +445,7 @@
       return offset;
-    },
+    }
      * Traverse Element from right to left, call callback for each node.
@@ -461,7 +470,7 @@
         node = nextNode;
-    },
+    }
      * Get length of a node. If the node is a content node, then only give the
@@ -476,6 +485,8 @@
       } else {
         return GrAnnotation.getLength(node);
-    },
-  });
+    }
+  }
+  customElements.define(, GrDiffHighlight);
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-host/gr-diff-host.js b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-host/gr-diff-host.js
index 5d1709c..f5dc438 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-host/gr-diff-host.js
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-host/gr-diff-host.js
@@ -69,14 +69,22 @@
+    * @appliesMixin Gerrit.FireMixin
+    * @appliesMixin Gerrit.PatchSetMixin
+    */
+  /**
    * Wrapper around gr-diff.
    * Webcomponent fetching diffs and related data from restAPI and passing them
    * to the presentational gr-diff for rendering.
-  Polymer({
-    is: 'gr-diff-host',
+  class GrDiffHost extends Polymer.mixinBehaviors( [
+    Gerrit.FireBehavior,
+    Gerrit.PatchSetBehavior,
+  ], Polymer.GestureEventListeners(
+      Polymer.LegacyElementMixin(
+          Polymer.Element))) {
+    static get is() { return 'gr-diff-host'; }
      * Fired when the user selects a line.
      * @event line-selected
@@ -94,182 +102,191 @@
      * @event diff-comments-modified
-    properties: {
-      changeNum: String,
-      noAutoRender: {
-        type: Boolean,
-        value: false,
-      },
-      /** @type {?} */
-      patchRange: Object,
-      path: String,
-      prefs: {
-        type: Object,
-      },
-      projectName: String,
-      displayLine: {
-        type: Boolean,
-        value: false,
-      },
-      isImageDiff: {
-        type: Boolean,
-        computed: '_computeIsImageDiff(diff)',
-        notify: true,
-      },
-      commitRange: Object,
-      filesWeblinks: {
-        type: Object,
-        value() {
-          return {};
+    static get properties() {
+      return {
+        changeNum: String,
+        noAutoRender: {
+          type: Boolean,
+          value: false,
-        notify: true,
-      },
-      hidden: {
-        type: Boolean,
-        reflectToAttribute: true,
-      },
-      noRenderOnPrefsChange: {
-        type: Boolean,
-        value: false,
-      },
-      comments: {
-        type: Object,
-        observer: '_commentsChanged',
-      },
-      lineWrapping: {
-        type: Boolean,
-        value: false,
-      },
-      viewMode: {
-        type: String,
-        value: DiffViewMode.SIDE_BY_SIDE,
-      },
+        /** @type {?} */
+        patchRange: Object,
+        path: String,
+        prefs: {
+          type: Object,
+        },
+        projectName: String,
+        displayLine: {
+          type: Boolean,
+          value: false,
+        },
+        isImageDiff: {
+          type: Boolean,
+          computed: '_computeIsImageDiff(diff)',
+          notify: true,
+        },
+        commitRange: Object,
+        filesWeblinks: {
+          type: Object,
+          value() {
+            return {};
+          },
+          notify: true,
+        },
+        hidden: {
+          type: Boolean,
+          reflectToAttribute: true,
+        },
+        noRenderOnPrefsChange: {
+          type: Boolean,
+          value: false,
+        },
+        comments: {
+          type: Object,
+          observer: '_commentsChanged',
+        },
+        lineWrapping: {
+          type: Boolean,
+          value: false,
+        },
+        viewMode: {
+          type: String,
+          value: DiffViewMode.SIDE_BY_SIDE,
+        },
-      /**
+        /**
        * Special line number which should not be collapsed into a shared region.
        * @type {{
        *  number: number,
        *  leftSide: {boolean}
        * }|null}
-      lineOfInterest: Object,
+        lineOfInterest: Object,
-      /**
+        /**
        * If the diff fails to load, show the failure message in the diff rather
        * than bubbling the error up to the whole page. This is useful for when
        * loading inline diffs because one diff failing need not mark the whole
        * page with a failure.
-      showLoadFailure: Boolean,
+        showLoadFailure: Boolean,
-      isBlameLoaded: {
-        type: Boolean,
-        notify: true,
-        computed: '_computeIsBlameLoaded(_blame)',
-      },
+        isBlameLoaded: {
+          type: Boolean,
+          notify: true,
+          computed: '_computeIsBlameLoaded(_blame)',
+        },
-      _loggedIn: {
-        type: Boolean,
-        value: false,
-      },
+        _loggedIn: {
+          type: Boolean,
+          value: false,
+        },
-      _loading: {
-        type: Boolean,
-        value: false,
-      },
+        _loading: {
+          type: Boolean,
+          value: false,
+        },
-      /** @type {?string} */
-      _errorMessage: {
-        type: String,
-        value: null,
-      },
+        /** @type {?string} */
+        _errorMessage: {
+          type: String,
+          value: null,
+        },
-      /** @type {?Object} */
-      _baseImage: Object,
-      /** @type {?Object} */
-      _revisionImage: Object,
-      /**
+        /** @type {?Object} */
+        _baseImage: Object,
+        /** @type {?Object} */
+        _revisionImage: Object,
+        /**
        * This is a DiffInfo object.
-      diff: {
-        type: Object,
-        notify: true,
-      },
+        diff: {
+          type: Object,
+          notify: true,
+        },
-      /** @type {?Object} */
-      _blame: {
-        type: Object,
-        value: null,
-      },
+        /** @type {?Object} */
+        _blame: {
+          type: Object,
+          value: null,
+        },
-      /**
+        /**
        * @type {!Array<!Gerrit.CoverageRange>}
-      _coverageRanges: {
-        type: Array,
-        value: () => [],
-      },
+        _coverageRanges: {
+          type: Array,
+          value: () => [],
+        },
-      _loadedWhitespaceLevel: String,
+        _loadedWhitespaceLevel: String,
-      _parentIndex: {
-        type: Number,
-        computed: '_computeParentIndex(patchRange.*)',
-      },
+        _parentIndex: {
+          type: Number,
+          computed: '_computeParentIndex(patchRange.*)',
+        },
-      _syntaxHighlightingEnabled: {
-        type: Boolean,
-        computed:
+        _syntaxHighlightingEnabled: {
+          type: Boolean,
+          computed:
           '_isSyntaxHighlightingEnabled(prefs.*, diff)',
-      },
+        },
-      _layers: {
-        type: Array,
-        value: [],
-      },
-    },
+        _layers: {
+          type: Array,
+          value: [],
+        },
+      };
+    }
-    behaviors: [
-      Gerrit.FireBehavior,
-      Gerrit.PatchSetBehavior,
-    ],
-    listeners: {
-      // These are named inconsistently for a reason:
-      // The create-comment event is fired to indicate that we should
-      // create a comment.
-      // The comment-* events are just notifying that the comments did already
-      // change in some way, and that we should update any models we may want
-      // to keep in sync.
-      'create-comment': '_handleCreateComment',
-      'comment-discard': '_handleCommentDiscard',
-      'comment-update': '_handleCommentUpdate',
-      'comment-save': '_handleCommentSave',
-      'render-start': '_handleRenderStart',
-      'render-content': '_handleRenderContent',
-      'normalize-range': '_handleNormalizeRange',
-      'diff-context-expanded': '_handleDiffContextExpanded',
-    },
-    observers: [
-      '_whitespaceChanged(prefs.ignore_whitespace, _loadedWhitespaceLevel,' +
+    static get observers() {
+      return [
+        '_whitespaceChanged(prefs.ignore_whitespace, _loadedWhitespaceLevel,' +
           ' noRenderOnPrefsChange)',
-      '_syntaxHighlightingChanged(noRenderOnPrefsChange, prefs.*)',
-    ],
+        '_syntaxHighlightingChanged(noRenderOnPrefsChange, prefs.*)',
+      ];
+    }
+    created() {
+      super.created();
+      this.addEventListener(
+          // These are named inconsistently for a reason:
+          // The create-comment event is fired to indicate that we should
+          // create a comment.
+          // The comment-* events are just notifying that the comments did already
+          // change in some way, and that we should update any models we may want
+          // to keep in sync.
+          'create-comment',
+          e => this._handleCreateComment(e));
+      this.addEventListener('comment-discard',
+          e => this._handleCommentDiscard(e));
+      this.addEventListener('comment-update',
+          e => this._handleCommentUpdate(e));
+      this.addEventListener('comment-save',
+          e => this._handleCommentSave(e));
+      this.addEventListener('render-start',
+          () => this._handleRenderStart());
+      this.addEventListener('render-content',
+          () => this._handleRenderContent());
+      this.addEventListener('normalize-range',
+          event => this._handleNormalizeRange(event));
+      this.addEventListener('diff-context-expanded',
+          event => this._handleDiffContextExpanded(event));
+    }
     ready() {
+      super.ready();
       if (this._canReload()) {
-    },
+    }
     attached() {
+      super.attached();
       this._getLoggedIn().then(loggedIn => {
         this._loggedIn = loggedIn;
-    },
+    }
      * @param {boolean=} shouldReportMetric indicate a new Diff Page. This is a
@@ -364,7 +381,7 @@
             console.warn('Error encountered loading diff:', err);
           .then(() => { this._loading = false; });
-    },
+    }
     _getFilesWeblinks(diff) {
       if (!this.commitRange) {
@@ -378,30 +395,30 @@
             this.projectName, this.commitRange.commit, this.path,
             {weblinks: diff && diff.meta_b && diff.meta_b.web_links}),
-    },
+    }
     /** Cancel any remaining diff builder rendering work. */
     cancel() {
-    },
+    }
     /** @return {!Array<!HTMLElement>} */
     getCursorStops() {
       return this.$.diff.getCursorStops();
-    },
+    }
     /** @return {boolean} */
     isRangeSelected() {
       return this.$.diff.isRangeSelected();
-    },
+    }
     createRangeComment() {
       return this.$.diff.createRangeComment();
-    },
+    }
     toggleLeftDiff() {
-    },
+    }
      * Load and display blame information for the base of the diff.
@@ -418,12 +435,12 @@
             this._blame = blame;
-    },
+    }
     /** Unload blame information for the diff. */
     clearBlame() {
       this._blame = null;
-    },
+    }
      * The thread elements in this diff, in no particular order.
@@ -432,31 +449,31 @@
     getThreadEls() {
       return Array.from(
-    },
+    }
     /** @param {HTMLElement} el */
     addDraftAtLine(el) {
-    },
+    }
     clearDiffContent() {
-    },
+    }
     expandAllContext() {
-    },
+    }
     /** @return {!Promise} */
     _getLoggedIn() {
       return this.$.restAPI.getLoggedIn();
-    },
+    }
     /** @return {boolean}} */
     _canReload() {
       return !!this.changeNum && !!this.patchRange && !!this.path &&
-    },
+    }
     /** @return {!Promise<!Object>} */
     _getDiff() {
@@ -472,7 +489,7 @@
-    },
+    }
     _handleGetDiffError(response) {
       // Loading the diff may respond with 409 if the file is too large. In this
@@ -492,7 +509,7 @@
       }'page-error', {response});
-    },
+    }
      * Report info about the diff response.
