Support disallowing voting on labels after submission

For common labels like Code-Review and Verified, it still makes sense
to allow voting after submission, so keep the default as true. For
others, such as a label to trigger CI, it doesn't.

Bug: Issue 4942
Change-Id: I01a6281c11ee13bec9a6c8a2568b18ddd4eaccf4
diff --git a/Documentation/config-labels.txt b/Documentation/config-labels.txt
index 1f9dd33..5a82d5a 100644
--- a/Documentation/config-labels.txt
+++ b/Documentation/config-labels.txt
@@ -230,6 +230,19 @@
 Allowed range of values are 0 (Patch Set Unlocked) to 1 (Patch Set
+=== `label.Label-Name.allowPostSubmit`
+If true, the label may be voted on for changes that have already been
+submitted. If false, the label will not appear in the UI and will not
+be accepted when reviewing a closed change.
+In either case, voting on a label after submission is only permitted if
+the new vote is at least as high as the old vote by that user. This
+avoids creating the false impression that a post-submit vote can change
+the past and affect submission somehow.
+Defaults to true.
 === `label.Label-Name.copyMinScore`