Merge changes from topic 'notedb-primary'
* changes:
NoteDbChangeState: Add enum to indicate change's primary storage
NoteDbChangeState: Refactor to move ref state into nested class
diff --git a/Documentation/dev-bazel.txt b/Documentation/dev-bazel.txt
index 5ca6353..97124cb 100644
--- a/Documentation/dev-bazel.txt
+++ b/Documentation/dev-bazel.txt
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
* Version stamping
* Custom plugins
* Eclipse project generation.
-* Publishing to maven.
* Test suites for SSH, acceptance, etc.
* tag tests as slow, flaky, etc.
@@ -81,7 +80,17 @@
-TODO - fix and document deployment to maven
+Install {extension,plugin,gwt}-api to the local maven repository:
+ tools/maven/ install bazel
+Install gerrit.war to the local maven repository:
+ tools/maven/ war_install bazel
=== Plugins
diff --git a/Documentation/dev-release.txt b/Documentation/dev-release.txt
index 8741d80..023841c 100644
--- a/Documentation/dev-release.txt
+++ b/Documentation/dev-release.txt
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
buck clean
buck build --no-cache release docs
- ./tools/maven/ install
+ ./tools/maven/ install <buck|bazel>
* Sanity check WAR
@@ -186,13 +186,13 @@
* Push the WAR to Maven Central:
- ./tools/maven/ war_deploy
+ ./tools/maven/ war_deploy <buck|bazel>
* Push the plugin artifacts to Maven Central:
- ./tools/maven/ deploy
+ ./tools/maven/ deploy <buck|bazel>
If no artifacts are uploaded, clean the `buck-out` folder and retry:
diff --git a/gerrit-acceptance-framework/BUILD b/gerrit-acceptance-framework/BUILD
index ed04efa..ec79be8 100644
--- a/gerrit-acceptance-framework/BUILD
+++ b/gerrit-acceptance-framework/BUILD
@@ -64,4 +64,5 @@
title = 'Gerrit Acceptance Test Framework Documentation',
libs = [':lib'],
pkgs = [''],
+ visibility = ['//visibility:public'],
diff --git a/gerrit-extension-api/BUILD b/gerrit-extension-api/BUILD
index cbe0e26..6f4df01 100644
--- a/gerrit-extension-api/BUILD
+++ b/gerrit-extension-api/BUILD
@@ -55,4 +55,5 @@
libs = [':api'],
pkgs = [''],
external_docs = [JGIT_DOC_URL, GUAVA_DOC_URL],
+ visibility = ['//visibility:public'],
diff --git a/gerrit-gwtui/BUILD b/gerrit-gwtui/BUILD
index 833ffab..7e692e8 100644
--- a/gerrit-gwtui/BUILD
+++ b/gerrit-gwtui/BUILD
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-load('//tools/bzl:gwt.bzl', 'gwt_module')
+load('//tools/bzl:gwt.bzl', 'gwt_genrule', 'gen_ui_module',
+ 'gwt_user_agent_permutations')
load('//tools/bzl:license.bzl', 'license_test')
-load(':gwt.bzl', 'gwt_binary', 'gwt_genrule', 'gen_ui_module')
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
gen_ui_module(name = 'ui_module')
gen_ui_module(name = 'ui_module', suffix = '_r')
name = "ui_module_license_test",
target = ":ui_module",
diff --git a/gerrit-gwtui/gwt.bzl b/gerrit-gwtui/gwt.bzl
deleted file mode 100644
index eb22063..0000000
--- a/gerrit-gwtui/gwt.bzl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Port of Buck native gwt_binary() rule. See discussion in context of
-load('//tools/bzl:genrule2.bzl', 'genrule2')
-load('//tools/bzl:gwt.bzl', 'gwt_module')
-jar_filetype = FileType(['.jar'])
-MODULE = ''
-GWT_JVM_ARGS = ['-Xmx512m']
- '-XdisableClassMetadata',
- '-XdisableCastChecking',
- '//lib/gwt:ant',
- '//lib/gwt:colt',
- '//lib/gwt:javax-validation',
- '//lib/gwt:javax-validation_src',
- '//lib/gwt:jsinterop-annotations',
- '//lib/gwt:jsinterop-annotations_src',
- '//lib/gwt:tapestry',
- '//lib/gwt:w3c-css-sac',
- '//lib/ow2:ow2-asm',
- '//lib/ow2:ow2-asm-analysis',
- '//lib/ow2:ow2-asm-commons',
- '//lib/ow2:ow2-asm-tree',
- '//lib/ow2:ow2-asm-util',
- '//gerrit-gwtexpui:CSS',
- '//lib:gwtjsonrpc',
- '//lib/gwt:dev',
- '@jgit_src//file',
-def _impl(ctx):
- output_zip = ctx.outputs.output
- output_dir = output_zip.path + '.gwt_output'
- deploy_dir = output_zip.path + '.gwt_deploy'
- deps = _get_transitive_closure(ctx)
- paths = []
- for dep in deps:
- paths.append(dep.path)
- cmd = "external/local_jdk/bin/java %s -Dgwt.normalizeTimestamps=true -cp %s %s -war %s -deploy %s " % (
- " ".join(ctx.attr.jvm_args),
- ":".join(paths),
- output_dir,
- deploy_dir,
- )
- cmd += " ".join([
- "-style %s" %,
- "-optimize %s" % ctx.attr.optimize,
- "-strict",
- " ".join(ctx.attr.compiler_args),
- " ".join(ctx.attr.modules) + "\n",
- "rm -rf %s/gwt-unitCache\n" % output_dir,
- "root=`pwd`\n",
- "cd %s; $root/%s Cc ../%s $(find .)\n" % (
- output_dir,
- ctx.executable._zip.path,
- output_zip.basename,
- )
- ])
- ctx.action(
- inputs = list(deps) + ctx.files._jdk + ctx.files._zip,
- outputs = [output_zip],
- mnemonic = "GwtBinary",
- progress_message = "GWT compiling " + output_zip.short_path,
- command = "set -e\n" + cmd,
- )
-def _get_transitive_closure(ctx):
- deps = set()
- for dep in ctx.attr.module_deps:
- deps +=
- deps +=
- for dep in ctx.attr.deps:
- if hasattr(dep, 'java'):
- deps +=
- elif hasattr(dep, 'files'):
- deps += dep.files
- return deps
-gwt_binary = rule(
- implementation = _impl,
- attrs = {
- "style": attr.string(default = "OBF"),
- "optimize": attr.string(default = "9"),
- "deps": attr.label_list(allow_files=jar_filetype),
- "modules": attr.string_list(mandatory=True),
- "module_deps": attr.label_list(allow_files=jar_filetype),
- "compiler_args": attr.string_list(),
- "jvm_args": attr.string_list(),
- "_jdk": attr.label(
- default=Label("//tools/defaults:jdk")),
- "_zip": attr.label(
- default=Label("@bazel_tools//tools/zip:zipper"),
- cfg = "host",
- executable=True,
- single_file=True),
- },