@@ -533,7 +550,7 @@
-    },
+    }
      * @param {Object} diff
@@ -550,7 +567,7 @@
         this._revisionImage = null;
         return Promise.resolve();
-    },
+    }
      * @param {Object} diff
@@ -558,7 +575,7 @@
     _computeIsImageDiff(diff) {
       return isImageDiff(diff);
-    },
+    }
     _commentsChanged(newComments) {
       const allComments = [];
@@ -579,7 +596,7 @@
         const threadEl = this._createThreadElement(thread);
-    },
+    }
      * @param {!Array<!Object>} comments
@@ -621,7 +638,7 @@
       return threads;
-    },
+    }
      * @param {Object} blame
@@ -629,7 +646,7 @@
     _computeIsBlameLoaded(blame) {
       return !!blame;
-    },
+    }
      * @param {Object} diff
@@ -638,7 +655,7 @@
     _getImages(diff) {
       return this.$.restAPI.getImagesForDiff(this.changeNum, diff,
-    },
+    }
     /** @param {CustomEvent} e */
     _handleCreateComment(e) {
@@ -648,7 +665,7 @@
       threadEl.addOrEditDraft(lineNum, range);
-    },
+    }
      * Gets or creates a comment thread at a given location.
@@ -675,18 +692,18 @@
       return threadEl;
-    },
+    }
     _attachThreadElement(threadEl) {
-    },
+    }
     _clearThreads() {
       for (const threadEl of this.getThreadEls()) {
         const parent = Polymer.dom(threadEl).parentNode;
-    },
+    }
     _createThreadElement(thread) {
       const threadEl = document.createElement('gr-comment-thread');
@@ -717,7 +734,7 @@
       threadEl.addEventListener('thread-discard', threadDiscardListener);
       return threadEl;
-    },
+    }
      * Gets a comment thread element at a given location.
@@ -746,7 +763,7 @@
       const filteredThreadEls = this._filterThreadElsForLocation(
           this.getThreadEls(), line, commentSide).filter(matchesRange);
       return filteredThreadEls.length ? filteredThreadEls[0] : null;
-    },
+    }
      * @param {!Array<!HTMLElement>} threadEls
@@ -791,14 +808,14 @@
       return threadEls.filter(threadEl =>
         matchers.some(matcher => matcher(threadEl)));
-    },
+    }
     _getIgnoreWhitespace() {
       if (!this.prefs || !this.prefs.ignore_whitespace) {
       return this.prefs.ignore_whitespace;
-    },
+    }
         preferredWhitespaceLevel, loadedWhitespaceLevel,
@@ -816,7 +833,7 @@
           !noRenderOnPrefsChange) {
-    },
+    }
     _syntaxHighlightingChanged(noRenderOnPrefsChange, prefsChangeRecord) {
       // Polymer 2: check for undefined
@@ -834,7 +851,7 @@
       if (!noRenderOnPrefsChange) {
-    },
+    }
      * @param {Object} patchRangeRecord
@@ -843,7 +860,7 @@
     _computeParentIndex(patchRangeRecord) {
       return this.isMergeParent(patchRangeRecord.base.basePatchNum) ?
         this.getParentIndex(patchRangeRecord.base.basePatchNum) : null;
-    },
+    }
     _handleCommentSave(e) {
       const comment = e.detail.comment;
@@ -851,13 +868,13 @@
       const idx = this._findDraftIndex(comment, side);
       this.set(['comments', side, idx], comment);
-    },
+    }
     _handleCommentDiscard(e) {
       const comment = e.detail.comment;
-    },
+    }
      * Closure annotation for Polymer.prototype.push is off. Submitted PR:
@@ -878,17 +895,17 @@
       } else { // Create new draft.
         this.push(['comments', side], comment);
-    },
+    }
     _handleCommentSaveOrDiscard() {
       this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(
           'diff-comments-modified', {bubbles: true, composed: true}));
-    },
+    }
     _removeComment(comment) {
       const side = comment.__commentSide;
       this._removeCommentFromSide(comment, side);
-    },
+    }
     _removeCommentFromSide(comment, side) {
       let idx = this._findCommentIndex(comment, side);
@@ -898,7 +915,7 @@
       if (idx !== -1) {
         this.splice('comments.' + side, idx, 1);
-    },
+    }
     /** @return {number} */
     _findCommentIndex(comment, side) {
@@ -906,7 +923,7 @@
         return -1;
       return this.comments[side].findIndex(item => ===;
-    },
+    }
     /** @return {number} */
     _findDraftIndex(comment, side) {
@@ -915,7 +932,7 @@
       return this.comments[side].findIndex(
           item => item.__draftID === comment.__draftID);
-    },
+    }
     _isSyntaxHighlightingEnabled(preferenceChangeRecord, diff) {
       if (!preferenceChangeRecord ||
@@ -926,7 +943,7 @@
       return !this._anyLineTooLong(diff) &&
           this.$.diff.getDiffLength(diff) <= SYNTAX_MAX_DIFF_LENGTH;
-    },
+    }
      * @return {boolean} whether any of the lines in diff are longer
@@ -940,7 +957,7 @@
           (section.a || []).concat(section.b || []);
         return lines.some(line => line.length >= SYNTAX_MAX_LINE_LENGTH);
-    },
+    }
     _listenToViewportRender() {
       const renderUpdateListener = start => {
@@ -951,26 +968,28 @@
-    },
+    }
     _handleRenderStart() {
-    },
+    }
     _handleRenderContent() {
-    },
+    }
     _handleNormalizeRange(event) {
           `Modified invalid comment range on l. ${event.detail.lineNum}` +
           ` of the ${event.detail.side} side`);
-    },
+    }
     _handleDiffContextExpanded(event) {
           'diff-context-expanded', event.detail.numLines);
-    },
-  });
+    }
+  }
+  customElements.define(, GrDiffHost);
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-mode-selector/gr-diff-mode-selector.js b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-mode-selector/gr-diff-mode-selector.js
index 88dd91a..8d8785a 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-mode-selector/gr-diff-mode-selector.js
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-mode-selector/gr-diff-mode-selector.js
@@ -17,34 +17,38 @@
 (function() {
   'use strict';
-  Polymer({
-    is: 'gr-diff-mode-selector',
+  class GrDiffModeSelector extends Polymer.GestureEventListeners(
+      Polymer.LegacyElementMixin(
+          Polymer.Element)) {
+    static get is() { return 'gr-diff-mode-selector'; }
-    properties: {
-      mode: {
-        type: String,
-        notify: true,
-      },
+    static get properties() {
+      return {
+        mode: {
+          type: String,
+          notify: true,
+        },
-      /**
+        /**
        * If set to true, the user's preference will be updated every time a
        * button is tapped. Don't set to true if there is no user.
-      saveOnChange: {
-        type: Boolean,
-        value: false,
-      },
-      /** @type {?} */
-      _VIEW_MODES: {
-        type: Object,
-        readOnly: true,
-        value: {
-          SIDE_BY_SIDE: 'SIDE_BY_SIDE',
+        saveOnChange: {
+          type: Boolean,
+          value: false,
-      },
-    },
+        /** @type {?} */
+        _VIEW_MODES: {
+          type: Object,
+          readOnly: true,
+          value: {
+            SIDE_BY_SIDE: 'SIDE_BY_SIDE',
+            UNIFIED: 'UNIFIED_DIFF',
+          },
+        },
+      };
+    }
      * Set the mode. If save on change is enabled also update the preference.
@@ -54,18 +58,20 @@
         this.$.restAPI.savePreferences({diff_view: newMode});
       this.mode = newMode;
-    },
+    }
     _computeSelectedClass(diffViewMode, buttonViewMode) {
       return buttonViewMode === diffViewMode ? 'selected' : '';
-    },
+    }
     _handleSideBySideTap() {
-    },
+    }
     _handleUnifiedTap() {
-    },
-  });
+    }
+  }
+  customElements.define(, GrDiffModeSelector);
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-preferences-dialog/gr-diff-preferences-dialog.js b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-preferences-dialog/gr-diff-preferences-dialog.js
index 6ecd4d6..2d79311 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-preferences-dialog/gr-diff-preferences-dialog.js
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-preferences-dialog/gr-diff-preferences-dialog.js
@@ -17,39 +17,44 @@
 (function() {
   'use strict';
-  Polymer({
-    is: 'gr-diff-preferences-dialog',
+  /**
+    * @appliesMixin Gerrit.FireMixin
+    */
+  class GrDiffPreferencesDialog extends Polymer.mixinBehaviors( [
+    Gerrit.FireBehavior,
+  ], Polymer.GestureEventListeners(
+      Polymer.LegacyElementMixin(
+          Polymer.Element))) {
+    static get is() { return 'gr-diff-preferences-dialog'; }
-    properties: {
+    static get properties() {
+      return {
       /** @type {?} */
-      diffPrefs: Object,
+        diffPrefs: Object,
-      _diffPrefsChanged: Boolean,
-    },
-    behaviors: [
-      Gerrit.FireBehavior,
-    ],
+        _diffPrefsChanged: Boolean,
+      };
+    }
     getFocusStops() {
       return {
         start: this.$.diffPreferences.$.contextSelect,
         end: this.$.saveButton,
-    },
+    }
     resetFocus() {
-    },
+    }
     _computeHeaderClass(changed) {
       return changed ? 'edited' : '';
-    },
+    }
     _handleCancelDiff(e) {
-    },
+    }
     open() {
       this.$ => {
@@ -57,7 +62,7 @@
-    },
+    }
     _handleSaveDiffPreferences() {
       this.$ => {
@@ -65,6 +70,8 @@
-    },
-  });
+    }
+  }
+  customElements.define(, GrDiffPreferencesDialog);
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-processor/gr-diff-processor.js b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-processor/gr-diff-processor.js
index b67bde3..817da45 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-processor/gr-diff-processor.js
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-processor/gr-diff-processor.js
@@ -64,71 +64,77 @@
    *    that the part that is within the context or has comments is shown, while
    *    the rest is not.
-  Polymer({
-    is: 'gr-diff-processor',
+  class GrDiffProcessor extends Polymer.GestureEventListeners(
+      Polymer.LegacyElementMixin(
+          Polymer.Element)) {
+    static get is() { return 'gr-diff-processor'; }
-    properties: {
+    static get properties() {
+      return {
-      /**
+        /**
        * The amount of context around collapsed groups.
-      context: Number,
+        context: Number,
-      /**
+        /**
        * The array of groups output by the processor.
-      groups: {
-        type: Array,
-        notify: true,
-      },
+        groups: {
+          type: Array,
+          notify: true,
+        },
-      /**
+        /**
        * Locations that should not be collapsed, including the locations of
        * comments.
