blob: 07b84294cb053a2488e3361eb147a016ae91af97 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
(function() {
'use strict';
const WHOLE_FILE = -1;
const DiffSide = {
LEFT: 'left',
RIGHT: 'right',
const DiffGroupType = {
ADDED: 'b',
BOTH: 'ab',
const DiffHighlights = {
ADDED: 'edit_b',
REMOVED: 'edit_a',
* The maximum size for an addition or removal chunk before it is broken down
* into a series of chunks that are this size at most.
* Note: The value of 120 is chosen so that it is larger than the default
* _asyncThreshold of 64, but feel free to tune this constant to your
* performance needs.
const MAX_GROUP_SIZE = 120;
is: 'gr-diff-processor',
properties: {
* The amount of context around collapsed groups.
context: Number,
* The array of groups output by the processor.
groups: {
type: Array,
notify: true,
* Locations that should not be collapsed, including the locations of
* comments.
keyLocations: {
type: Object,
value() { return {left: {}, right: {}}; },
* The maximum number of lines to process synchronously.
_asyncThreshold: {
type: Number,
value: 64,
_nextStepHandle: Number,
_isScrolling: Boolean,
attached() {
this.listen(window, 'scroll', '_handleWindowScroll');
detached() {
this.unlisten(window, 'scroll', '_handleWindowScroll');
_handleWindowScroll() {
this._isScrolling = true;
this.debounce('resetIsScrolling', () => {
this._isScrolling = false;
}, 50);
* Asynchronously process the diff object into groups. As it processes, it
* will splice groups into the `groups` property of the component.
* @return {Promise} A promise that resolves when the diff is completely
* processed.
process(content, isImageDiff) {
this.groups = [];
this.push('groups', this._makeFileComments());
// If image diff, only render the file lines.
if (isImageDiff) { return Promise.resolve(); }
return new Promise(resolve => {
const state = {
lineNums: {left: 0, right: 0},
sectionIndex: 0,
content = this._splitCommonGroupsWithComments(content);
let currentBatch = 0;
const nextStep = () => {
if (this._isScrolling) {
this.async(nextStep, 100);
// If we are done, resolve the promise.
if (state.sectionIndex >= content.length) {
this._nextStepHandle = undefined;
// Process the next section and incorporate the result.
const result = this._processNext(state, content);
for (const group of result.groups) {
this.push('groups', group);
currentBatch += group.lines.length;
state.lineNums.left += result.lineDelta.left;
state.lineNums.right += result.lineDelta.right;
// Increment the index and recurse.
if (currentBatch >= this._asyncThreshold) {
currentBatch = 0;
this._nextStepHandle = this.async(nextStep, 1);
} else {;
* Cancel any jobs that are running.
cancel() {
if (this._nextStepHandle !== undefined) {
this._nextStepHandle = undefined;
* Process the next section of the diff.
_processNext(state, content) {
const section = content[state.sectionIndex];
const rows = {
both: section[DiffGroupType.BOTH] || null,
added: section[DiffGroupType.ADDED] || null,
removed: section[DiffGroupType.REMOVED] || null,
const highlights = {
added: section[DiffHighlights.ADDED] || null,
removed: section[DiffHighlights.REMOVED] || null,
if (rows.both) { // If it's a shared section.
let sectionEnd = null;
if (state.sectionIndex === 0) {
sectionEnd = 'first';
} else if (state.sectionIndex === content.length - 1) {
sectionEnd = 'last';
const sharedGroups = this._sharedGroupsFromRows(
content.length > 1 ? this.context : WHOLE_FILE,
return {
lineDelta: {
left: rows.both.length,
right: rows.both.length,
groups: sharedGroups,
} else { // Otherwise it's a delta section.
const deltaGroup = this._deltaGroupFromRows(
deltaGroup.dueToRebase = section.due_to_rebase;
return {
lineDelta: {
left: rows.removed ? rows.removed.length : 0,
right: rows.added ? rows.added.length : 0,
groups: [deltaGroup],
* Take rows of a shared diff section and produce an array of corresponding
* (potentially collapsed) groups.