- outputs = {
- "output": "%{name}.zip",
- },
-def gwt_genrule(suffix = ""):
- dbg = 'ui_dbg' + suffix
- opt = 'ui_opt' + suffix
- module_dep = ':ui_module' + suffix
- genrule2(
- name = 'ui_optdbg' + suffix,
- srcs = [
- ':' + dbg,
- ':' + opt,
- ],
- cmd = 'cd $$TMP;' +
- 'unzip -q $$ROOT/$(location :%s);' % dbg +
- 'mv' +
- ' gerrit_ui/gerrit_ui.nocache.js' +
- ' gerrit_ui/dbg_gerrit_ui.nocache.js;' +
- 'unzip -qo $$ROOT/$(location :%s);' % opt +
- 'mkdir -p $$(dirname $@);' +
- 'zip -qr $$ROOT/$@ .',
- outs = ['ui_optdbg' + suffix + '.zip'],
- visibility = ['//visibility:public'],
- )
- gwt_binary(
- name = opt,
- modules = [MODULE],
- module_deps = [module_dep],
- deps = DEPS,
- compiler_args = args,
- jvm_args = GWT_JVM_ARGS,
- )
- gwt_binary(
- name = dbg,
- modules = [MODULE],
- style = 'PRETTY',
- optimize = "0",
- module_deps = [module_dep],
- deps = DEPS,
- compiler_args = GWT_COMPILER_ARGS,
- jvm_args = GWT_JVM_ARGS,
- )
-def gen_ui_module(name, suffix = ""):
- gwt_module(
- name = name + suffix,
- srcs = native.glob(['src/main/java/**/*.java']),
- gwt_xml = 'src/main/java/%s.gwt.xml' % MODULE.replace('.', '/'),
- resources = native.glob(
- ['src/main/java/**/*'],
- exclude = ['src/main/java/**/*.java'] +
- ['src/main/java/%s.gwt.xml' % MODULE.replace('.', '/')]),
- deps = [
- '//gerrit-gwtui-common:diffy_logo',
- '//gerrit-gwtui-common:client',
- '//gerrit-gwtexpui:CSS',
- '//lib/codemirror:codemirror' + suffix,
- '//lib/gwt:user',
- ],
- visibility = ['//visibility:public'],
- )
diff --git a/gerrit-gwtui/gwt.defs b/gerrit-gwtui/gwt.defs
index cd8fa74..85553f2 100644
--- a/gerrit-gwtui/gwt.defs
+++ b/gerrit-gwtui/gwt.defs
@@ -18,14 +18,14 @@
- 'msie', 'ie8', 'ie9', 'ie10', 'ie11',
+ 'msie', 'ie8', 'ie9', 'ie10',
'chrome': 'safari',
'firefox': 'gecko1_8',
- 'msie': 'ie11',
- 'edge': 'edge',
+ 'msie': 'ie10',
+ 'edge': 'gecko1_8',
CPU_COUNT = cpu_count()
@@ -124,7 +124,6 @@
name = '%s_gwtxml_lib' % gwt_name,
binary_jar = ':%s_gwtxml_gen' % gwt_name,
- gwt_jar = ':%s_gwtxml_gen' % gwt_name,
name = gwt_name,
diff --git a/gerrit-plugin-api/BUILD b/gerrit-plugin-api/BUILD
index e2d8372..e231a02 100644
--- a/gerrit-plugin-api/BUILD
+++ b/gerrit-plugin-api/BUILD
@@ -103,4 +103,5 @@
+ visibility = ['//visibility:public'],
diff --git a/gerrit-server/src/main/java/com/google/gerrit/server/index/change/ b/gerrit-server/src/main/java/com/google/gerrit/server/index/change/
index 8ce5d5e..5ef548c 100644
--- a/gerrit-server/src/main/java/com/google/gerrit/server/index/change/
+++ b/gerrit-server/src/main/java/com/google/gerrit/server/index/change/
@@ -337,6 +337,7 @@
for (ChangeIndex i : getWriteIndexes()) {
+"Deleted change {} from index.", id.get());
return null;
diff --git a/gerrit-server/src/main/resources/com/google/gerrit/server/mail/ b/gerrit-server/src/main/resources/com/google/gerrit/server/mail/
index 3042287..6dc37b8 100644
--- a/gerrit-server/src/main/resources/com/google/gerrit/server/mail/
+++ b/gerrit-server/src/main/resources/com/google/gerrit/server/mail/
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
{if $coverLetter}
- {call .Pre}{param content: $coverLetter /}{/call}
+ <div style="white-space:pre-wrap">{$coverLetter}</div>
<ul style="{$ulStyle}">
diff --git a/lib/js/BUILD b/lib/js/BUILD
index 6758ca1..71fa94f 100644
--- a/lib/js/BUILD
+++ b/lib/js/BUILD
@@ -32,18 +32,3 @@
srcs = [ "//lib/highlightjs:highlight.min.js" ],
data = ['//lib:LICENSE-highlightjs',],
- name = 'iron-test-helpers',
- seed = True,
- name = 'test-fixture',
- seed = True,
- name = 'web-component-tester',
- seed = True,
diff --git a/lib/js/bower_archives.bzl b/lib/js/bower_archives.bzl
index d90a7cc..9c9a5a9 100644
--- a/lib/js/bower_archives.bzl
+++ b/lib/js/bower_archives.bzl
@@ -7,6 +7,21 @@
load("//tools/bzl:js.bzl", "bower_archive")
def load_bower_archives():
+ name = "accessibility-developer-tools",
+ package = "accessibility-developer-tools",
+ version = "2.11.0",
+ sha1 = "792cb24b649dafb316e7e536f8ae65d0d7b52bab")
+ bower_archive(
+ name = "async",
+ package = "async",
+ version = "1.5.2",
+ sha1 = "1ec975d3b3834646a7e3d4b7e68118b90ed72508")
+ bower_archive(
+ name = "chai",
+ package = "chai",
+ version = "3.5.0",
+ sha1 = "849ad3ee7c77506548b7b5db603a4e150b9431aa")
+ bower_archive(
name = "iron-a11y-announcer",
package = "iron-a11y-announcer",
version = "1.0.5",
@@ -52,11 +67,36 @@
version = "1.1.1",
sha1 = "480423380be0536f948735d91bc472f6e7ced5b4")
+ name = "lodash",
+ package = "lodash",
+ version = "3.10.1",
+ sha1 = "2f207a8293c4c554bf6cf071241f7a00dc513d3a")
+ bower_archive(
+ name = "mocha",
+ package = "mocha",
+ version = "2.5.3",
+ sha1 = "22ef0d1f43ba5e2241369c501ac648f00c0440c0")
+ bower_archive(
name = "neon-animation",
package = "neon-animation",
version = "1.2.4",
sha1 = "e8ccbb930c4b7ff470b1450baa901618888a7fd3")
+ name = "sinon-chai",
+ package = "sinon-chai",
+ version = "2.8.0",
+ sha1 = "0464b5d944fdf8116bb23e0b02ecfbac945b3517")
+ bower_archive(
+ name = "sinonjs",
+ package = "sinonjs",
+ version = "1.17.1",
+ sha1 = "a26a6aab7358807de52ba738770f6ac709afd240")
+ bower_archive(
+ name = "stacky",
+ package = "stacky",
+ version = "1.3.2",
+ sha1 = "d6c07a0112ab2e9677fe085933744466a89232fb")
+ bower_archive(
name = "web-animations-js",
package = "web-animations-js",
version = "2.2.2",
diff --git a/lib/js/bower_components.bzl b/lib/js/bower_components.bzl
index 480d6ce..74515e1 100644
--- a/lib/js/bower_components.bzl
+++ b/lib/js/bower_components.bzl
