blob: 7f95bb50d1e23776b8072267a7eaae839e63c391 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import '../../../styles/gr-change-list-styles.js';
import '../../shared/gr-account-link/gr-account-link.js';
import '../../shared/gr-change-star/gr-change-star.js';
import '../../shared/gr-change-status/gr-change-status.js';
import '../../shared/gr-date-formatter/gr-date-formatter.js';
import '../../shared/gr-icons/gr-icons.js';
import '../../shared/gr-limited-text/gr-limited-text.js';
import '../../shared/gr-tooltip-content/gr-tooltip-content.js';
import '../../../styles/shared-styles.js';
import '../../plugins/gr-endpoint-decorator/gr-endpoint-decorator.js';
import '../../plugins/gr-endpoint-param/gr-endpoint-param.js';
import {mixinBehaviors} from '@polymer/polymer/lib/legacy/class.js';
import {GestureEventListeners} from '@polymer/polymer/lib/mixins/gesture-event-listeners.js';
import {LegacyElementMixin} from '@polymer/polymer/lib/legacy/legacy-element-mixin.js';
import {PolymerElement} from '@polymer/polymer/polymer-element.js';
import {htmlTemplate} from './gr-change-list-item_html.js';
import {ChangeTableBehavior} from '../../../behaviors/gr-change-table-behavior/gr-change-table-behavior.js';
import {PathListBehavior} from '../../../behaviors/gr-path-list-behavior/gr-path-list-behavior.js';
import {URLEncodingBehavior} from '../../../behaviors/gr-url-encoding-behavior/gr-url-encoding-behavior.js';
import {RESTClientBehavior} from '../../../behaviors/rest-client-behavior/rest-client-behavior.js';
import {GerritNav} from '../../core/gr-navigation/gr-navigation.js';
import {getDisplayName} from '../../../utils/display-name-util.js';
import {pluginEndpoints} from '../../shared/gr-js-api-interface/gr-plugin-endpoints.js';
import {pluginLoader} from '../../shared/gr-js-api-interface/gr-plugin-loader.js';
import {appContext} from '../../../services/app-context.js';
const CHANGE_SIZE = {
XS: 10,
SMALL: 50,
MEDIUM: 250,
LARGE: 1000,
// How many reviewers should be shown with an account-label?
* @appliesMixin RESTClientMixin
* @extends PolymerElement
class GrChangeListItem extends mixinBehaviors( [
], GestureEventListeners(
PolymerElement))) {
static get template() { return htmlTemplate; }
static get is() { return 'gr-change-list-item'; }
static get properties() {
return {
/** The logged-in user's account, or null if no user is logged in. */
account: {
type: Object,
value: null,
visibleChangeTableColumns: Array,
labelNames: {
type: Array,
/** @type {?} */
change: Object,
config: Object,
/** Name of the section in the change-list. Used for reporting. */
sectionName: String,
changeURL: {
type: String,
computed: '_computeChangeURL(change)',
statuses: {
type: Array,
computed: 'changeStatuses(change)',
showStar: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
showNumber: Boolean,
_changeSize: {
type: String,
computed: '_computeChangeSize(change)',
_dynamicCellEndpoints: {
type: Array,
constructor() {
this.reporting = appContext.reportingService;
/** @override */
attached() {
pluginLoader.awaitPluginsLoaded().then(() => {
this._dynamicCellEndpoints = pluginEndpoints.getDynamicEndpoints(
_computeChangeURL(change) {
return GerritNav.getUrlForChange(change);
_computeLabelTitle(change, labelName) {
const label = change.labels[labelName];
if (!label) { return 'Label not applicable'; }
const significantLabel = label.rejected || label.approved ||
label.disliked || label.recommended;
if (significantLabel && {
return labelName + '\nby ' +;
return labelName;
_computeLabelClass(change, labelName) {
const label = change.labels[labelName];
// Mimic a Set.