-      keyLocations: {
-        type: Object,
-        value() { return {left: {}, right: {}}; },
-      },
+        keyLocations: {
+          type: Object,
+          value() { return {left: {}, right: {}}; },
+        },
-      /**
+        /**
        * The maximum number of lines to process synchronously.
-      _asyncThreshold: {
-        type: Number,
-        value: 64,
-      },
+        _asyncThreshold: {
+          type: Number,
+          value: 64,
+        },
-      /** @type {?number} */
-      _nextStepHandle: Number,
-      /**
+        /** @type {?number} */
+        _nextStepHandle: Number,
+        /**
        * The promise last returned from `process()` while the asynchronous
        * processing is running - `null` otherwise. Provides a `cancel()`
        * method that rejects it with `{isCancelled: true}`.
        * @type {?Object}
-      _processPromise: {
-        type: Object,
-        value: null,
-      },
-      _isScrolling: Boolean,
-    },
+        _processPromise: {
+          type: Object,
+          value: null,
+        },
+        _isScrolling: Boolean,
+      };
+    }
     attached() {
+      super.attached();
       this.listen(window, 'scroll', '_handleWindowScroll');
-    },
+    }
     detached() {
+      super.detached();
       this.unlisten(window, 'scroll', '_handleWindowScroll');
-    },
+    }
     _handleWindowScroll() {
       this._isScrolling = true;
       this.debounce('resetIsScrolling', () => {
         this._isScrolling = false;
       }, 50);
-    },
+    }
      * Asynchronously process the diff chunks into groups. As it processes, it
@@ -196,7 +202,7 @@
       return this._processPromise
           .finally(() => { this._processPromise = null; });
-    },
+    }
      * Cancel any jobs that are running.
@@ -209,7 +215,7 @@
       if (this._processPromise) {
-    },
+    }
      * Process the next uncollapsible chunk, or the next collapsible chunks.
@@ -236,15 +242,15 @@
       return this._processCollapsibleChunks(
           state, chunks, firstUncollapsibleChunkIndex);
-    },
+    }
     _linesLeft(chunk) {
       return chunk.ab || chunk.a || [];
-    },
+    }
     _linesRight(chunk) {
       return chunk.ab || chunk.b || [];
-    },
+    }
     _firstUncollapsibleChunkIndex(chunks, offset) {
       let chunkIndex = offset;
@@ -253,11 +259,11 @@
       return chunkIndex;
-    },
+    }
     _isCollapsibleChunk(chunk) {
       return (chunk.ab || chunk.common) && !chunk.keyLocation;
-    },
+    }
      * Process a stretch of collapsible chunks.
@@ -303,7 +309,7 @@
         newChunkIndex: firstUncollapsibleChunkIndex,
-    },
+    }
     _commonChunkLength(chunk) {
       console.assert(chunk.ab || chunk.common);
@@ -311,7 +317,7 @@
           !chunk.a || (chunk.b && chunk.a.length === chunk.b.length),
           `common chunk needs same number of a and b lines: `, chunk);
       return this._linesLeft(chunk).length;
-    },
+    }
      * @param {!Array<!Object>} chunks
@@ -327,7 +333,7 @@
         offsetRight += chunkLength;
         return group;
-    },
+    }
      * @param {!Object} chunk
@@ -343,7 +349,7 @@
       group.dueToRebase = chunk.due_to_rebase;
       group.ignoredWhitespaceOnly = chunk.common;
       return group;
-    },
+    }
     _linesFromChunk(chunk, offsetLeft, offsetRight) {
       if (chunk.ab) {
@@ -366,7 +372,7 @@
       return lines;
-    },
+    }
      * @param {string} lineType (GrDiffLine.Type)
@@ -380,7 +386,7 @@
         this._convertIntralineInfos(rows, opt_intralineInfos) : undefined;
       return, i) => this._lineFromRow(
           lineType, offset, offset, row, i, grDiffHighlights));
-    },
+    }
      * @param {string} type (GrDiffLine.Type)
@@ -403,14 +409,14 @@
         line.hasIntralineInfo = false;
       return line;
-    },
+    }
     _makeFileComments() {
       const line = new GrDiffLine(GrDiffLine.Type.BOTH);
       line.beforeNumber = GrDiffLine.FILE;
       line.afterNumber = GrDiffLine.FILE;
       return new GrDiffGroup(GrDiffGroup.Type.BOTH, [line]);
-    },
+    }
      * Split chunks into smaller chunks of the same kind.
@@ -452,7 +458,7 @@
       return newChunks;
-    },
+    }
      * In order to show key locations, such as comments, out of the bounds of
@@ -503,7 +509,7 @@
       return result;
-    },
+    }
      * @return {!Array<{offset: number, keyLocation: boolean}>} Offsets of the
@@ -534,7 +540,7 @@
       return result;
-    },
+    }
     _splitAtChunkEnds(lines, chunkEnds) {
       const result = [];
@@ -545,7 +551,7 @@
         lastChunkEndOffset = offset;
       return result;
-    },
+    }
      * Converts `IntralineInfo`s return by the API to `GrLineHighlights` used
@@ -595,7 +601,7 @@
       return normalized;
-    },
+    }
      * If a group is an addition or a removal, break it down into smaller groups
@@ -625,7 +631,7 @@
             return subChunk;
-    },
+    }
      * Given an array and a size, return an array of arrays where no inner array
@@ -643,6 +649,8 @@
       const tail = array.slice(array.length - size);
       return this._breakdown(head, size).concat([tail]);
-    },
-  });
+    }
+  }
+  customElements.define(, GrDiffProcessor);
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-selection/gr-diff-selection.js b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-selection/gr-diff-selection.js
index c35c304..0dc0fba 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-selection/gr-diff-selection.js
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-selection/gr-diff-selection.js
@@ -30,35 +30,46 @@
   const getNewCache = () => { return {left: null, right: null}; };
-  Polymer({
-    is: 'gr-diff-selection',
+  /**
+    * @appliesMixin Gerrit.DomUtilMixin
+    */
+  class GrDiffSelection extends Polymer.mixinBehaviors( [
+    Gerrit.DomUtilBehavior,
+  ], Polymer.GestureEventListeners(
+      Polymer.LegacyElementMixin(
+          Polymer.Element))) {
+    static get is() { return 'gr-diff-selection'; }
-    properties: {
-      diff: Object,
-      /** @type {?Object} */
-      _cachedDiffBuilder: Object,
-      _linesCache: {
-        type: Object,
-        value: getNewCache(),
-      },
-    },
+    static get properties() {
+      return {
+        diff: Object,
+        /** @type {?Object} */
+        _cachedDiffBuilder: Object,
+        _linesCache: {
+          type: Object,
+          value: getNewCache(),
+        },
+      };
+    }
-    observers: [
-      '_diffChanged(diff)',
-    ],
+    static get observers() {
+      return [
+        '_diffChanged(diff)',
+      ];
+    }
-    listeners: {
-      copy: '_handleCopy',
-      down: '_handleDown',
-    },
-    behaviors: [
-      Gerrit.DomUtilBehavior,
-    ],
+    created() {
+      super.created();
+      this.addEventListener('copy',
+          e => this._handleCopy(e));
+      Polymer.Gestures.addListener(this, 'down',
+          e => this._handleDown(e));
+    }
     attached() {
+      super.attached();
-    },
+    }
     get diffBuilder() {
       if (!this._cachedDiffBuilder) {
@@ -66,11 +77,11 @@
       return this._cachedDiffBuilder;
-    },
+    }
     _diffChanged() {
       this._linesCache = getNewCache();
-    },
+    }
     _handleDownOnRangeComment(node) {
       if (node &&
@@ -85,7 +96,7 @@
         return true;
       return false;
-    },
+    }
     _handleDown(e) {
       // Handle the down event on comment thread in Polymer 2
@@ -115,7 +126,7 @@
-    },
+    }
      * Set the provided list of classes on the element, to the exclusion of all
@@ -138,11 +149,11 @@
-    },
+    }
     _getCopyEventTarget(e) {
       return Polymer.dom(e).rootTarget;
-    },
+    }
      * Utility function to determine whether an element is a descendant of
@@ -155,7 +166,7 @@
     _elementDescendedFromClass(element, className) {
       return this.descendedFromClass(element, className,
-    },
+    }
     _handleCopy(e) {
       let commentSelected = false;
@@ -175,7 +186,7 @@
         e.clipboardData.setData('Text', text);
-    },
+    }
      * For Polymer 2, use shadowRoot.getSelection instead.
@@ -186,7 +197,7 @@
         diffHost.shadowRoot &&
       return selection ? selection: window.getSelection();
-    },
+    }
      * Get the text of the current selection. If commentSelected is
@@ -225,7 +236,7 @@
       return this._getRangeFromDiff(startLineNum, range.startOffset, endLineNum,
           range.endOffset, side);
-    },
+    }
      * Query the diff object for the selected lines.
@@ -247,7 +258,7 @@
         lines[0] = lines[0].substring(startOffset);
       return lines.join('\n');
-    },
+    }
      * Query the diff object for the lines from a particular side.
@@ -270,7 +281,7 @@
       this._linesCache[side] = lines;
       return lines;
-    },
+    }
      * Query the diffElement for comments and check whether they lie inside the
@@ -308,7 +319,7 @@
       return content.join('\n');
-    },
+    }
      * Given a DOM node, a selection, and a selection range, recursively get all
@@ -338,6 +349,8 @@
       return text;
-    },
-  });
+    }
+  }
+  customElements.define(, GrDiffSelection);
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-view/gr-diff-view.js b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-view/gr-diff-view.js
index f44587c2..4c401cf 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-view/gr-diff-view.js
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-view/gr-diff-view.js
@@ -33,9 +33,23 @@
-  Polymer({
-    is: 'gr-diff-view',
+  /**
+    * @appliesMixin Gerrit.FireMixin
+    * @appliesMixin Gerrit.KeyboardShortcutMixin
+    * @appliesMixin Gerrit.PatchSetMixin
+    * @appliesMixin Gerrit.PathListMixin
+    * @appliesMixin Gerrit.RESTClientMixin
+    */
+  class GrDiffView extends Polymer.mixinBehaviors( [
+    Gerrit.FireBehavior,
+    Gerrit.KeyboardShortcutBehavior,
+    Gerrit.PatchSetBehavior,
+    Gerrit.PathListBehavior,
+    Gerrit.RESTClientBehavior,
+  ], Polymer.GestureEventListeners(
+      Polymer.LegacyElementMixin(
+          Polymer.Element))) {
+    static get is() { return 'gr-diff-view'; }
      * Fired when the title of the page should change.
@@ -48,154 +62,152 @@
      * @event show-alert
-    properties: {
+    static get properties() {
+      return {
        * URL params passed from the router.