@@ -7,6 +7,18 @@
load("//tools/bzl:js.bzl", "bower_component")
def define_bower_components():
+ name = "accessibility-developer-tools",
+ license = "//lib:LICENSE-Apache2.0",
+ )
+ bower_component(
+ name = "async",
+ license = "//lib:LICENSE-polymer",
+ )
+ bower_component(
+ name = "chai",
+ license = "//lib:LICENSE-polymer",
+ )
+ bower_component(
name = "es6-promise",
license = "//lib:LICENSE-polymer",
seed = True,
@@ -112,6 +124,12 @@
seed = True,
+ name = "iron-test-helpers",
+ license = "//lib:LICENSE-polymer",
+ deps = [ ":polymer" ],
+ seed = True,
+ )
+ bower_component(
name = "iron-validatable-behavior",
license = "//lib:LICENSE-polymer",
deps = [
@@ -120,6 +138,14 @@
+ name = "lodash",
+ license = "//lib:LICENSE-polymer",
+ )
+ bower_component(
+ name = "mocha",
+ license = "//lib:LICENSE-polymer",
+ )
+ bower_component(
name = "moment",
license = "//lib:LICENSE-moment",
seed = True,
@@ -153,10 +179,43 @@
seed = True,
+ name = "sinon-chai",
+ license = "//lib:LICENSE-polymer",
+ )
+ bower_component(
+ name = "sinonjs",
+ license = "//lib:LICENSE-polymer",
+ )
+ bower_component(
+ name = "stacky",
+ license = "//lib:LICENSE-polymer",
+ )
+ bower_component(
+ name = "test-fixture",
+ license = "//lib:LICENSE-polymer",
+ seed = True,
+ )
+ bower_component(
name = "web-animations-js",
license = "//lib:LICENSE-Apache2.0",
+ name = "web-component-tester",
+ license = "//lib:LICENSE-polymer",
+ deps = [
+ ":accessibility-developer-tools",
+ ":async",
+ ":chai",
+ ":lodash",
+ ":mocha",
+ ":sinon-chai",
+ ":sinonjs",
+ ":stacky",
+ ":test-fixture",
+ ],
+ seed = True,
+ )
+ bower_component(
name = "webcomponentsjs",
license = "//lib:LICENSE-polymer",
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/change/gr-change-view/gr-change-view.html b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/change/gr-change-view/gr-change-view.html
index ecd26ad..38c48c5 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/change/gr-change-view/gr-change-view.html
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/change/gr-change-view/gr-change-view.html
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
<link rel="import" href="../../../behaviors/keyboard-shortcut-behavior.html">
<link rel="import" href="../../../behaviors/rest-client-behavior.html">
<link rel="import" href="../../shared/gr-account-link/gr-account-link.html">
+<link rel="import" href="../../shared/gr-select/gr-select.html">
<link rel="import" href="../../shared/gr-button/gr-button.html">
<link rel="import" href="../../shared/gr-change-star/gr-change-star.html">
<link rel="import" href="../../shared/gr-date-formatter/gr-date-formatter.html">
@@ -206,7 +207,7 @@
- <div class="container loading" hidden$="{{!_loading}}">Loading...</div>
+ <div class="container loading" hidden$="[[!_loading]]">Loading...</div>
<div class="container" hidden$="{{_loading}}">
<div class="header">
<span class="header-title">
@@ -231,7 +232,7 @@
<div id="change_plugins"></div>
<div class="changeInfo-column mainChangeInfo">
- <div class="commitActions" hidden$="[[!_loggedIn]]"">
+ <div class="commitActions" hidden$="[[!_loggedIn]]">
@@ -261,18 +262,24 @@
<div class="relatedChanges">
<gr-related-changes-list id="relatedChanges"
- patch-num="[[_computeLatestPatchNum(_allPatchSets)]]"></gr-related-changes-list>
+ patch-num="[[_computeLatestPatchNum(_allPatchSets)]]">
+ </gr-related-changes-list>
- <section class$="patchInfo [[_computePatchInfoClass(_patchRange.patchNum, _allPatchSets)]]">
+ <section class$="patchInfo [[_computePatchInfoClass(_patchRange.patchNum,
+ _allPatchSets)]]">
<div class="patchInfo-header">
- <label class="patchSelectLabel" for="patchSetSelect">Patch set</label>
- <select id="patchSetSelect" on-change="_handlePatchChange">
- <template is="dom-repeat" items="[[_allPatchSets]]" as="patchNumber">
- <option value$="[[patchNumber]]" selected$="[[_computePatchIndexIsSelected(index, _patchRange.patchNum)]]">
+ <label class="patchSelectLabel" for="patchSetSelect">
+ Patch set
+ </label>
+ <select id="patchSetSelect" bind-value="{{_selectedPatchSet}}"
+ is="gr-select" on-change="_handlePatchChange">
+ <template is="dom-repeat" items="[[_allPatchSets]]"
+ as="patchNumber">
+ <option value$="[[patchNumber]]">
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/change/gr-change-view/gr-change-view.js b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/change/gr-change-view/gr-change-view.js
index f6ecc9e..bac25be 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/change/gr-change-view/gr-change-view.js
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/change/gr-change-view/gr-change-view.js
@@ -73,7 +73,10 @@
type: String,
value: '',
- _patchRange: Object,
+ _patchRange: {
+ type: Object,
+ observer: '_updateSelected',
+ },
_allPatchSets: {
type: Array,
computed: '_computeAllPatchSets(_change)',
@@ -89,6 +92,7 @@
value: 'Reply',
computed: '_computeReplyButtonLabel(_diffDrafts.*)',
+ _selectedPatchSet: String,
_initialLoadComplete: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
@@ -458,6 +462,8 @@
this._patchRange.patchNum ||
+ this._updateSelected();
var title = change.subject + ' (' + change.change_id.substr(0, 9) + ')';'title-change', {title: title});
@@ -528,10 +534,6 @@
- _computePatchIndexIsSelected: function(index, patchNum) {
- return this._allPatchSets[index] == patchNum;
- },
_computeLabelNames: function(labels) {
return Object.keys(labels).sort();
@@ -776,5 +778,9 @@
+ _updateSelected: function() {