const classes = {
cell: true,
label: true,
if (label) {
if (label.approved) {
classes['u-green'] = true;
if (label.value == 1) {
classes['u-monospace'] = true;
classes['u-green'] = true;
} else if (label.value == -1) {
classes['u-monospace'] = true;
classes['u-red'] = true;
if (label.rejected) {
classes['u-red'] = true;
} else {
classes['u-gray-background'] = true;
return Object.keys(classes).sort()
.join(' ');
_computeLabelValue(change, labelName) {
const label = change.labels[labelName];
if (!label) { return ''; }
if (label.approved) {
return '✓';
if (label.rejected) {
return '✕';
if (label.value > 0) {
return '+' + label.value;
if (label.value < 0) {
return label.value;
return '';
_computeRepoUrl(change) {
return GerritNav.getUrlForProjectChanges(change.project, true,
_computeRepoBranchURL(change) {
return GerritNav.getUrlForBranch(change.branch, change.project, null,
_computeTopicURL(change) {
if (!change.topic) { return ''; }
return GerritNav.getUrlForTopic(change.topic, change.internalHost);
* Computes the display string for the project column. If there is a host
* specified in the change detail, the string will be prefixed with it.
* @param {!Object} change
* @param {string=} truncate whether or not the project name should be
* truncated. If this value is truthy, the name will be truncated.
* @return {string}
_computeRepoDisplay(change, truncate) {
if (!change || !change.project) { return ''; }
let str = '';
if (change.internalHost) { str += change.internalHost + '/'; }
str += truncate ? this.truncatePath(change.project, 2) : change.project;
return str;
_computeSizeTooltip(change) {
if (change.insertions + change.deletions === 0 ||
isNaN(change.insertions + change.deletions)) {
return 'Size unknown';
} else {
return `+${change.insertions}, -${change.deletions}`;
_hasAttention(account) {
if (!this.change || !this.change.attention_set) return false;
return this.change.attention_set.hasOwnProperty(account._account_id);
* Computes the array of all reviewers with sorting the reviewers in the
* attention set before others, and the current user first.
_computeReviewers(change) {
if (!change || !change.reviewers || !change.reviewers.REVIEWER) return [];
const reviewers = [...change.reviewers.REVIEWER].filter(r =>
!change.owner || change.owner._account_id !== r._account_id
reviewers.sort((r1, r2) => {
if (this.account) {
if (r1._account_id === this.account._account_id) return -1;
if (r2._account_id === this.account._account_id) return 1;
if (this._hasAttention(r1) && !this._hasAttention(r2)) return -1;
if (this._hasAttention(r2) && !this._hasAttention(r1)) return 1;
return ( || '').localeCompare( || '');
return reviewers;
_computePrimaryReviewers(change) {
return this._computeReviewers(change).slice(0, PRIMARY_REVIEWERS_COUNT);
_computeAdditionalReviewers(change) {
return this._computeReviewers(change).slice(PRIMARY_REVIEWERS_COUNT);
_computeAdditionalReviewersCount(change) {
return this._computeAdditionalReviewers(change).length;
_computeAdditionalReviewersTitle(change, config) {
if (!change || !config) return '';
return this._computeAdditionalReviewers(change)
.map(user => getDisplayName(config, user))
.join(', ');
_computeComments(unresolved_comment_count) {
if (!unresolved_comment_count || unresolved_comment_count < 1) return '';
return `${unresolved_comment_count} unresolved`;
* TShirt sizing is based on the following paper:
_computeChangeSize(change) {
const delta = change.insertions + change.deletions;
if (isNaN(delta) || delta === 0) {
return null; // Unknown
if (delta < CHANGE_SIZE.XS) {
return 'XS';
} else if (delta < CHANGE_SIZE.SMALL) {
return 'S';
} else if (delta < CHANGE_SIZE.MEDIUM) {
return 'M';
} else if (delta < CHANGE_SIZE.LARGE) {
return 'L';
} else {
return 'XL';
toggleReviewed() {
const newVal = !this.change.reviewed;
this.set('change.reviewed', newVal);
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('toggle-reviewed', {
bubbles: true,
composed: true,
detail: {change: this.change, reviewed: newVal},
_handleChangeClick(e) {
// Don't prevent the default and neither stop bubbling. We just want to
// report the click, but then let the browser handle the click on the link.
const selfId = (this.account && this.account._account_id) || -1;
const ownerId = (this.change && this.change.owner
&& this.change.owner._account_id) || -1;
this.reporting.reportInteraction('change-row-clicked', {
section: this.sectionName,
isOwner: selfId === ownerId,
customElements.define(, GrChangeListItem);