-      params: {
-        type: Object,
-        observer: '_paramsChanged',
-      },
-      keyEventTarget: {
-        type: Object,
-        value() { return document.body; },
-      },
-      /**
+        params: {
+          type: Object,
+          observer: '_paramsChanged',
+        },
+        keyEventTarget: {
+          type: Object,
+          value() { return document.body; },
+        },
+        /**
        * @type {{ diffMode: (string|undefined) }}
-      changeViewState: {
-        type: Object,
-        notify: true,
-        value() { return {}; },
-        observer: '_changeViewStateChanged',
-      },
-      disableDiffPrefs: {
-        type: Boolean,
-        value: false,
-      },
-      _diffPrefsDisabled: {
-        type: Boolean,
-        computed: '_computeDiffPrefsDisabled(disableDiffPrefs, _loggedIn)',
-      },
-      /** @type {?} */
-      _patchRange: Object,
-      /** @type {?} */
-      _commitRange: Object,
-      /**
+        changeViewState: {
+          type: Object,
+          notify: true,
+          value() { return {}; },
+          observer: '_changeViewStateChanged',
+        },
+        disableDiffPrefs: {
+          type: Boolean,
+          value: false,
+        },
+        _diffPrefsDisabled: {
+          type: Boolean,
+          computed: '_computeDiffPrefsDisabled(disableDiffPrefs, _loggedIn)',
+        },
+        /** @type {?} */
+        _patchRange: Object,
+        /** @type {?} */
+        _commitRange: Object,
+        /**
        * @type {{
        *  subject: string,
        *  project: string,
        *  revisions: string,
        * }}
-      _change: Object,
-      /** @type {?} */
-      _changeComments: Object,
-      _changeNum: String,
-      /**
+        _change: Object,
+        /** @type {?} */
+        _changeComments: Object,
+        _changeNum: String,
+        /**
        * This is a DiffInfo object.
        * This is retrieved and owned by a child component.
-      _diff: Object,
-      // An array specifically formatted to be used in a gr-dropdown-list
-      // element for selected a file to view.
-      _formattedFiles: {
-        type: Array,
-        computed: '_formatFilesForDropdown(_fileList, ' +
+        _diff: Object,
+        // An array specifically formatted to be used in a gr-dropdown-list
+        // element for selected a file to view.
+        _formattedFiles: {
+          type: Array,
+          computed: '_formatFilesForDropdown(_fileList, ' +
             '_patchRange.patchNum, _changeComments)',
-      },
-      // An sorted array of files, as returned by the rest API.
-      _fileList: {
-        type: Array,
-        value() { return []; },
-      },
-      _path: {
-        type: String,
-        observer: '_pathChanged',
-      },
-      _fileNum: {
-        type: Number,
-        computed: '_computeFileNum(_path, _formattedFiles)',
-      },
-      _loggedIn: {
-        type: Boolean,
-        value: false,
-      },
-      _loading: {
-        type: Boolean,
-        value: true,
-      },
-      _prefs: Object,
-      _localPrefs: Object,
-      _projectConfig: Object,
-      _userPrefs: Object,
-      _diffMode: {
-        type: String,
-        computed: '_getDiffViewMode(changeViewState.diffMode, _userPrefs)',
-      },
-      _isImageDiff: Boolean,
-      _filesWeblinks: Object,
+        },
+        // An sorted array of files, as returned by the rest API.
+        _fileList: {
+          type: Array,
+          value() { return []; },
+        },
+        _path: {
+          type: String,
+          observer: '_pathChanged',
+        },
+        _fileNum: {
+          type: Number,
+          computed: '_computeFileNum(_path, _formattedFiles)',
+        },
+        _loggedIn: {
+          type: Boolean,
+          value: false,
+        },
+        _loading: {
+          type: Boolean,
+          value: true,
+        },
+        _prefs: Object,
+        _localPrefs: Object,
+        _projectConfig: Object,
+        _userPrefs: Object,
+        _diffMode: {
+          type: String,
+          computed: '_getDiffViewMode(changeViewState.diffMode, _userPrefs)',
+        },
+        _isImageDiff: Boolean,
+        _filesWeblinks: Object,
-      /**
+        /**
        * Map of paths in the current change and patch range that have comments
        * or drafts or robot comments.
-      _commentMap: Object,
+        _commentMap: Object,
-      _commentsForDiff: Object,
+        _commentsForDiff: Object,
-      /**
+        /**
        * Object to contain the path of the next and previous file in the current
        * change and patch range that has comments.
-      _commentSkips: {
-        type: Object,
-        computed: '_computeCommentSkips(_commentMap, _fileList, _path)',
-      },
-      _panelFloatingDisabled: {
-        type: Boolean,
-        value: () => { return window.PANEL_FLOATING_DISABLED; },
-      },
-      _editMode: {
-        type: Boolean,
-        computed: '_computeEditMode(_patchRange.*)',
-      },
-      _isBlameLoaded: Boolean,
-      _isBlameLoading: {
-        type: Boolean,
-        value: false,
-      },
-      _allPatchSets: {
-        type: Array,
-        computed: 'computeAllPatchSets(_change, _change.revisions.*)',
-      },
-      _revisionInfo: {
-        type: Object,
-        computed: '_getRevisionInfo(_change)',
-      },
-      _reviewedFiles: {
-        type: Object,
-        value: () => new Set(),
-      },
-    },
+        _commentSkips: {
+          type: Object,
+          computed: '_computeCommentSkips(_commentMap, _fileList, _path)',
+        },
+        _panelFloatingDisabled: {
+          type: Boolean,
+          value: () => { return window.PANEL_FLOATING_DISABLED; },
+        },
+        _editMode: {
+          type: Boolean,
+          computed: '_computeEditMode(_patchRange.*)',
+        },
+        _isBlameLoaded: Boolean,
+        _isBlameLoading: {
+          type: Boolean,
+          value: false,
+        },
+        _allPatchSets: {
+          type: Array,
+          computed: 'computeAllPatchSets(_change, _change.revisions.*)',
+        },
+        _revisionInfo: {
+          type: Object,
+          computed: '_getRevisionInfo(_change)',
+        },
+        _reviewedFiles: {
+          type: Object,
+          value: () => new Set(),
+        },
+      };
+    }
-    behaviors: [
-      Gerrit.FireBehavior,
-      Gerrit.KeyboardShortcutBehavior,
-      Gerrit.PatchSetBehavior,
-      Gerrit.PathListBehavior,
-      Gerrit.RESTClientBehavior,
-    ],
+    static get observers() {
+      return [
+        '_getProjectConfig(_change.project)',
+        '_getFiles(_changeNum, _patchRange.*)',
+        '_setReviewedObserver(_loggedIn, params.*, _prefs)',
+      ];
+    }
-    observers: [
-      '_getProjectConfig(_change.project)',
-      '_getFiles(_changeNum, _patchRange.*)',
-      '_setReviewedObserver(_loggedIn, params.*, _prefs)',
-    ],
-    keyBindings: {
-      esc: '_handleEscKey',
-    },
+    get keyBindings() {
+      return {
+        esc: '_handleEscKey',
+      };
+    }
     keyboardShortcuts() {
       return {
@@ -230,37 +242,38 @@
         [this.Shortcut.EXPAND_ALL_COMMENT_THREADS]: null,
         [this.Shortcut.COLLAPSE_ALL_COMMENT_THREADS]: null,
-    },
+    }
     attached() {
+      super.attached();
       this._getLoggedIn().then(loggedIn => {
         this._loggedIn = loggedIn;
       this.$.cursor.push('diffs', this.$.diffHost);
-    },
+    }
     _getLoggedIn() {
       return this.$.restAPI.getLoggedIn();
-    },
+    }
     _getProjectConfig(project) {
       return this.$.restAPI.getProjectConfig(project).then(
           config => {
             this._projectConfig = config;
-    },
+    }
     _getChangeDetail(changeNum) {
       return this.$.restAPI.getDiffChangeDetail(changeNum).then(change => {
         this._change = change;
         return change;
-    },
+    }
     _getChangeEdit(changeNum) {
       return this.$.restAPI.getChangeEdit(this._changeNum);
-    },
+    }
     _getFiles(changeNum, patchRangeRecord) {
       // Polymer 2: check for undefined
@@ -274,25 +287,25 @@
           changeNum, patchRange).then(files => {
         this._fileList = files;
-    },
+    }
     _getDiffPreferences() {
       return this.$.restAPI.getDiffPreferences().then(prefs => {
         this._prefs = prefs;
-    },
+    }
     _getPreferences() {
       return this.$.restAPI.getPreferences();
-    },
+    }
     _getWindowWidth() {
       return window.innerWidth;
-    },
+    }
     _handleReviewedChange(e) {
-    },
+    }
     _setReviewed(reviewed) {
       if (this._editMode) { return; }
@@ -301,12 +314,12 @@'show-alert', {message: ERR_REVIEW_STATUS});
         throw err;
-    },
+    }
     _saveReviewedState(reviewed) {
       return this.$.restAPI.saveFileReviewed(this._changeNum,
           this._patchRange.patchNum, this._path, reviewed);
-    },
+    }
     _handleToggleFileReviewed(e) {
       if (this.shouldSuppressKeyboardShortcut(e) ||
@@ -314,7 +327,7 @@
-    },
+    }
     _handleEscKey(e) {
       if (this.shouldSuppressKeyboardShortcut(e) ||
@@ -322,21 +335,21 @@
       this.$.diffHost.displayLine = false;
-    },
+    }
     _handleLeftPane(e) {
       if (this.shouldSuppressKeyboardShortcut(e)) { return; }
-    },
+    }
     _handleRightPane(e) {
       if (this.shouldSuppressKeyboardShortcut(e)) { return; }
-    },
+    }
     _handlePrevLineOrFileWithComments(e) {
       if (this.shouldSuppressKeyboardShortcut(e)) { return; }
@@ -350,7 +363,7 @@
       this.$.diffHost.displayLine = true;
-    },
+    }
     _handleNextLineOrFileWithComments(e) {
       if (this.shouldSuppressKeyboardShortcut(e)) { return; }
@@ -364,7 +377,7 @@
       this.$.diffHost.displayLine = true;
-    },
+    }
     _moveToPreviousFileWithComment() {
       if (!this._commentSkips) { return; }
@@ -378,7 +391,7 @@
       Gerrit.Nav.navigateToDiff(this._change, this._commentSkips.previous,
           this._patchRange.patchNum, this._patchRange.basePatchNum);
-    },
+    }
     _moveToNextFileWithComment() {
       if (!this._commentSkips) { return; }
@@ -391,14 +404,14 @@
           this._patchRange.patchNum, this._patchRange.basePatchNum);
-    },
+    }
     _handleNewComment(e) {
       if (this.shouldSuppressKeyboardShortcut(e) ||
           this.modifierPressed(e)) { return; }
-    },
+    }
     _handlePrevFile(e) {
       // Check for meta key to avoid overriding native chrome shortcut.