+ this._selectedPatchSet = this._patchRange.patchNum;
+ },
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/change/gr-change-view/gr-change-view_test.html b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/change/gr-change-view/gr-change-view_test.html
index 8358e40..e61d6b0 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/change/gr-change-view/gr-change-view_test.html
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/change/gr-change-view/gr-change-view_test.html
@@ -277,12 +277,10 @@
var optionEls = Polymer.dom(element.root).querySelectorAll(
'.patchInfo-header option');
assert.equal(optionEls.length, 4);
- assert.isFalse(element.$$('.patchInfo-header option[value="1"]')
- .hasAttribute('selected'));
- assert.isTrue(element.$$('.patchInfo-header option[value="2"]')
- .hasAttribute('selected'));
- assert.isFalse(element.$$('.patchInfo-header option[value="3"]')
- .hasAttribute('selected'));
+ var select = element.$$('.patchInfo-header #patchSetSelect').bindValue;
+ assert.notEqual(select, 1);
+ assert.equal(select, 2);
+ assert.notEqual(select, 3);
assert.equal(optionEls[3].value, 13);
var showStub = sandbox.stub(page, 'show');
@@ -329,12 +327,12 @@
var optionEls = Polymer.dom(element.root).querySelectorAll(
'.patchInfo-header option');
assert.equal(optionEls.length, 4);
- assert.isFalse(element.$$('.patchInfo-header option[value="1"]')
- .hasAttribute('selected'));
- assert.isTrue(element.$$('.patchInfo-header option[value="2"]')
- .hasAttribute('selected'));
- assert.isFalse(element.$$('.patchInfo-header option[value="3"]')
- .hasAttribute('selected'));
+ assert.notEqual(
+ element.$$('.patchInfo-header #patchSetSelect').bindValue, 1);
+ assert.equal(
+ element.$$('.patchInfo-header #patchSetSelect').bindValue, 2);
+ assert.notEqual(
+ element.$$('.patchInfo-header #patchSetSelect').bindValue, 3);
assert.equal(optionEls[3].value, 13);
var showStub = sandbox.stub(page, 'show');
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/change/gr-file-list/gr-file-list.html b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/change/gr-file-list/gr-file-list.html
index 007c0fc..f11cca2 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/change/gr-file-list/gr-file-list.html
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/change/gr-file-list/gr-file-list.html
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
<link rel="import" href="../../shared/gr-button/gr-button.html">
<link rel="import" href="../../shared/gr-linked-text/gr-linked-text.html">
<link rel="import" href="../../shared/gr-rest-api-interface/gr-rest-api-interface.html">
+<link rel="import" href="../../shared/gr-select/gr-select.html">
<dom-module id="gr-file-list">
@@ -182,13 +183,17 @@
<span class="separator">/</span>
Diff against
- <select id="patchChange" on-change="_handlePatchChange">
+ <select id="patchChange" bind-value="{{_diffAgainst}}" is="gr-select"
+ on-change="_handlePatchChange">
<option value="PARENT">Base</option>
- <template is="dom-repeat" items="[[_computePatchSets(revisions, patchRange.*)]]" as="patchNum">
- <option
- value$="[[patchNum]]"
- selected$="[[_computePatchSetSelected(patchNum, patchRange.basePatchNum)]]"
- disabled$="[[_computePatchSetDisabled(patchNum, patchRange.patchNum)]]">[[patchNum]]</option>
+ <template
+ is="dom-repeat"
+ items="[[_computePatchSets(revisions, patchRange.*)]]"
+ as="patchNum">
+ <option value$="[[patchNum]]" disabled$=
+ "[[_computePatchSetDisabled(patchNum, patchRange.patchNum)]]">
+ [[patchNum]]
+ </option>
@@ -207,7 +212,8 @@
<div class$="[[_computeClass('status', file.__path)]]">
- <a class="path" href$="[[_computeDiffURL(changeNum, patchRange, file.__path)]]">
+ <a class="path"
+ href$="[[_computeDiffURL(changeNum, patchRange, file.__path)]]">
<div title$="[[_computeFileDisplayName(file.__path)]]">
@@ -217,7 +223,9 @@
<div class="comments">
- <span class="drafts">[[_computeDraftsString(drafts, patchRange.patchNum, file.__path)]]</span>
+ <span class="drafts">
+ [[_computeDraftsString(drafts, patchRange.patchNum, file.__path)]]
+ </span>
[[_computeCommentsString(comments, patchRange.patchNum, file.__path)]]
<div class$="[[_computeClass('stats', file.__path)]]">
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/change/gr-file-list/gr-file-list.js b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/change/gr-file-list/gr-file-list.js
index 340cb63..bf6dcf3 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/change/gr-file-list/gr-file-list.js
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/change/gr-file-list/gr-file-list.js
@@ -25,7 +25,10 @@
is: 'gr-file-list',
properties: {
- patchRange: Object,
+ patchRange: {
+ type: Object,
+ observer: '_updateSelected',
+ },
patchNum: String,
changeNum: String,
comments: Object,
@@ -58,6 +61,7 @@
type: Array,
value: function() { return []; },
+ _diffAgainst: String,
_diffPrefs: Object,
_userPrefs: Object,
_localPrefs: Object,
@@ -181,10 +185,6 @@
return parseInt(patchNum, 10) >= parseInt(currentPatchNum, 10);
- _computePatchSetSelected: function(patchNum, basePatchNum) {
- return parseInt(patchNum, 10) === parseInt(basePatchNum, 10);
- },
_handleHiddenChange: function(e) {
var model = e.model;
model.set('file.__expanded', !model.file.__expanded);
@@ -527,6 +527,10 @@
this._numFilesShown = this._files.length;
+ _updateSelected: function(patchRange) {
+ this._diffAgainst = patchRange.basePatchNum;
+ },
* _getDiffViewMode: Get the diff view (side-by-side or unified) based on
* the current state.