* @param {Array<String>} rows
* @param {Number} context
* @param {Number} startLineNumLeft
* @param {Number} startLineNumRight
* @param {String} opt_sectionEnd String representing whether this is the
* first section or the last section or neither. Use the values 'first',
* 'last' and null respectively.
* @return {Array<GrDiffGroup>}
_sharedGroupsFromRows(rows, context, startLineNumLeft,
startLineNumRight, opt_sectionEnd) {
const result = [];
const lines = [];
let line;
// Map each row to a GrDiffLine.
for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
line = new GrDiffLine(GrDiffLine.Type.BOTH);
line.text = rows[i];
line.beforeNumber = ++startLineNumLeft;
line.afterNumber = ++startLineNumRight;
// Find the hidden range based on the user's context preference. If this
// is the first or the last section of the diff, make sure the collapsed
// part of the section extends to the edge of the file.
const hiddenRange = [context, rows.length - context];
if (opt_sectionEnd === 'first') {
hiddenRange[0] = 0;
} else if (opt_sectionEnd === 'last') {
hiddenRange[1] = rows.length;
// If there is a range to hide.
if (context !== WHOLE_FILE && hiddenRange[1] - hiddenRange[0] > 1) {
const linesBeforeCtx = lines.slice(0, hiddenRange[0]);
const hiddenLines = lines.slice(hiddenRange[0], hiddenRange[1]);
const linesAfterCtx = lines.slice(hiddenRange[1]);
if (linesBeforeCtx.length > 0) {
result.push(new GrDiffGroup(GrDiffGroup.Type.BOTH, linesBeforeCtx));
const ctxLine = new GrDiffLine(GrDiffLine.Type.CONTEXT_CONTROL);
ctxLine.contextGroup =
new GrDiffGroup(GrDiffGroup.Type.BOTH, hiddenLines);
result.push(new GrDiffGroup(GrDiffGroup.Type.CONTEXT_CONTROL,
if (linesAfterCtx.length > 0) {
result.push(new GrDiffGroup(GrDiffGroup.Type.BOTH, linesAfterCtx));
} else {
result.push(new GrDiffGroup(GrDiffGroup.Type.BOTH, lines));
return result;
* Take the rows of a delta diff section and produce the corresponding
* group.
* @param {Array<String>} rowsAdded
* @param {Array<String>} rowsRemoved
* @param {Number} startLineNumLeft
* @param {Number} startLineNumRight
* @return {GrDiffGroup}
_deltaGroupFromRows(rowsAdded, rowsRemoved, startLineNumLeft,
startLineNumRight, highlights) {
let lines = [];
if (rowsRemoved) {
lines = lines.concat(this._deltaLinesFromRows(GrDiffLine.Type.REMOVE,
rowsRemoved, startLineNumLeft, highlights.removed));
if (rowsAdded) {
lines = lines.concat(this._deltaLinesFromRows(GrDiffLine.Type.ADD,
rowsAdded, startLineNumRight, highlights.added));
return new GrDiffGroup(GrDiffGroup.Type.DELTA, lines);
* @return {Array<GrDiffLine>}
_deltaLinesFromRows(lineType, rows, startLineNum,
opt_highlights) {
// Normalize highlights if they have been passed.
if (opt_highlights) {
opt_highlights = this._normalizeIntralineHighlights(rows,
const lines = [];
let line;
for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
line = new GrDiffLine(lineType);
line.text = rows[i];
if (lineType === GrDiffLine.Type.ADD) {
line.afterNumber = ++startLineNum;
} else {
line.beforeNumber = ++startLineNum;
if (opt_highlights) {
line.highlights = opt_highlights.filter(hl => hl.contentIndex === i);
return lines;
_makeFileComments() {
const line = new GrDiffLine(GrDiffLine.Type.BOTH);
line.beforeNumber = GrDiffLine.FILE;
line.afterNumber = GrDiffLine.FILE;
return new GrDiffGroup(GrDiffGroup.Type.BOTH, [line]);
* In order to show comments out of the bounds of the selected context,
* treat them as separate chunks within the model so that the content (and
* context surrounding it) renders correctly.
* @param {Object} content The diff content object.
* @return {Object} A new diff content object with regions split up.