@@ -407,7 +420,7 @@
       this._navToFile(this._path, this._fileList, -1);
-    },
+    }
     _handleNextFile(e) {
       // Check for meta key to avoid overriding native chrome shortcut.
@@ -416,7 +429,7 @@
       this._navToFile(this._path, this._fileList, 1);
-    },
+    }
     _handleNextChunkOrCommentThread(e) {
       if (this.shouldSuppressKeyboardShortcut(e)) { return; }
@@ -428,7 +441,7 @@
         if (this.modifierPressed(e)) { return; }
-    },
+    }
     _handlePrevChunkOrCommentThread(e) {
       if (this.shouldSuppressKeyboardShortcut(e)) { return; }
@@ -440,7 +453,7 @@
         if (this.modifierPressed(e)) { return; }
-    },
+    }
     _handleOpenReplyDialogOrToggleLeftPane(e) {
       if (this.shouldSuppressKeyboardShortcut(e)) { return; }
@@ -458,7 +471,7 @@
       this.set('changeViewState.showReplyDialog', true);
-    },
+    }
     _handleUpToChange(e) {
       if (this.shouldSuppressKeyboardShortcut(e) ||
@@ -466,7 +479,7 @@
-    },
+    }
     _handleCommaKey(e) {
       if (this.shouldSuppressKeyboardShortcut(e) ||
@@ -475,7 +488,7 @@
-    },
+    }
     _handleToggleDiffMode(e) {
       if (this.shouldSuppressKeyboardShortcut(e) ||
@@ -487,7 +500,7 @@
       } else {
-    },
+    }
     _navToChangeView() {
       if (!this._changeNum || !this._patchRange.patchNum) { return; }
@@ -495,7 +508,7 @@
           this._change && this._change.revisions);
-    },
+    }
     _navToFile(path, fileList, direction) {
       const newPath = this._getNavLinkPath(path, fileList, direction);
@@ -511,7 +524,7 @@
       Gerrit.Nav.navigateToDiff(this._change, newPath.path,
           this._patchRange.patchNum, this._patchRange.basePatchNum);
-    },
+    }
      * @param {?string} path The path of the current file being shown.
@@ -535,7 +548,7 @@
             this._change && this._change.revisions);
       return this._getDiffUrl(this._change, this._patchRange, newPath.path);
-    },
+    }
      * Gives an object representing the target of navigating either left or
@@ -575,7 +588,7 @@
       return {path: fileList[idx]};
-    },
+    }
     _getReviewedFiles(changeNum, patchNum) {
       return this.$.restAPI.getReviewedFiles(changeNum, patchNum)
@@ -583,13 +596,13 @@
             this._reviewedFiles = new Set(files);
             return this._reviewedFiles;
-    },
+    }
     _getReviewedStatus(editMode, changeNum, patchNum, path) {
       if (editMode) { return Promise.resolve(false); }
       return this._getReviewedFiles(changeNum, patchNum)
           .then(files => files.has(path));
-    },
+    }
     _paramsChanged(value) {
       if (value.view !== Gerrit.Nav.View.DIFF) { return; }
@@ -676,7 +689,7 @@
         // If diff view displayed has not ended yet, it ends here.
-    },
+    }
     _changeViewStateChanged(changeViewState) {
       if (changeViewState.diffMode === null) {
@@ -685,7 +698,7 @@
           this.set('changeViewState.diffMode', prefs.default_diff_view);
-    },
+    }
     _setReviewedObserver(_loggedIn, paramsRecord, _prefs) {
       // Polymer 2: check for undefined
@@ -709,7 +722,7 @@
       if (params.view === Gerrit.Nav.View.DIFF) {
-    },
+    }
      * If the params specify a diff address then configure the diff cursor.
@@ -722,14 +735,14 @@
         this.$.cursor.side = DiffSides.RIGHT;
       this.$.cursor.initialLineNumber = params.lineNum;
-    },
+    }
     _getLineOfInterest(params) {
       // If there is a line number specified, pass it along to the diff so that
       // it will not get collapsed.
       if (!params.lineNum) { return null; }
       return {number: params.lineNum, leftSide: params.leftSide};
-    },
+    }
     _pathChanged(path) {
       if (path) {
@@ -741,7 +754,7 @@
-    },
+    }
     _getDiffUrl(change, patchRange, path) {
       if ([change, patchRange, path].some(arg => arg === undefined)) {
@@ -749,7 +762,7 @@
       return Gerrit.Nav.getUrlForDiff(change, path, patchRange.patchNum,
-    },
+    }
     _patchRangeStr(patchRange) {
       let patchStr = patchRange.patchNum;
@@ -758,7 +771,7 @@
         patchStr = patchRange.basePatchNum + '..' + patchRange.patchNum;
       return patchStr;
-    },
+    }
      * When the latest patch of the change is selected (and there is no base
@@ -782,7 +795,7 @@
         basePatchNum = patchRange.basePatchNum;
       return {patchNum, basePatchNum};
-    },
+    }
     _getChangePath(change, patchRange, revisions) {
       if ([change, patchRange].some(arg => arg === undefined)) {
@@ -791,16 +804,16 @@
       const range = this._getChangeUrlRange(patchRange, revisions);
       return Gerrit.Nav.getUrlForChange(change, range.patchNum,
-    },
+    }
     _navigateToChange(change, patchRange, revisions) {
       const range = this._getChangeUrlRange(patchRange, revisions);
       Gerrit.Nav.navigateToChange(change, range.patchNum, range.basePatchNum);
-    },
+    }
     _computeChangePath(change, patchRangeRecord, revisions) {
       return this._getChangePath(change, patchRangeRecord.base, revisions);
-    },
+    }
     _formatFilesForDropdown(fileList, patchNum, changeComments) {
       // Polymer 2: check for undefined
@@ -824,7 +837,7 @@
       return dropdownContent;
-    },
+    }
     _computeCommentString(changeComments, patchNum, path) {
       const unresolvedCount = changeComments.computeUnresolvedNum(patchNum,
@@ -840,11 +853,11 @@
           (commentString && unresolvedString ? ', ' : '') +
           // Add parentheses around unresolved if it exists.
           (unresolvedString ? `${unresolvedString}` : '');
-    },
+    }
     _computePrefsButtonHidden(prefs, prefsDisabled) {
       return prefsDisabled || !prefs;
-    },
+    }
     _handleFileChange(e) {
       // This is when it gets set initially.
@@ -855,7 +868,7 @@
       Gerrit.Nav.navigateToDiff(this._change, path, this._patchRange.patchNum,
-    },
+    }
     _handleFileTap(e) {
       // async is needed so that that the click event is fired before the
@@ -863,7 +876,7 @@
       this.async(() => {
       }, 1);
-    },
+    }
     _handlePatchChange(e) {
       const {basePatchNum, patchNum} = e.detail;
@@ -871,12 +884,12 @@
           this.patchNumEquals(patchNum, this._patchRange.patchNum)) { return; }
           this._change, this._path, patchNum, basePatchNum);
-    },
+    }
     _handlePrefsTap(e) {
-    },
+    }
      * _getDiffViewMode: Get the diff view (side-by-side or unified) based on
@@ -901,11 +914,11 @@
       } else {
         return 'SIDE_BY_SIDE';
-    },
+    }
     _computeModeSelectHideClass(isImageDiff) {
       return isImageDiff ? 'hide' : '';
-    },
+    }
     _onLineSelected(e, detail) {
       this.$.cursor.moveToLineNumber(detail.number, detail.side);
@@ -917,7 +930,7 @@
           this._change.project, this._path, this._patchRange.patchNum,
           this._patchRange.basePatchNum, number, leftSide);
       history.replaceState(null, '', url);
-    },
+    }
         project, changeNum, patchRange, path, diff) {
@@ -956,7 +969,7 @@
       return links;
-    },
+    }
         project, changeNum, patchRange, path, isBase) {
@@ -976,13 +989,13 @@
       return url;
-    },
+    }
     _computeDownloadPatchLink(project, changeNum, patchRange, path) {
       let url = this.changeBaseURL(project, changeNum, patchRange.patchNum);
       url += '/patch?zip&path=' + encodeURIComponent(path);
       return url;
-    },
+    }
     _loadComments() {
       return this.$.commentAPI.loadAll(this._changeNum).then(comments => {
@@ -992,20 +1005,20 @@
         this._commentsForDiff = this._getCommentsForPath(this._path,
             this._patchRange, this._projectConfig);
-    },
+    }
     _getPaths(patchRange) {
       return this._changeComments.getPaths(patchRange);
-    },
+    }
     _getCommentsForPath(path, patchRange, projectConfig) {
       return this._changeComments.getCommentsBySideForPath(path, patchRange,
-    },
+    }
     _getDiffDrafts() {
       return this.$.restAPI.getDiffDrafts(this._changeNum);
-    },
+    }
     _computeCommentSkips(commentMap, fileList, path) {
       // Polymer 2: check for undefined
@@ -1038,13 +1051,13 @@
       return skips;
-    },
+    }
     _computeDiffClass(panelFloatingDisabled) {
       if (panelFloatingDisabled) {
         return 'noOverflow';
-    },
+    }
      * @param {!Object} patchRangeRecord
@@ -1052,19 +1065,19 @@
     _computeEditMode(patchRangeRecord) {
       const patchRange = patchRangeRecord.base || {};
       return this.patchNumEquals(patchRange.patchNum, this.EDIT_NAME);
-    },
+    }
      * @param {boolean} editMode
     _computeContainerClass(editMode) {
       return editMode ? 'editMode' : '';
-    },
+    }
     _computeBlameToggleLabel(loaded, loading) {
       if (loaded) { return 'Hide blame'; }
       return 'Show blame';
-    },
+    }
      * Load and display blame information if it has not already been loaded.
@@ -1086,15 +1099,15 @@
           .catch(() => {
             this._isBlameLoading = false;
-    },
+    }
     _computeBlameLoaderClass(isImageDiff) {
       return !isImageDiff ? 'show' : '';
-    },
+    }
     _getRevisionInfo(change) {
       return new Gerrit.RevisionInfo(change);
-    },
+    }
     _computeFileNum(file, files) {
       // Polymer 2: check for undefined
@@ -1103,7 +1116,7 @@
       return files.findIndex(({value}) => value === file) + 1;
-    },
+    }
      * @param {number} fileNum
@@ -1115,16 +1128,16 @@
         return 'show';
       return '';
-    },
+    }
     _handleExpandAllDiffContext(e) {
       if (this.shouldSuppressKeyboardShortcut(e)) { return; }
-    },
+    }
     _computeDiffPrefsDisabled(disableDiffPrefs, loggedIn) {
       return disableDiffPrefs || !loggedIn;
-    },
+    }
     _handleNextUnreviewedFile(e) {
       if (this.shouldSuppressKeyboardShortcut(e)) { return; }
@@ -1135,10 +1148,12 @@
           .filter(file =>
             (file === this._path || !this._reviewedFiles.has(file)));
       this._navToFile(this._path, unreviewedFiles, 1);
-    },
+    }
     _handleReloadingDiffPreference() {
-    },
-  });
+    }
+  }
+  customElements.define(, GrDiffView);
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff/gr-diff.js b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff/gr-diff.js
index e7c7189..727115b 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff/gr-diff.js
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff/gr-diff.js
@@ -91,9 +91,17 @@
   const RENDER_DIFF_TABLE_DEBOUNCE_NAME = 'renderDiffTable';
-  Polymer({
-    is: 'gr-diff',
+  /**
+    * @appliesMixin Gerrit.FireMixin
+    * @appliesMixin Gerrit.PatchSetMixin
+    */
+  class GrDiff extends Polymer.mixinBehaviors( [
+    Gerrit.FireBehavior,
+    Gerrit.PatchSetBehavior,
+  ], Polymer.GestureEventListeners(
+      Polymer.LegacyElementMixin(
+          Polymer.Element))) {
+    static get is() { return 'gr-diff'; }
      * Fired when the user selects a line.