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/change/gr-file-list/gr-file-list_test.html b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/change/gr-file-list/gr-file-list_test.html
index 0caa6be..b530bae 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/change/gr-file-list/gr-file-list_test.html
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/change/gr-file-list/gr-file-list_test.html
@@ -436,7 +436,7 @@
- test('show/hide diffs disabled for large amounds of files', function(done) {
+ test('show/hide diffs disabled for large amounts of files', function(done) {
element._files = [];
element.changeNum = '42';
element.patchRange = {
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-comment/gr-diff-comment.js b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-comment/gr-diff-comment.js
index 2abd0a8..410a813 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-comment/gr-diff-comment.js
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-comment/gr-diff-comment.js
@@ -215,7 +215,9 @@
_handleTextareaKeydown: function(e) {
switch (e.keyCode) {
case 27: // 'esc'
- this._handleCancel(e);
+ if (this._messageText.length === 0) {
+ this._handleCancel(e);
+ }
case 83: // 's'
if (e.ctrlKey) {
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-comment/gr-diff-comment_test.html b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-comment/gr-diff-comment_test.html
index 11de0ba..0ad3e11 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-comment/gr-diff-comment_test.html
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-comment/gr-diff-comment_test.html
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
suite('gr-diff-comment tests', function() {
var element;
+ var sandbox;
setup(function() {
stub('gr-rest-api-interface', {
getAccount: function() { return Promise.resolve(null); },
@@ -62,6 +63,11 @@
message: 'is this a crossover episode!?',
updated: '2015-12-08 19:48:33.843000000',
+ sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();
+ });
+ teardown(function() {
+ sandbox.restore();
test('collapsible comments', function() {
@@ -149,6 +155,22 @@
'header middle content is is not visible');
+ test('esc does not close comment unless text is empty', function(done) {
+ element.editing = true;
+ element._messageText = 'test';
+ var textarea = element.$.editTextarea;
+ var closeSpy = sandbox.spy(element, '_handleCancel');
+ flush(function() {
+ MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(textarea, 27); // esc
+ assert.isFalse(closeSpy.called);
+ element._messageText = '';
+ MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(textarea, 27); // esc
+ assert.isTrue(closeSpy.called);
+ done();
+ });
+ });
suite('gr-diff-comment draft tests', function() {
@@ -321,6 +343,7 @@
+ element._messageText = '';
MockInteractions.pressAndReleaseKeyOn(element.$.editTextarea, 27); // esc
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-patch-range-select/gr-patch-range-select.html b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-patch-range-select/gr-patch-range-select.html
index c496703..54bccb3 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-patch-range-select/gr-patch-range-select.html
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-patch-range-select/gr-patch-range-select.html
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
+<link rel="import" href="../../shared/gr-select/gr-select.html">
<link rel="import" href="../../../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html">
<dom-module id="gr-patch-range-select">
@@ -28,12 +28,11 @@
Patch set:
<span class="patchRange">
- <select id="leftPatchSelect" on-change="_handlePatchChange">
- <option value="PARENT"
- selected$="[[_computeLeftSelected('PARENT', patchRange)]]">Base</option>
+ <select id="leftPatchSelect" bind-value="{{_leftSelected}}"
+ on-change="_handlePatchChange" is="gr-select">
+ <option value="PARENT">Base</option>
<template is="dom-repeat" items="{{availablePatches}}" as="patchNum">
<option value$="[[patchNum]]"
- selected$="[[_computeLeftSelected(patchNum, patchRange)]]"
disabled$="[[_computeLeftDisabled(patchNum, patchRange)]]">[[patchNum]]</option>
@@ -46,10 +45,10 @@
<span class="patchRange">
- <select id="rightPatchSelect" on-change="_handlePatchChange">
+ <select id="rightPatchSelect" bind-value="{{_rightSelected}}"
+ on-change="_handlePatchChange" is="gr-select">
<template is="dom-repeat" items="{{availablePatches}}" as="patchNum">
<option value$="[[patchNum]]"
- selected$="[[_computeRightSelected(patchNum, patchRange)]]"
disabled$="[[_computeRightDisabled(patchNum, patchRange)]]">[[patchNum]]</option>
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-patch-range-select/gr-patch-range-select.js b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-patch-range-select/gr-patch-range-select.js
index b50043e..350429f 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-patch-range-select/gr-patch-range-select.js
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-patch-range-select/gr-patch-range-select.js
@@ -21,13 +21,23 @@
availablePatches: Array,
changeNum: String,
filesWeblinks: Object,
- patchRange: Object,
path: String,
+ patchRange: {
+ type: Object,
+ observer: '_updateSelected'
+ },
+ _rightSelected: String,
+ _leftSelected: String,
+ },
+ _updateSelected: function() {
+ this._rightSelected = this.patchRange.patchNum;
+ this._leftSelected = this.patchRange.basePatchNum;
_handlePatchChange: function(e) {
- var leftPatch = this.$.leftPatchSelect.value;
- var rightPatch = this.$.rightPatchSelect.value;
+ var leftPatch = this._leftSelected;
+ var rightPatch = this._rightSelected;
var rangeStr = rightPatch;
if (leftPatch != 'PARENT') {
rangeStr = leftPatch + '..' + rangeStr;
@@ -36,14 +46,6 @@;
- _computeLeftSelected: function(patchNum, patchRange) {
- return patchNum == patchRange.basePatchNum;
- },
- _computeRightSelected: function(patchNum, patchRange) {
- return patchNum == patchRange.patchNum;
- },
_computeLeftDisabled: function(patchNum, patchRange) {
return parseInt(patchNum, 10) >= parseInt(patchRange.patchNum, 10);
@@ -52,5 +54,18 @@
if (patchRange.basePatchNum == 'PARENT') { return false; }
return parseInt(patchNum, 10) <= parseInt(patchRange.basePatchNum, 10);
+ // On page load, the dom-if for options getting added occurs after
+ // the value was set in the select. This ensures that after they
+ // are loaded, the correct value will get selected. I attempted to
+ // debounce these, but because they are detecting two different
+ // events, sometimes the timing was off and one ended up missing.