_splitCommonGroupsWithComments(content) {
const result = [];
let leftLineNum = 0;
let rightLineNum = 0;
// If the context is set to "whole file", then break down the shared
// chunks so they can be rendered incrementally. Note: this is not enabled
// for any other context preference because manipulating the chunks in
// this way violates assumptions by the context grouper logic.
if (this.context === -1) {
const newContent = [];
for (const group of content) {
if (group.ab && group.ab.length > MAX_GROUP_SIZE * 2) {
// Split large shared groups in two, where the first is the maximum
// group size.
newContent.push({ab: group.ab.slice(0, MAX_GROUP_SIZE)});
newContent.push({ab: group.ab.slice(MAX_GROUP_SIZE)});
} else {
content = newContent;
// For each section in the diff.
for (let i = 0; i < content.length; i++) {
// If it isn't a common group, append it as-is and update line numbers.
if (!content[i].ab) {
if (content[i].a) {
leftLineNum += content[i].a.length;
if (content[i].b) {
rightLineNum += content[i].b.length;
for (const group of this._breakdownGroup(content[i])) {
const chunk = content[i].ab;
let currentChunk = {ab: []};
// For each line in the common group.
for (const subChunk of chunk) {
// If this line should not be collapsed.
if (this.keyLocations[DiffSide.LEFT][leftLineNum] ||
this.keyLocations[DiffSide.RIGHT][rightLineNum]) {
// If any lines have been accumulated into the chunk leading up to
// this non-collapse line, then add them as a chunk and start a new
// one.
if (currentChunk.ab && currentChunk.ab.length > 0) {
currentChunk = {ab: []};
// Add the non-collapse line as its own chunk.
result.push({ab: [subChunk]});
} else {
// Append the current line to the current chunk.
if (currentChunk.ab && currentChunk.ab.length > 0) {
return result;
* The `highlights` array consists of a list of <skip length, mark length>
* pairs, where the skip length is the number of characters between the
* end of the previous edit and the start of this edit, and the mark
* length is the number of edited characters following the skip. The start
* of the edits is from the beginning of the related diff content lines.
* Note that the implied newline character at the end of each line is
* included in the length calculation, and thus it is possible for the
* edits to span newlines.
* A line highlight object consists of three fields:
* - contentIndex: The index of the diffChunk `content` field (the line
* being referred to).
* - startIndex: Where the highlight should begin.
* - endIndex: (optional) Where the highlight should end. If omitted, the
* highlight is meant to be a continuation onto the next line.
_normalizeIntralineHighlights(content, highlights) {
let contentIndex = 0;
let idx = 0;
const normalized = [];
for (const hl of highlights) {
let line = content[contentIndex] + '\n';
let j = 0;
while (j < hl[0]) {
if (idx === line.length) {
idx = 0;
line = content[++contentIndex] + '\n';
let lineHighlight = {
startIndex: idx,
j = 0;
while (line && j < hl[1]) {
if (idx === line.length) {
idx = 0;
line = content[++contentIndex] + '\n';
lineHighlight = {
startIndex: idx,
lineHighlight.endIndex = idx;
return normalized;
* If a group is an addition or a removal, break it down into smaller groups
* of that type using the MAX_GROUP_SIZE. If the group is a shared section
* or a delta it is returned as the single element of the result array.
* @param {!Object} A raw chunk from a diff response.
* @return {!Array<!Array<!Object>>}
_breakdownGroup(group) {
let key = null;
if (group.a && !group.b) {
key = 'a';
} else if (group.b && !group.a) {
key = 'b';
} else if (group.ab) {
key = 'ab';
if (!key) { return [group]; }
return this._breakdown(group[key], MAX_GROUP_SIZE)
.map(subgroupLines => {
const subGroup = {};
subGroup[key] = subgroupLines;
if (group.due_to_rebase) {
subGroup.due_to_rebase = true;
return subGroup;
* Given an array and a size, return an array of arrays where no inner array
* is larger than that size, preserving the original order.
* @param {!Array<T>} array
* @param {number} size
* @return {!Array<!Array<T>>}
* @template T
_breakdown(array, size) {
if (!array.length) { return []; }
if (array.length < size) { return [array]; }
const head = array.slice(0, array.length - size);
const tail = array.slice(array.length - size);
return this._breakdown(head, size).concat([tail]);