      * @event line-selected
@@ -126,89 +134,90 @@
      * @event diff-context-expanded
-    properties: {
-      changeNum: String,
-      noAutoRender: {
-        type: Boolean,
-        value: false,
-      },
-      /** @type {?} */
-      patchRange: Object,
-      path: {
-        type: String,
-        observer: '_pathObserver',
-      },
-      prefs: {
-        type: Object,
-        observer: '_prefsObserver',
-      },
-      projectName: String,
-      displayLine: {
-        type: Boolean,
-        value: false,
-      },
-      isImageDiff: {
-        type: Boolean,
-      },
-      commitRange: Object,
-      hidden: {
-        type: Boolean,
-        reflectToAttribute: true,
-      },
-      noRenderOnPrefsChange: Boolean,
-      /** @type {!Array<!Gerrit.HoveredRange>} */
-      _commentRanges: {
-        type: Array,
-        value: () => [],
-      },
-      /** @type {!Array<!Gerrit.CoverageRange>} */
-      coverageRanges: {
-        type: Array,
-        value: () => [],
-      },
-      lineWrapping: {
-        type: Boolean,
-        value: false,
-        observer: '_lineWrappingObserver',
-      },
-      viewMode: {
-        type: String,
-        value: DiffViewMode.SIDE_BY_SIDE,
-        observer: '_viewModeObserver',
-      },
+    static get properties() {
+      return {
+        changeNum: String,
+        noAutoRender: {
+          type: Boolean,
+          value: false,
+        },
+        /** @type {?} */
+        patchRange: Object,
+        path: {
+          type: String,
+          observer: '_pathObserver',
+        },
+        prefs: {
+          type: Object,
+          observer: '_prefsObserver',
+        },
+        projectName: String,
+        displayLine: {
+          type: Boolean,
+          value: false,
+        },
+        isImageDiff: {
+          type: Boolean,
+        },
+        commitRange: Object,
+        hidden: {
+          type: Boolean,
+          reflectToAttribute: true,
+        },
+        noRenderOnPrefsChange: Boolean,
+        /** @type {!Array<!Gerrit.HoveredRange>} */
+        _commentRanges: {
+          type: Array,
+          value: () => [],
+        },
+        /** @type {!Array<!Gerrit.CoverageRange>} */
+        coverageRanges: {
+          type: Array,
+          value: () => [],
+        },
+        lineWrapping: {
+          type: Boolean,
+          value: false,
+          observer: '_lineWrappingObserver',
+        },
+        viewMode: {
+          type: String,
+          value: DiffViewMode.SIDE_BY_SIDE,
+          observer: '_viewModeObserver',
+        },
-      /** @type ?Gerrit.LineOfInterest */
-      lineOfInterest: Object,
+        /** @type ?Gerrit.LineOfInterest */
+        lineOfInterest: Object,
-      loading: {
-        type: Boolean,
-        value: false,
-        observer: '_loadingChanged',
-      },
+        loading: {
+          type: Boolean,
+          value: false,
+          observer: '_loadingChanged',
+        },
-      loggedIn: {
-        type: Boolean,
-        value: false,
-      },
-      diff: {
-        type: Object,
-        observer: '_diffChanged',
-      },
-      _diffHeaderItems: {
-        type: Array,
-        value: [],
-        computed: '_computeDiffHeaderItems(diff.*)',
-      },
-      _diffTableClass: {
-        type: String,
-        value: '',
-      },
-      /** @type {?Object} */
-      baseImage: Object,
-      /** @type {?Object} */
-      revisionImage: Object,
+        loggedIn: {
+          type: Boolean,
+          value: false,
+        },
+        diff: {
+          type: Object,
+          observer: '_diffChanged',
+        },
+        _diffHeaderItems: {
+          type: Array,
+          value: [],
+          computed: '_computeDiffHeaderItems(diff.*)',
+        },
+        _diffTableClass: {
+          type: String,
+          value: '',
+        },
+        /** @type {?Object} */
+        baseImage: Object,
+        /** @type {?Object} */
+        revisionImage: Object,
-      /**
+        /**
        * Whether the safety check for large diffs when whole-file is set has
        * been bypassed. If the value is null, then the safety has not been
        * bypassed. If the value is a number, then that number represents the
@@ -216,83 +225,86 @@
        * @type (number|null)
-      _safetyBypass: {
-        type: Number,
-        value: null,
-      },
+        _safetyBypass: {
+          type: Number,
+          value: null,
+        },
-      _showWarning: Boolean,
+        _showWarning: Boolean,
-      /** @type {?string} */
-      errorMessage: {
-        type: String,
-        value: null,
-      },
+        /** @type {?string} */
+        errorMessage: {
+          type: String,
+          value: null,
+        },
-      /** @type {?Object} */
-      blame: {
-        type: Object,
-        value: null,
-        observer: '_blameChanged',
-      },
+        /** @type {?Object} */
+        blame: {
+          type: Object,
+          value: null,
+          observer: '_blameChanged',
+        },
-      parentIndex: Number,
+        parentIndex: Number,
-      _newlineWarning: {
-        type: String,
-        computed: '_computeNewlineWarning(diff)',
-      },
+        _newlineWarning: {
+          type: String,
+          computed: '_computeNewlineWarning(diff)',
+        },
-      _diffLength: Number,
+        _diffLength: Number,
-      /**
+        /**
        * Observes comment nodes added or removed after the initial render.
        * Can be used to unregister when the entire diff is (re-)rendered or upon
        * detachment.
        * @type {?PolymerDomApi.ObserveHandle}
-      _incrementalNodeObserver: Object,
+        _incrementalNodeObserver: Object,
-      /**
+        /**
        * Observes comment nodes added or removed at any point.
        * Can be used to unregister upon detachment.
        * @type {?PolymerDomApi.ObserveHandle}
-      _nodeObserver: Object,
+        _nodeObserver: Object,
-      /** Set by Polymer. */
-      isAttached: Boolean,
-      layers: Array,
-    },
+        /** Set by Polymer. */
+        isAttached: Boolean,
+        layers: Array,
+      };
+    }
-    behaviors: [
-      Gerrit.FireBehavior,
-      Gerrit.PatchSetBehavior,
-    ],
+    static get observers() {
+      return [
+        '_enableSelectionObserver(loggedIn, isAttached)',
+      ];
+    }
-    listeners: {
-      'create-range-comment': '_handleCreateRangeComment',
-      'render-content': '_handleRenderContent',
-    },
-    observers: [
-      '_enableSelectionObserver(loggedIn, isAttached)',
-    ],
+    created() {
+      super.created();
+      this.addEventListener('create-range-comment',
+          e => this._handleCreateRangeComment(e));
+      this.addEventListener('render-content',
+          () => this._handleRenderContent());
+    }
     attached() {
+      super.attached();
-    },
+    }
     detached() {
+      super.detached();
-    },
+    }
     showNoChangeMessage(loading, prefs, diffLength) {
       return !loading &&
         prefs && prefs.ignore_whitespace !== 'IGNORE_NONE'
         && diffLength === 0;
-    },
+    }
     _enableSelectionObserver(loggedIn, isAttached) {
       // Polymer 2: check for undefined
@@ -307,7 +319,7 @@
         this.unlisten(document, 'selectionchange', '_handleSelectionChange');
         this.unlisten(document, 'mouseup', '_handleMouseUp');
-    },
+    }
     _handleSelectionChange() {
       // Because of shadow DOM selections, we handle the selectionchange here,
@@ -315,7 +327,7 @@
       // corresponding range is determined and normalized.
       const selection = this._getShadowOrDocumentSelection();
       this.$.highlights.handleSelectionChange(selection, false);
-    },
+    }
     _handleMouseUp(e) {
       // To handle double-click outside of text creating comments, we check on
@@ -323,7 +335,7 @@
       // can't do that on selection change since the user may still be dragging.
       const selection = this._getShadowOrDocumentSelection();
       this.$.highlights.handleSelectionChange(selection, true);
-    },
+    }
     /** Gets the current selection, preferring the shadow DOM selection. */
     _getShadowOrDocumentSelection() {
@@ -334,7 +346,7 @@
       return this.root.getSelection ?
         this.root.getSelection() :
-    },
+    }
     _observeNodes() {
       this._nodeObserver = Polymer.dom(this).observeNodes(info => {
@@ -343,7 +355,7 @@
         this._updateRanges(addedThreadEls, removedThreadEls);
-    },
+    }
     _updateRanges(addedThreadEls, removedThreadEls) {
       function commentRangeFromThreadEl(threadEl) {
@@ -369,7 +381,7 @@
       if (addedCommentRanges && addedCommentRanges.length) {
         this.push('_commentRanges', ...addedCommentRanges);
-    },
+    }
      * The key locations based on the comments and line of interests,
@@ -400,7 +412,7 @@
       return keyLocations;
-    },
+    }
     // Dispatch events that are handled by the gr-diff-highlight.