+ _synchronizeSelectionRight: function() {
+ this.$.rightPatchSelect.value = this._rightSelected;
+ },
+ _synchronizeSelectionLeft: function() {
+ this.$.leftPatchSelect.value = this._leftSelected;
+ },
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-patch-range-select/gr-patch-range-select_test.html b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-patch-range-select/gr-patch-range-select_test.html
index 95789bc..68eeaa9 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-patch-range-select/gr-patch-range-select_test.html
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-patch-range-select/gr-patch-range-select_test.html
@@ -67,6 +67,10 @@
element.changeNum = '42';
element.path = 'path/to/file.txt';
element.availablePatches = ['1', '2', '3'];
+ element.patchRange = {
+ basePatchNum: 'PARENT',
+ patchNum: '3',
+ };
var numEvents = 0;
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/shared/gr-select/gr-select.js b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/shared/gr-select/gr-select.js
index 9e14f08..bef260e9 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/shared/gr-select/gr-select.js
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/shared/gr-select/gr-select.js
@@ -16,40 +16,33 @@
is: 'gr-select',
extends: 'select',
properties: {
bindValue: {
type: String,
notify: true,
+ observer: '_updateValue',
- observers: [
- '_valueChanged(bindValue)',
- ],
+ listeners: {
+ change: '_valueChanged',
+ 'dom-change': '_updateValue',
+ },
- attached: function() {
- this.addEventListener('change', function() {
- this.bindValue = this.value;
- });
+ _updateValue: function() {
+ if (this.bindValue) {
+ this.value = this.bindValue;
+ }
+ },
+ _valueChanged: function() {
+ this.bindValue = this.value;
ready: function() {
// If not set via the property, set bind-value to the element value.
if (!this.bindValue) { this.bindValue = this.value; }
- _valueChanged: function(bindValue) {
- var options = Polymer.dom(this.root).querySelectorAll('option');
- for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
- if (options[i].getAttribute('value') === bindValue + '') {
- options[i].setAttribute('selected', true);
- this.value = bindValue;
- break;
- }
- }
- },
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/index.html b/polygerrit-ui/app/index.html
index 0e00f77..a5cddad 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/index.html
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/index.html
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/styles/fonts.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/styles/main.css">
<script src="/bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.js"></script>
+<link rel="preload" href="/elements/gr-app.js">
<link rel="import" href="/elements/gr-app.html">
<body unresolved>
diff --git a/tools/bzl/gwt.bzl b/tools/bzl/gwt.bzl
index c27e28f..27e0740 100644
--- a/tools/bzl/gwt.bzl
+++ b/tools/bzl/gwt.bzl
@@ -12,10 +12,72 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
-# GWT Rules Skylark rules for building [GWT](
-# modules using Bazel.
+# Port of Buck native gwt_binary() rule. See discussion in context of
+load('//tools/bzl:genrule2.bzl', 'genrule2')
load('//tools/bzl:java.bzl', 'java_library2')
+jar_filetype = FileType(['.jar'])
+ 'chrome',
+ 'firefox',
+ 'gecko1_8',
+ 'safari',
+ 'msie', 'ie8', 'ie9', 'ie10',
+ 'edge',
+ 'chrome': 'safari',
+ 'firefox': 'gecko1_8',
+ 'msie': 'ie10',
+ 'edge': 'gecko1_8',
+MODULE = ''
+GWT_JVM_ARGS = ['-Xmx512m']
+ '-XdisableClassMetadata',
+ '-XdisableCastChecking',
+ '//lib/gwt:ant',
+ '//lib/gwt:colt',
+ '//lib/gwt:javax-validation',
+ '//lib/gwt:javax-validation_src',
+ '//lib/gwt:jsinterop-annotations',
+ '//lib/gwt:jsinterop-annotations_src',
+ '//lib/gwt:tapestry',
+ '//lib/gwt:w3c-css-sac',
+ '//lib/ow2:ow2-asm',
+ '//lib/ow2:ow2-asm-analysis',
+ '//lib/ow2:ow2-asm-commons',
+ '//lib/ow2:ow2-asm-tree',
+ '//lib/ow2:ow2-asm-util',
+ '//gerrit-gwtexpui:CSS',
+ '//lib:gwtjsonrpc',
+ '//lib/gwt:dev',
+ '@jgit_src//file',
+USER_AGENT_XML = """<module rename-to='gerrit_ui'>
+<inherits name='%s'/>
+<set-property name='user.agent' value='%s'/>
+<set-property name='locale' value='default'/>
def gwt_module(gwt_xml=None, resources=[], srcs=[], **kwargs):
if gwt_xml:
resources += [gwt_xml]
@@ -24,3 +86,201 @@
srcs = srcs,
resources = resources,
+def _gwt_user_agent_module(ctx):
+ """Generate user agent specific GWT module."""
+ if not ctx.attr.user_agent:
+ return None
+ ua = ctx.attr.user_agent
+ impl = ua
+ if ua in ALIASES:
+ impl = ALIASES[ua]
+ # intermediate artifact: user agent speific GWT xml file
+ gwt_user_agent_xml = ctx.new_file( + "_gwt.xml")
+ ctx.file_action(output = gwt_user_agent_xml,
+ content=USER_AGENT_XML % (MODULE, impl))
+ # intermediate artifact: user agent specific zip with GWT module
+ gwt_user_agent_zip = ctx.new_file( + "")
+ gwt = '%s_%s.gwt.xml' % (MODULE.replace('.', '/'), ua)
