Fix patchChanged when patchNum is undefined in the url
Setting patchNum to undefined in the url is supposed to specify the
latest patchset.
In cases where patchRange is already set in GrChangeView(the page has
already been rendered once), we can compare the existing patchNum
with the latestPatchNum and correctly determine that the patchset has
changed and reload the patchset dependant resources.
Google-bug-id: b/204279682
Change-Id: I11c8d024a98160b79cd4f27fcbcf8abe69007173
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/change/gr-change-view/gr-change-view.ts b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/change/gr-change-view/gr-change-view.ts
index ca237d1..e7bf7da 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/change/gr-change-view/gr-change-view.ts
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/change/gr-change-view/gr-change-view.ts
@@ -1196,6 +1196,24 @@
return this._changeNum !== this.params?.changeNum;
+ hasPatchRangeChanged(value: AppElementChangeViewParams) {
+ if (!this._patchRange) return false;
+ if (this._patchRange.basePatchNum !== value.basePatchNum) return true;
+ return this.hasPatchNumChanged(value);
+ }
+ hasPatchNumChanged(value: AppElementChangeViewParams) {
+ if (!this._patchRange) return false;
+ if (value.patchNum !== undefined) {
+ return this._patchRange.patchNum !== value.patchNum;
+ } else {
+ // value.patchNum === undefined specifies the latest patchset
+ return (
+ this._patchRange.patchNum !== computeLatestPatchNum(this._allPatchSets)
+ );
+ }
+ }
_paramsChanged(value: AppElementChangeViewParams) {
if (value.view !== GerritView.CHANGE) {
this._initialLoadComplete = false;
@@ -1219,50 +1237,40 @@
if (value.basePatchNum === undefined)
value.basePatchNum = ParentPatchSetNum;
- const patchChanged =
- this._patchRange &&
- value.patchNum !== undefined &&
- (this._patchRange.patchNum !== value.patchNum ||
- this._patchRange.basePatchNum !== value.basePatchNum);
+ const patchChanged = this.hasPatchRangeChanged(value);
+ let patchNumChanged = this.hasPatchNumChanged(value);
- let rightPatchNumChanged =
- this._patchRange &&
- value.patchNum !== undefined &&
- this._patchRange.patchNum !== value.patchNum;
- const patchRange: ChangeViewPatchRange = {
+ this._patchRange = {
patchNum: value.patchNum,
basePatchNum: value.basePatchNum,
- this._patchRange = patchRange;
this.scrollCommentId = value.commentId;
const patchKnown =
- !patchRange.patchNum ||
- (this._allPatchSets ?? []).some(ps => ps.num === patchRange.patchNum);
+ !this._patchRange.patchNum ||
+ (this._allPatchSets ?? []).some(
+ ps => ps.num === this._patchRange!.patchNum
+ );
// _allPatchsets does not know value.patchNum so force a reload.
const forceReload = value.forceReload || !patchKnown;
// If changeNum is defined that means the change has already been
// rendered once before so a full reload is not required.
if (this._changeNum !== undefined && !forceReload) {
- if (!patchRange.patchNum) {
+ if (!this._patchRange.patchNum) {
this._patchRange = {
patchNum: computeLatestPatchNum(this._allPatchSets),
- rightPatchNumChanged = true;
+ patchNumChanged = true;
if (patchChanged) {
// We need to collapse all diffs when params change so that a non
// existing diff is not requested. See Issue 125270 for more details.
- this._reloadPatchNumDependentResources(rightPatchNumChanged).then(
- () => {
- this._sendShowChangeEvent();
- }
- );
+ this._reloadPatchNumDependentResources(patchNumChanged).then(() => {
+ this._sendShowChangeEvent();
+ });
// If there is no change in patchset or changeNum, such as when user goes
@@ -2218,11 +2226,11 @@
* Kicks off requests for resources that rely on the patch range
* (`this._patchRange`) being defined.
- _reloadPatchNumDependentResources(rightPatchNumChanged?: boolean) {
+ _reloadPatchNumDependentResources(patchNumChanged?: boolean) {
assertIsDefined(this._changeNum, '_changeNum');
if (!this._patchRange?.patchNum) throw new Error('missing patchNum');
const promises = [this._getCommitInfo(), this.$.fileList.reload()];
- if (rightPatchNumChanged)
+ if (patchNumChanged)
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/change/gr-change-view/gr-change-view_test.ts b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/change/gr-change-view/gr-change-view_test.ts
index fd9ce1e..ab17f47 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/change/gr-change-view/gr-change-view_test.ts
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/change/gr-change-view/gr-change-view_test.ts
@@ -2028,6 +2028,39 @@
+ test('patch range changed', () => {
+ element._patchRange = undefined;
+ element._change = createChangeViewChange();
+ element._change!.revisions = createRevisions(4);
+ element._change.current_revision = '1' as CommitId;
+ element._change = {...element._change};
+ const params = createAppElementChangeViewParams();
+ assert.isFalse(element.hasPatchRangeChanged(params));
+ assert.isFalse(element.hasPatchNumChanged(params));
+ params.basePatchNum = ParentPatchSetNum;
+ // undefined means navigate to latest patchset
+ params.patchNum = undefined;
+ element._patchRange = {
+ patchNum: 2 as RevisionPatchSetNum,
+ basePatchNum: ParentPatchSetNum,
+ };
+ assert.isTrue(element.hasPatchRangeChanged(params));
+ assert.isTrue(element.hasPatchNumChanged(params));
+ element._patchRange = {
+ patchNum: 4 as RevisionPatchSetNum,
+ basePatchNum: ParentPatchSetNum,
+ };
+ assert.isFalse(element.hasPatchRangeChanged(params));
+ assert.isFalse(element.hasPatchNumChanged(params));
+ });
suite('_handleEditTap', () => {
let fireEdit: () => void;