     _redispatchHoverEvents(addedThreadEls) {
@@ -414,13 +426,13 @@
               'comment-thread-mouseleave', {bubbles: true, composed: true}));
-    },
+    }
     /** Cancel any remaining diff builder rendering work. */
     cancel() {
-    },
+    }
     /** @return {!Array<!HTMLElement>} */
     getCursorStops() {
@@ -430,16 +442,16 @@
       return Array.from(
-    },
+    }
     /** @return {boolean} */
     isRangeSelected() {
       return !!this.$.highlights.selectedRange;
-    },
+    }
     toggleLeftDiff() {
-    },
+    }
     _blameChanged(newValue) {
@@ -448,7 +460,7 @@
       } else {
-    },
+    }
     /** @return {string} */
     _computeContainerClass(loggedIn, viewMode, displayLine) {
@@ -473,7 +485,7 @@
       return classes.join(' ');
-    },
+    }
     _handleTap(e) {
       const el = Polymer.dom(e).localTarget;
@@ -491,7 +503,7 @@
         const target = this.$.diffBuilder.getLineElByChild(el);
         if (target) { this._selectLine(target); }
-    },
+    }
     _selectLine(el) {'line-selected', {
@@ -499,7 +511,7 @@
         number: el.getAttribute('data-value'),
         path: this.path,
-    },
+    }
     addDraftAtLine(el) {
@@ -515,7 +527,7 @@
       this._createComment(el, lineNum);
-    },
+    }
     createRangeComment() {
       if (!this.isRangeSelected()) {
@@ -523,7 +535,7 @@
       const {side, range} = this.$.highlights.selectedRange;
       this._createCommentForSelection(side, range);
-    },
+    }
     _createCommentForSelection(side, range) {
       const lineNum = range.end_line;
@@ -531,13 +543,13 @@
       if (this._isValidElForComment(lineEl)) {
         this._createComment(lineEl, lineNum, side, range);
-    },
+    }
     _handleCreateRangeComment(e) {
       const range = e.detail.range;
       const side = e.detail.side;
       this._createCommentForSelection(side, range);
-    },
+    }
     /** @return {boolean} */
     _isValidElForComment(el) {
@@ -561,7 +573,7 @@
         return false;
       return true;
-    },
+    }
      * @param {!Object} lineEl
@@ -589,11 +601,11 @@
-    },
+    }
     _getThreadGroupForLine(contentEl) {
       return contentEl.querySelector('.thread-group');
-    },
+    }
      * Gets or creates a comment thread group for a specific line and side on a
@@ -612,7 +624,7 @@
       return threadGroupEl;
-    },
+    }
      * The value to be used for the patch number of new comments created at the
@@ -638,7 +650,7 @@
         patchNum = this.patchRange.basePatchNum;
       return patchNum;
-    },
+    }
     /** @return {boolean} */
     _getIsParentCommentByLineAndContent(lineEl, contentEl) {
@@ -649,7 +661,7 @@
         return true;
       return false;
-    },
+    }
     /** @return {string} */
     _getCommentSideByLineAndContent(lineEl, contentEl) {
@@ -659,7 +671,7 @@
         side = 'left';
       return side;
-    },
+    }
     _prefsObserver(newPrefs, oldPrefs) {
       // Scan the preference objects one level deep to see if they differ.
@@ -675,16 +687,16 @@
       if (differ) {
-    },
+    }
     _pathObserver() {
       // Call _prefsChanged(), because line-limit style value depends on path.
-    },
+    }
     _viewModeObserver() {
-    },
+    }
     /** @param {boolean} newValue */
     _loadingChanged(newValue) {
@@ -695,11 +707,11 @@
         this._showWarning = false;
-    },
+    }
     _lineWrappingObserver() {
-    },
+    }
     _prefsChanged(prefs) {
       if (!prefs) { return; }
@@ -730,14 +742,14 @@
       if (this.diff && !this.noRenderOnPrefsChange) {
-    },
+    }
     _diffChanged(newValue) {
       if (newValue) {
         this._diffLength = this.getDiffLength(newValue);
-    },
+    }
      * When called multiple times from the same microtask, will call
@@ -752,7 +764,7 @@
     _debounceRenderDiffTable() {
           RENDER_DIFF_TABLE_DEBOUNCE_NAME, () => this._renderDiffTable());
-    },
+    }
     _renderDiffTable() {
@@ -782,7 +794,7 @@
                   detail: {contentRendered: true},
-    },
+    }
     _handleRenderContent() {
       this._incrementalNodeObserver = Polymer.dom(this).observeNodes(info => {
@@ -821,19 +833,19 @@
-    },
+    }
     _unobserveIncrementalNodes() {
       if (this._incrementalNodeObserver) {
-    },
+    }
     _unobserveNodes() {
       if (this._nodeObserver) {
-    },
+    }
      * Get the preferences object including the safety bypass context (if any).
@@ -843,12 +855,12 @@
         return Object.assign({}, this.prefs, {context: this._safetyBypass});
       return this.prefs;
-    },
+    }
     clearDiffContent() {
       this.$.diffTable.innerHTML = null;
-    },
+    }
     /** @return {!Array} */
     _computeDiffHeaderItems(diffInfoRecord) {
@@ -861,27 +873,27 @@
             item.startsWith('--- ') ||
             item === 'Binary files differ');
-    },
+    }
     /** @return {boolean} */
     _computeDiffHeaderHidden(items) {
       return items.length === 0;
-    },
+    }
     _handleFullBypass() {
       this._safetyBypass = FULL_CONTEXT;
-    },
+    }
     _handleLimitedBypass() {
       this._safetyBypass = LIMITED_CONTEXT;
-    },
+    }
     /** @return {string} */
     _computeWarningClass(showWarning) {
       return showWarning ? 'warn' : '';
-    },
+    }
      * @param {string} errorMessage
@@ -889,11 +901,11 @@
     _computeErrorClass(errorMessage) {
       return errorMessage ? 'showError' : '';
-    },
+    }
     expandAllContext() {
-    },
+    }
      * Find the last chunk for the given side.
@@ -929,7 +941,7 @@
       if (chunkIndex === -1) { return null; }
       return chunk;
-    },
+    }
      * Check whether the specified side of the diff has a trailing newline.
@@ -950,7 +962,7 @@
         lines = leftSide ? chunk.a : chunk.b;
       return lines[lines.length - 1] === '';
-    },
+    }
      * @param {!Object} diff
@@ -968,7 +980,7 @@
       if (!messages.length) { return null; }
       return messages.join(' — ');
-    },
+    }
      * @param {string} warning
@@ -978,7 +990,7 @@
     _computeNewlineWarningClass(warning, loading) {
       if (loading || !warning) { return 'newlineWarning hidden'; }
       return 'newlineWarning';
-    },
+    }
      * Get the approximate length of the diff as the sum of the maximum
@@ -997,6 +1009,8 @@
               sec.hasOwnProperty('b') ? sec.b.length : 0);
       }, 0);
-    },
-  });
+    }
+  }
+  customElements.define(, GrDiff);
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-patch-range-select/gr-patch-range-select.js b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-patch-range-select/gr-patch-range-select.js
index f4a84b7..14148a9 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-patch-range-select/gr-patch-range-select.js
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-patch-range-select/gr-patch-range-select.js
@@ -21,6 +21,9 @@
   const PATCH_DESC_MAX_LENGTH = 500;
+    * @appliesMixin Gerrit.PatchSetMixin
+    */
+  /**
    * Fired when the patch range changes
    * @event patch-range-change
@@ -28,44 +31,47 @@
    * @property {string} patchNum
    * @property {string} basePatchNum
+  class GrPatchRangeSelect extends Polymer.mixinBehaviors( [
+    Gerrit.PatchSetBehavior,
+  ], Polymer.GestureEventListeners(
+      Polymer.LegacyElementMixin(
+          Polymer.Element))) {
+    static get is() { return 'gr-patch-range-select'; }
-  Polymer({
-    is: 'gr-patch-range-select',
-    properties: {
-      availablePatches: Array,
-      _baseDropdownContent: {
-        type: Object,
-        computed: '_computeBaseDropdownContent(availablePatches, patchNum,' +
+    static get properties() {
+      return {
+        availablePatches: Array,
+        _baseDropdownContent: {
+          type: Object,
+          computed: '_computeBaseDropdownContent(availablePatches, patchNum,' +
             '_sortedRevisions, changeComments, revisionInfo)',
-      },
-      _patchDropdownContent: {
-        type: Object,
-        computed: '_computePatchDropdownContent(availablePatches,' +
+        },
+        _patchDropdownContent: {
+          type: Object,
+          computed: '_computePatchDropdownContent(availablePatches,' +
             'basePatchNum, _sortedRevisions, changeComments)',
-      },
-      changeNum: String,
-      changeComments: Object,
-      /** @type {{ meta_a: !Array, meta_b: !Array}} */
-      filesWeblinks: Object,
-      patchNum: String,
-      basePatchNum: String,
-      revisions: Object,
-      revisionInfo: Object,
-      _sortedRevisions: Array,
-    },
+        },
+        changeNum: String,
+        changeComments: Object,
+        /** @type {{ meta_a: !Array, meta_b: !Array}} */
+        filesWeblinks: Object,
+        patchNum: String,
+        basePatchNum: String,
+        revisions: Object,
+        revisionInfo: Object,
+        _sortedRevisions: Array,
+      };
+    }
-    observers: [
-      '_updateSortedRevisions(revisions.*)',
-    ],
-    behaviors: [
-      Gerrit.PatchSetBehavior,
-    ],
+    static get observers() {
+      return [
+        '_updateSortedRevisions(revisions.*)',
+      ];
+    }
     _getShaForPatch(patch) {
       return patch.sha.substring(0, 10);
-    },
+    }
     _computeBaseDropdownContent(availablePatches, patchNum, _sortedRevisions,
         changeComments, revisionInfo) {
@@ -113,13 +119,13 @@
       return dropdownContent;
-    },
+    }
     _computeMobileText(patchNum, changeComments, revisions) {
       return `${patchNum}` +
           `${this._computePatchSetCommentsString(changeComments, patchNum)}` +
           `${this._computePatchSetDescription(revisions, patchNum, true)}`;
-    },
+    }
     _computePatchDropdownContent(availablePatches, basePatchNum,
         _sortedRevisions, changeComments) {
@@ -145,13 +151,13 @@
       return dropdownContent;
-    },
+    }
     _computeText(patchNum, prefix, changeComments, sha) {
       return `${prefix}${patchNum}` +
         `${this._computePatchSetCommentsString(changeComments, patchNum)}`
           + (` | ${sha}`);
-    },
+    }
     _createDropdownEntry(patchNum, prefix, sortedRevisions, changeComments,
         sha) {
@@ -169,12 +175,12 @@
         entry['date'] = date;
       return entry;
-    },
+    }
     _updateSortedRevisions(revisionsRecord) {
       const revisions = revisionsRecord.base;
       this._sortedRevisions = this.sortRevisions(Object.values(revisions));
-    },
+    }
      * The basePatchNum should always be <= patchNum -- because sortedRevisions
@@ -187,7 +193,7 @@
     _computeLeftDisabled(basePatchNum, patchNum, sortedRevisions) {
       return this.findSortedIndex(basePatchNum, sortedRevisions) <=
           this.findSortedIndex(patchNum, sortedRevisions);
-    },
+    }
      * The basePatchNum should always be <= patchNum -- because sortedRevisions
@@ -216,7 +222,7 @@
       return this.findSortedIndex(basePatchNum, sortedRevisions) <=
           this.findSortedIndex(patchNum, sortedRevisions);
-    },
+    }
     _computePatchSetCommentsString(changeComments, patchNum) {
       if (!changeComments) { return; }
@@ -237,7 +243,7 @@
           // Add a comma + space if both comments and unresolved
           (commentString && unresolvedString ? ', ' : '') +
-    },
+    }
      * @param {!Array} revisions
@@ -249,7 +255,7 @@
       return (rev && rev.description) ?