+ dir = gwt_user_agent_zip.path + ".dir"
+ cmd = " && ".join([
+ "p=$PWD",
+ "mkdir -p %s" % dir,
+ "cd %s" % dir,
+ "mkdir -p $(dirname %s)" % gwt,
+ "cp $p/%s %s" % (gwt_user_agent_xml.path, gwt),
+ "$p/%s cC $p/%s $(find . | sed 's|^./||')" % (ctx.executable._zip.path, gwt_user_agent_zip.path)
+ ])
+ ctx.action(
+ inputs = [gwt_user_agent_xml] + ctx.files._zip,
+ outputs = [gwt_user_agent_zip],
+ command = cmd,
+ mnemonic = "GenerateUserAgentGWTModule")
+ return struct(
+ zip=gwt_user_agent_zip,
+ module=MODULE + '_' + ua
+ )
+def _gwt_binary_impl(ctx):
+ module = MODULE
+ output_zip = ctx.outputs.output
+ output_dir = output_zip.path + '.gwt_output'
+ deploy_dir = output_zip.path + '.gwt_deploy'
+ deps = _get_transitive_closure(ctx)
+ paths = []
+ for dep in deps:
+ paths.append(dep.path)
+ gwt_user_agent_modules = []
+ ua = _gwt_user_agent_module(ctx)
+ if ua:
+ paths.append(
+ gwt_user_agent_modules.append(
+ module = ua.module
+ cmd = "external/local_jdk/bin/java %s -Dgwt.normalizeTimestamps=true -cp %s %s -war %s -deploy %s " % (
+ " ".join(ctx.attr.jvm_args),
+ ":".join(paths),
+ output_dir,
+ deploy_dir,
+ )
+ # TODO(davido): clean up command concatenation
+ cmd += " ".join([
+ "-style %s" %,
+ "-optimize %s" % ctx.attr.optimize,
+ "-strict",
+ " ".join(ctx.attr.compiler_args),
+ module + "\n",
+ "rm -rf %s/gwt-unitCache\n" % output_dir,
+ "root=`pwd`\n",
+ "cd %s; $root/%s Cc ../%s $(find .)\n" % (
+ output_dir,
+ ctx.executable._zip.path,
+ output_zip.basename,
+ )
+ ])
+ ctx.action(
+ inputs = list(deps) + ctx.files._jdk + ctx.files._zip + gwt_user_agent_modules,
+ outputs = [output_zip],
+ mnemonic = "GwtBinary",
+ progress_message = "GWT compiling " + output_zip.short_path,
+ command = "set -e\n" + cmd,
+ )
+def _get_transitive_closure(ctx):
+ deps = set()
+ for dep in ctx.attr.module_deps:
+ deps +=
+ deps +=
+ for dep in ctx.attr.deps:
+ if hasattr(dep, 'java'):
+ deps +=
+ elif hasattr(dep, 'files'):
+ deps += dep.files
+ return deps
+gwt_binary = rule(
+ implementation = _gwt_binary_impl,
+ attrs = {
+ "user_agent": attr.string(),
+ "style": attr.string(default = "OBF"),
+ "optimize": attr.string(default = "9"),
+ "deps": attr.label_list(allow_files=jar_filetype),
+ "module_deps": attr.label_list(allow_files=jar_filetype),
+ "compiler_args": attr.string_list(),
+ "jvm_args": attr.string_list(),
+ "_jdk": attr.label(
+ default=Label("//tools/defaults:jdk")),
+ "_zip": attr.label(
+ default=Label("@bazel_tools//tools/zip:zipper"),
+ cfg = "host",
+ executable=True,
+ single_file=True),
+ },
+ outputs = {
+ "output": "%{name}.zip",
+ },
+def gwt_genrule(suffix = ""):
+ dbg = 'ui_dbg' + suffix
+ opt = 'ui_opt' + suffix
+ module_dep = ':ui_module' + suffix
+ genrule2(
+ name = 'ui_optdbg' + suffix,
+ srcs = [
+ ':' + dbg,
+ ':' + opt,
+ ],
+ cmd = 'cd $$TMP;' +
+ 'unzip -q $$ROOT/$(location :%s);' % dbg +
+ 'mv' +
+ ' gerrit_ui/gerrit_ui.nocache.js' +
+ ' gerrit_ui/dbg_gerrit_ui.nocache.js;' +
+ 'unzip -qo $$ROOT/$(location :%s);' % opt +
+ 'mkdir -p $$(dirname $@);' +
+ 'zip -qr $$ROOT/$@ .',
+ out = 'ui_optdbg' + suffix + '.zip',
+ visibility = ['//visibility:public'],
+ )
+ gwt_binary(
+ name = opt,
+ module_deps = [module_dep],
+ deps = DEPS,
+ compiler_args = args,
+ jvm_args = GWT_JVM_ARGS,
+ )
+ gwt_binary(
+ name = dbg,
+ style = 'PRETTY',
+ optimize = "0",
+ module_deps = [module_dep],
+ deps = DEPS,
+ compiler_args = GWT_COMPILER_ARGS,
+ jvm_args = GWT_JVM_ARGS,
+ )
+def gen_ui_module(name, suffix = ""):
+ gwt_module(
+ name = name + suffix,
+ srcs = native.glob(['src/main/java/**/*.java']),
+ gwt_xml = 'src/main/java/%s.gwt.xml' % MODULE.replace('.', '/'),
+ resources = native.glob(
+ ['src/main/java/**/*'],
+ exclude = ['src/main/java/**/*.java'] +
+ ['src/main/java/%s.gwt.xml' % MODULE.replace('.', '/')]),
+ deps = [
+ '//gerrit-gwtui-common:diffy_logo',
+ '//gerrit-gwtui-common:client',
+ '//gerrit-gwtexpui:CSS',
+ '//lib/codemirror:codemirror' + suffix,
+ '//lib/gwt:user',
+ ],
+ visibility = ['//visibility:public'],
+ )
+def gwt_user_agent_permutations():
+ for ua in BROWSERS:
+ gwt_binary(
+ name = "ui_%s" % ua,
+ user_agent = ua,
+ style = 'PRETTY',
+ optimize = "0",
+ module_deps = [':ui_module'],
+ deps = DEPS,
+ compiler_args = GWT_COMPILER_ARGS,
+ jvm_args = GWT_JVM_ARGS,
+ )
diff --git a/tools/js/ b/tools/js/
index 33f7320..08a997f 100755
--- a/tools/js/
+++ b/tools/js/
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
# TODO(hanwen): remove these, and add appropriate license files under //lib
"BSD": "polymer",
"MIT": "polymer",
+ "BSD-3-Clause": "polymer",
# list of licenses for packages that don't specify one in their bower.json file.
@@ -47,8 +48,11 @@
"fetch": "fetch",
"moment": "moment",
"page": "page.js",
+ "lodash": "polymer", # MIT, actually.
"promise-polyfill": "promise-polyfill",
"webcomponentsjs": "polymer", # self-identifies as BSD.
+ "sinon-chai": "polymer", # WTFPL & BSD.
+ "sinonjs": "polymer", # BSD.
