Index files affected by merge commits

This commit has the effect of changing ChangeData.currentFilePaths()
to return the diff of a merge commit to be between the merge commit's
new tree, and its 1st parent. That allows ChangeField.PATH to index
the files affected by a merge commit, which supports the conflicts
operator to identify open merges that may conflict with a change.

The only caller of PatchListCache.getDiffSummary() is
ChangeData.currentFilePaths().  The only caller of
ChangeData.currentFilePaths() is ChangeField.PATH (for indexing)
and query operators that test against a change.

A side-effect of this commit is the changed lines (added, deleted,
delta) for merge commits will now report the delta introduced by the
merge, rather than the delta from the automerge.

The conflicts operator now detects a few less cases of conflicts.  The
most obvious change is a merge uploaded to the wrong branch may not
show a conflict with other changes on its current branch when its 1st
parent (from the other branch) introduces a conflicting change.

The conflicts operator now assumes merges are made "correctly", such
that `git log --first-parent` will traverse the main-branch history,
and not the side-branch. This requires users to do something like:

  git checkout -b my-merge origin/master
  git merge side-branch
  git push origin my-merge:refs/for/master

When creating a merge commit to merge "side-branch" into "master".
Since this is a typical workflow with git, most merges should already
fit this expected pattern.

A new change index schema version 46 is required to ensure changes are
reindexed with this new computation for the PATH field.

Bug: issue 3052
Change-Id: Iaa854447ed9abb77b3f8fe6c818723e804e0a8d4
10 files changed
tree: 4485f910b57fd52169889f280de582f20cca56f9
  1. .settings/
  2. contrib/
  3. Documentation/
  4. gerrit-acceptance-framework/
  5. gerrit-acceptance-tests/
  6. gerrit-cache-h2/
  7. gerrit-common/
  8. gerrit-elasticsearch/
  9. gerrit-extension-api/
  10. gerrit-gpg/
  11. gerrit-gwtdebug/
  12. gerrit-gwtexpui/
  13. gerrit-gwtui/
  14. gerrit-gwtui-common/
  15. gerrit-httpd/
  16. gerrit-index/
  17. gerrit-launcher/
  18. gerrit-lucene/
  19. gerrit-main/
  20. gerrit-oauth/
  21. gerrit-openid/
  22. gerrit-patch-commonsnet/
  23. gerrit-patch-jgit/
  24. gerrit-pgm/
  25. gerrit-plugin-api/
  26. gerrit-plugin-gwtui/
  27. gerrit-prettify/
  28. gerrit-reviewdb/
  29. gerrit-server/
  30. gerrit-sshd/
  31. gerrit-test-util/
  32. gerrit-util-cli/
  33. gerrit-util-http/
  34. gerrit-util-ssl/
  35. gerrit-war/
  36. lib/
  37. plugins/
  38. polygerrit-ui/
  39. ReleaseNotes/
  40. tools/
  41. website/
  42. .bazelproject
  43. .editorconfig
  44. .git-blame-ignore-revs
  45. .gitignore
  46. .gitmodules
  47. .mailmap
  48. .pydevproject
  49. BUILD
  51. fake_pom.xml
  55. version.bzl

Gerrit Code Review

Gerrit is a code review and project management tool for Git based projects.

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Gerrit makes reviews easier by showing changes in a side-by-side display, and allowing inline comments to be added by any reviewer.

Gerrit simplifies Git based project maintainership by permitting any authorized user to submit changes to the master Git repository, rather than requiring all approved changes to be merged in by hand by the project maintainer.


For information about how to install and use Gerrit, refer to the documentation.


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Gerrit is provided under the Apache License 2.0.


Install Bazel and run the following:

    git clone --recursive
    cd gerrit && bazel build release

Install binary packages (Deb/Rpm)

The instruction how to configure GerritForge/BinTray repositories is here

On Debian/Ubuntu run:

    apt-get update & apt-get install gerrit=<version>-<release>

NOTE: release is a counter that starts with 1 and indicates the number of packages that have been released with the same version of the software.

On CentOS/RedHat run:

    yum clean all && yum install gerrit-<version>[-<release>]

On Fedora run:

    dnf clean all && dnf install gerrit-<version>[-<release>]

Use pre-built Gerrit images on Docker

Docker images of Gerrit are available on DockerHub

To run a CentOS 7 based Gerrit image:

    docker run -p 8080:8080 gerritforge/gerrit-centos7[:version]

To run a Ubuntu 15.04 based Gerrit image:

    docker run -p 8080:8080 gerritforge/gerrit-ubuntu15.04[:version]

NOTE: release is optional. Last released package of the version is installed if the release number is omitted.