         (opt_addFrontSpace ? ' ' : '') +
           rev.description.substring(0, PATCH_DESC_MAX_LENGTH) : '';
-    },
+    }
      * @param {!Array} revisions
@@ -258,7 +264,7 @@
     _computePatchSetDate(revisions, patchNum) {
       const rev = this.getRevisionByPatchNum(revisions, patchNum);
       return rev ? rev.created : undefined;
-    },
+    }
      * Catches value-change events from the patchset dropdowns and determines
@@ -276,6 +282,8 @@
           new CustomEvent('patch-range-change', {detail, bubbles: false}));
-    },
-  });
+    }
+  }
+  customElements.define(, GrPatchRangeSelect);
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-ranged-comment-layer/gr-ranged-comment-layer.js b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-ranged-comment-layer/gr-ranged-comment-layer.js
index 2e74ff4..7ee6492 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-ranged-comment-layer/gr-ranged-comment-layer.js
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-ranged-comment-layer/gr-ranged-comment-layer.js
@@ -23,9 +23,10 @@
   const RANGE_HIGHLIGHT = 'style-scope gr-diff range';
   const HOVER_HIGHLIGHT = 'style-scope gr-diff rangeHighlight';
-  Polymer({
-    is: 'gr-ranged-comment-layer',
+  class GrRangedCommentLayer extends Polymer.GestureEventListeners(
+      Polymer.LegacyElementMixin(
+          Polymer.Element)) {
+    static get is() { return 'gr-ranged-comment-layer'; }
      * Fired when the range in a range comment was malformed and had to be
      * normalized.
@@ -35,26 +36,30 @@
      * @event normalize-range
-    properties: {
+    static get properties() {
+      return {
       /** @type {!Array<!Gerrit.HoveredRange>} */
-      commentRanges: Array,
-      _listeners: {
-        type: Array,
-        value() { return []; },
-      },
-      _rangesMap: {
-        type: Object,
-        value() { return {left: {}, right: {}}; },
-      },
-    },
+        commentRanges: Array,
+        _listeners: {
+          type: Array,
+          value() { return []; },
+        },
+        _rangesMap: {
+          type: Object,
+          value() { return {left: {}, right: {}}; },
+        },
+      };
+    }
-    observers: [
-      '_handleCommentRangesChange(commentRanges.*)',
-    ],
+    static get observers() {
+      return [
+        '_handleCommentRangesChange(commentRanges.*)',
+      ];
+    }
     get styleModuleName() {
       return 'gr-ranged-comment-styles';
-    },
+    }
      * Layer method to add annotations to a line.
@@ -81,7 +86,7 @@
             range.end - range.start,
             range.hovering ? HOVER_HIGHLIGHT : RANGE_HIGHLIGHT);
-    },
+    }
      * Register a listener for layer updates.
@@ -91,7 +96,7 @@
     addListener(fn) {
-    },
+    }
      * Notify Layer listeners of changes to annotations.
@@ -103,7 +108,7 @@
       for (const listener of this._listeners) {
         listener(start, end, side);
-    },
+    }
      * Handle change in the ranges by updating the ranges maps and by
@@ -161,7 +166,7 @@
-    },
+    }
     _updateRangesMap(side, range, hovering, operation) {
       const forSide = this._rangesMap[side] || (this._rangesMap[side] = {});
@@ -172,7 +177,7 @@
         operation(forLine, start, end, hovering);
       this._notifyUpdateRange(range.start_line, range.end_line, side);
-    },
+    }
     _getRangesForLine(line, side) {
       const lineNum = side === 'left' ? line.beforeNumber : line.afterNumber;
@@ -200,6 +205,8 @@
           // Sort the ranges so that hovering highlights are on top.
           .sort((a, b) => a.hovering && !b.hovering ? 1 : 0);
-    },
-  });
+    }
+  }
+  customElements.define(, GrRangedCommentLayer);
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-selection-action-box/gr-selection-action-box.js b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-selection-action-box/gr-selection-action-box.js
index 8d57de3..3ef9105 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-selection-action-box/gr-selection-action-box.js
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-selection-action-box/gr-selection-action-box.js
@@ -17,31 +17,38 @@
 (function() {
   'use strict';
-  Polymer({
-    is: 'gr-selection-action-box',
+  /**
+    * @appliesMixin Gerrit.FireMixin
+    */
+  class GrSelectionActionBox extends Polymer.mixinBehaviors( [
+    Gerrit.FireBehavior,
+  ], Polymer.GestureEventListeners(
+      Polymer.LegacyElementMixin(
+          Polymer.Element))) {
+    static get is() { return 'gr-selection-action-box'; }
      * Fired when the comment creation action was taken (click).
      * @event create-comment-requested
-    properties: {
-      keyEventTarget: {
-        type: Object,
-        value() { return document.body; },
-      },
-      positionBelow: Boolean,
-    },
+    static get properties() {
+      return {
+        keyEventTarget: {
+          type: Object,
+          value() { return document.body; },
+        },
+        positionBelow: Boolean,
+      };
+    }
-    behaviors: [
-      Gerrit.FireBehavior,
-    ],
+    created() {
+      super.created();
-    listeners: {
       // See
-      mousedown: '_handleMouseDown',
-    },
+      this.addEventListener('mousedown',
+          e => this._handleMouseDown(e));
+    }
     placeAbove(el) {
@@ -52,7 +59,7 @@
  - - boxRect.height - 6 + 'px'; =
           rect.left - parentRect.left + (rect.width - boxRect.width) / 2 + 'px';
-    },
+    }
     placeBelow(el) {
@@ -63,14 +70,14 @@ - + boxRect.height - 6 + 'px'; =
       rect.left - parentRect.left + (rect.width - boxRect.width) / 2 + 'px';
-    },
+    }
     _getParentBoundingClientRect() {
       // With native shadow DOM, the parent is the shadow root, not the gr-diff
       // element
       const parent = this.parentElement ||;
       return parent.getBoundingClientRect();
-    },
+    }
     _getTargetBoundingRect(el) {
       let rect;
@@ -83,13 +90,15 @@
         rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
       return rect;
-    },
+    }
     _handleMouseDown(e) {
       if (e.button !== 0) { return; } // 0 = main button
-    },
-  });
+    }
+  }
+  customElements.define(, GrSelectionActionBox);
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-syntax-layer/gr-syntax-layer.js b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-syntax-layer/gr-syntax-layer.js
index 6c7d582..b0947cd 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-syntax-layer/gr-syntax-layer.js
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-syntax-layer/gr-syntax-layer.js
@@ -130,54 +130,58 @@
   const GO_BACKSLASH_LITERAL = '\'\\\\\'';
   const GLOBAL_LT_PATTERN = /</g;
-  Polymer({
-    is: 'gr-syntax-layer',
+  class GrSyntaxLayer extends Polymer.GestureEventListeners(
+      Polymer.LegacyElementMixin(
+          Polymer.Element)) {
+    static get is() { return 'gr-syntax-layer'; }
-    properties: {
-      diff: {
-        type: Object,
-        observer: '_diffChanged',
-      },
-      enabled: {
-        type: Boolean,
-        value: true,
-      },
-      _baseRanges: {
-        type: Array,
-        value() { return []; },
-      },
-      _revisionRanges: {
-        type: Array,
-        value() { return []; },
-      },
-      _baseLanguage: String,
-      _revisionLanguage: String,
-      _listeners: {
-        type: Array,
-        value() { return []; },
-      },
-      /** @type {?number} */
-      _processHandle: Number,
-      /**
+    static get properties() {
+      return {
+        diff: {
+          type: Object,
+          observer: '_diffChanged',
+        },
+        enabled: {
+          type: Boolean,
+          value: true,
+        },
+        _baseRanges: {
+          type: Array,
+          value() { return []; },
+        },
+        _revisionRanges: {
+          type: Array,
+          value() { return []; },
+        },
+        _baseLanguage: String,
+        _revisionLanguage: String,
+        _listeners: {
+          type: Array,
+          value() { return []; },
+        },
+        /** @type {?number} */
+        _processHandle: Number,
+        /**
        * The promise last returned from `process()` while the asynchronous
        * processing is running - `null` otherwise. Provides a `cancel()`
        * method that rejects it with `{isCancelled: true}`.
        * @type {?Object}
-      _processPromise: {
-        type: Object,
-        value: null,
-      },
-      _hljs: Object,
-    },
+        _processPromise: {
+          type: Object,
+          value: null,
+        },
+        _hljs: Object,
+      };
+    }
     addListener(fn) {
       this.push('_listeners', fn);
-    },
+    }
     removeListener(fn) {
       this._listeners = this._listeners.filter(f => f != fn);
-    },
+    }
      * Annotation layer method to add syntax annotations to the given element
@@ -214,14 +218,14 @@
             el, range.start, range.length, range.className);
-    },
+    }
     _getLanguage(diffFileMetaInfo) {
       // The Gerrit API provides only content-type, but for other users of
       // gr-diff it may be more convenient to specify the language directly.
       return diffFileMetaInfo.language ||
-    },
+    }
      * Start processing syntax for the loaded diff and notify layer listeners
@@ -298,7 +302,7 @@
       return this._processPromise
           .finally(() => { this._processPromise = null; });
-    },
+    }
      * Cancel any asynchronous syntax processing jobs.
@@ -311,13 +315,13 @@
       if (this._processPromise) {
-    },
+    }
     _diffChanged() {
       this._baseRanges = [];
       this._revisionRanges = [];
-    },
+    }
      * Take a string of HTML with the (potentially nested) syntax markers
@@ -339,7 +343,7 @@
       const ranges = this._rangesFromElement(div, 0);
       rangesCache.set(str, ranges);
       return ranges;
-    },
+    }
     _rangesFromElement(elem, offset) {
       let result = [];
@@ -362,7 +366,7 @@
         offset += nodeLength;
       return result;
-    },
+    }
      * For a given state, process the syntax for the next line (or pair of
@@ -412,7 +416,7 @@
             this._rangesFromString(result.value, rangesCache));
         state.revisionContext =;
-    },
+    }
      * Ad hoc fixes for HLJS parsing bugs. Rewrite lines of code in constrained
@@ -479,7 +483,7 @@
       return line;
-    },
+    }
      * Tells whether the state has exhausted its current section.
@@ -494,7 +498,7 @@
         return (!section.a || state.lineIndex >= section.a.length) &&
             (!section.b || state.lineIndex >= section.b.length);
-    },
+    }
      * For a given state, notify layer listeners of any processed line ranges
@@ -516,18 +520,20 @@
         state.lastNotify.right = state.lineNums.right;
-    },
+    }
     _notifyRange(start, end, side) {
       for (const fn of this._listeners) {
         fn(start, end, side);
-    },
+    }
     _loadHLJS() {
       return this.$.libLoader.getHLJS().then(hljs => {
         this._hljs = hljs;
-    },
-  });
+    }
+  }
+  customElements.define(, GrSyntaxLayer);