@@ -201,7 +205,7 @@
license = license_map.get(license, license)
if pkg_name not in package_licenses:
- msg = "package %s does not specify license." % pkg_name
+ msg = "package %s does not specify license: %s" % (pkg_name, pkg)
raise Exception(msg)
license = package_licenses[pkg_name]
diff --git a/tools/maven/BUCK b/tools/maven/BUCK
index 322b5a2..0541fc0 100644
--- a/tools/maven/BUCK
+++ b/tools/maven/BUCK
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/tools/maven/BUILD b/tools/maven/BUILD
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14eb2be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/maven/BUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+load('//:version.bzl', 'GERRIT_VERSION')
+load('//tools/maven:package.bzl', 'maven_package')
+MAVEN_REPOSITORY = 'sonatype-nexus-staging'
+# TODO(davido): support snapshot repositories
+ repository = MAVEN_REPOSITORY,
+ version = GERRIT_VERSION,
+ jar = {
+ 'gerrit-acceptance-framework': '//gerrit-acceptance-framework:acceptance-framework_deploy.jar',
+ 'gerrit-extension-api': '//gerrit-extension-api:extension-api_deploy.jar',
+ 'gerrit-plugin-api': '//gerrit-plugin-api:plugin-api_deploy.jar',
+ 'gerrit-plugin-gwtui': '//gerrit-plugin-gwtui:gwtui-api_deploy.jar',
+ },
+ src = {
+ 'gerrit-acceptance-framework': '//gerrit-acceptance-framework:liblib-src.jar',
+ 'gerrit-extension-api': '//gerrit-extension-api:libapi-src.jar',
+ 'gerrit-plugin-api': '//gerrit-plugin-api:plugin-api-sources_deploy.jar',
+ 'gerrit-plugin-gwtui': '//gerrit-plugin-gwtui:gwtui-api-source_deploy.jar',
+ },
+ doc = {
+ 'gerrit-acceptance-framework': '//gerrit-acceptance-framework:acceptance-framework-javadoc',
+ 'gerrit-extension-api': '//gerrit-extension-api:extension-api-javadoc',
+ 'gerrit-plugin-api': '//gerrit-plugin-api:plugin-api-javadoc',
+ 'gerrit-plugin-gwtui': '//gerrit-plugin-gwtui:gwtui-api-javadoc',
+ },
+ war = {'gerrit-war': '//:release'},
diff --git a/tools/maven/ b/tools/maven/
index c7ce65e..93b5f2e 100755
--- a/tools/maven/
+++ b/tools/maven/
@@ -14,16 +14,20 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
-if [[ "$#" == "0" ]] ; then
+if [[ "$#" != "2" ]] ; then
cat <<EOF
-Usage: run "$0 COMMAND" from the top of your workspace, where
-COMMAND is one of
+Usage: run "$0 COMMAND BUILD-TOOL" from the top of your workspace,
+where COMMAND is one of
+and BUILD-TOOL is one of
+ buck
+ bazel
Set VERBOSE in the environment to get more information.
@@ -54,16 +58,33 @@
+case "$2" in
+ buildProc=bazel
+ ;;
+ buildProc=buck
+ ;;
+ echo "unknown build-tool $2. Should be buck or bazel."
+ exit 1
+ ;;
if [[ "${VERBOSE:-x}" != "x" ]]; then
set -o xtrace
-buck build //tools/maven:gen_${command} || \
- { echo "buck failed to build gen_${command}. Use VERBOSE=1 for more info" ; exit 1 ; }
+$buildProc build //tools/maven:gen_${command} || \
+ { echo "$buildProc failed to build gen_${command}. Use VERBOSE=1 for more info" ; exit 1 ; }
-# The PEX wrapper does some funky exit handling, so even if the script
-# does "exit(0)", the return status is '1'. So we can't tell if the
-# following invocation was successful.
+if [[ "$buildProc" = "bazel" ]]; then
+ script="./bazel-genfiles/tools/maven/${command}.sh"
+ ${script}
+ script="./buck-out/gen/tools/maven/gen_${command}/${command}.sh"
+ # The PEX wrapper does some funky exit handling, so even if the script
+ # does "exit(0)", the return status is '1'. So we can't tell if the
+ # following invocation was successful.
+ ${script}
diff --git a/tools/maven/package.bzl b/tools/maven/package.bzl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c996ac5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/maven/package.bzl
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+sh_bang_template = (' && '.join([
+ "echo '#!/bin/bash -eu' > $@",
+ 'echo "# this script should run from the root of your workspace." >> $@',
+ 'echo "" >> $@',
+ "echo 'if [[ -n \"$$$${VERBOSE:-}\" ]]; then set -x ; fi' >> $@",
+ 'echo "" >> $@',
+ 'echo %s >> $@',
+ 'echo "" >> $@',
+ 'echo %s >> $@']))
+def maven_package(
+ version,
+ repository = None,
+ url = None,
+ jar = {},
+ src = {},
+ doc = {},
+ war = {}):
+ build_cmd = ['bazel', 'build']
+ mvn_cmd = ['python', 'tools/maven/', '-v', version]
+ api_cmd = mvn_cmd[:]
+ api_targets = []
+ for type,d in [('jar', jar), ('java-source', src), ('javadoc', doc)]:
+ for a,t in sorted(d.items()):
+ api_cmd.append('-s %s:%s:$(location %s)' % (a,type,t))
+ api_targets.append(t)
+ native.genrule(
+ name = 'gen_api_install',
+ cmd = sh_bang_template % (
+ ' '.join(build_cmd + api_targets),
+ ' '.join(api_cmd + ['-a', 'install'])),
+ srcs = api_targets,
+ outs = [''],
+ executable = True,
+ )
+ if repository and url:
+ native.genrule(
+ name = 'gen_api_deploy',
+ cmd = sh_bang_template % (
+ ' '.join(build_cmd + api_targets),
+ ' '.join(api_cmd + ['-a', 'deploy',
+ '--repository', repository,
+ '--url', url])),
+ srcs = api_targets,
+ outs = [''],
+ executable = True,
+ )
+ war_cmd = mvn_cmd[:]
+ war_targets = []
+ for a,t in sorted(war.items()):
+ war_cmd.append('-s %s:war:$(location %s)' % (a,t))
+ war_targets.append(t)
+ native.genrule(
+ name = 'gen_war_install',
+ cmd = sh_bang_template % (' '.join(build_cmd + war_targets),
+ ' '.join(war_cmd + ['-a', 'install'])),
+ srcs = war_targets,
+ outs = [''],
+ executable = True,
+ )
+ if repository and url:
+ native.genrule(
+ name = 'gen_war_deploy',
+ cmd = sh_bang_template % (
+ ' '.join(build_cmd + war_targets),
+ ' '.join(war_cmd + [
+ '-a', 'deploy',
+ '--repository', repository,
+ '--url', url])),
+ srcs = war_targets,
+ outs = [''],
+ executable = True,
+ )
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 9f03a59..eac2700 100755
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
replace_in_file(pom, src_pattern)
src_pattern = re.compile(r"^(GERRIT_VERSION = ')([-.\w]+)(')$", re.MULTILINE)
-replace_in_file('VERSION', src_pattern)
+replace_in_file('version.bzl', src_pattern)
src_pattern = re.compile(r'^(\s*-DarchetypeVersion=)([-.\w]+)(\s*\\)$',
diff --git a/VERSION b/version.bzl
similarity index 100%
rename from VERSION
rename to version.bzl