blob: b1784e72c73ef2236191ea3f8f6381cf88839458 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
(function() {
'use strict';
const SubmitTypeLabel = {
FAST_FORWARD_ONLY: 'Fast Forward Only',
MERGE_IF_NECESSARY: 'Merge if Necessary',
REBASE_IF_NECESSARY: 'Rebase if Necessary',
MERGE_ALWAYS: 'Always Merge',
CHERRY_PICK: 'Cherry Pick',
is: 'gr-change-metadata',
* Fired when the change topic is changed.
* @event topic-changed
properties: {
change: Object,
commitInfo: Object,
mutable: Boolean,
serverConfig: Object,
_topicReadOnly: {
type: Boolean,
computed: '_computeTopicReadOnly(mutable, change)',
_showReviewersByState: {
type: Boolean,
computed: '_computeShowReviewersByState(serverConfig)',
_showLabelStatus: {
type: Boolean,
computed: '_computeShowLabelStatus(change)',
_assignee: Array,
_isWip: {
type: Boolean,
computed: '_computeIsWip(change)',
behaviors: [
observers: [
_changeChanged(change) {
this._assignee = change.assignee ? [change.assignee] : [];
_assigneeChanged(assigneeRecord) {
if (!this.change) { return; }
const assignee = assigneeRecord.base;
if (assignee.length) {
const acct = assignee[0];
if (this.change.assignee &&
acct._account_id === this.change.assignee._account_id) { return; }
this.set(['change', 'assignee'], acct);
this.$.restAPI.setAssignee(this.change._number, acct._account_id);
} else {
if (!this.change.assignee) { return; }
this.set(['change', 'assignee'], undefined);
_computeHideStrategy(change) {
return !this.changeIsOpen(change.status);
* This is a whitelist of web link types that provide direct links to
* the commit in the url property.
_isCommitWebLink(link) {
return === 'gitiles' || === 'gitweb';
* @param {Object} commitInfo
* @return {?Array} If array is empty, returns null instead so
* an existential check can be used to hide or show the webLinks
* section.
_computeWebLinks(commitInfo) {
if (!commitInfo || !commitInfo.web_links) { return null; }
// We are already displaying these types of links elsewhere,
// don't include in the metadata links section.
const webLinks = commitInfo.web_links.filter(
l => {return !this._isCommitWebLink(l); });
return webLinks.length ? webLinks : null;
_computeStrategy(change) {
return SubmitTypeLabel[change.submit_type];
_computeLabelNames(labels) {
return Object.keys(labels).sort();
_computeLabelValues(labelName, _labels) {
const result = [];
const labels = _labels.base;
const t = labels[labelName];
if (!t) { return result; }
const approvals = t.all || [];
for (const label of approvals) {
if (label.value && label.value != labels[labelName].default_value) {
let labelClassName;
let labelValPrefix = '';
if (label.value > 0) {
labelValPrefix = '+';
labelClassName = 'approved';
} else if (label.value < 0) {
labelClassName = 'notApproved';
value: labelValPrefix + label.value,
className: labelClassName,
account: label,
return result;
_computeValueTooltip(score, labelName) {
const values = this.change.labels[labelName].values;
return values[score];
_handleTopicChanged(e, topic) {
const lastTopic = this.change.topic;
if (!topic.length) { topic = null; }
this.$.restAPI.setChangeTopic(this.change._number, topic)
.then(newTopic => {
this.set(['change', 'topic'], newTopic);
if (newTopic !== lastTopic) {
new CustomEvent('topic-changed', {bubbles: true}));
_computeTopicReadOnly(mutable, change) {
return !mutable || !change.actions.topic || !change.actions.topic.enabled;
_computeAssigneeReadOnly(mutable, change) {
return !mutable ||
!change.actions.assignee ||
_computeTopicPlaceholder(_topicReadOnly) {
return _topicReadOnly ? 'No Topic' : 'Click to add topic';
_computeShowReviewersByState(serverConfig) {
return !!serverConfig.note_db_enabled;
* A user is able to delete a vote iff the mutable property is true and the
* reviewer that left the vote exists in the list of removable_reviewers
* received from the backend.
* @param {!Object} reviewer An object describing the reviewer that left the
* vote.
* @param {boolean} mutable this.mutable describes whether the
* change-metadata section is modifiable by the current user.
_computeCanDeleteVote(reviewer, mutable) {
if (!mutable) { return false; }
for (let i = 0; i < this.change.removable_reviewers.length; i++) {
if (this.change.removable_reviewers[i]._account_id ===
reviewer._account_id) {
return true;
return false;
_onDeleteVote(e) {
const target = Polymer.dom(e).rootTarget;
const labelName = target.labelName;
const accountID = parseInt(target.getAttribute('data-account-id'), 10);
this._xhrPromise =
this.$.restAPI.deleteVote(, accountID, labelName)
.then(response => {
if (!response.ok) { return response; }
const label = this.change.labels[labelName];
const labels = label.all || [];
for (let i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) {
if (labels[i]._account_id === accountID) {
for (const key in label) {
if (label.hasOwnProperty(key) &&
label[key]._account_id === accountID) {
// Remove special label field, keeping change label values
// in sync with the backend.
this.set(['change.labels', labelName, key], null);
this.splice(['change.labels', labelName, 'all'], i, 1);
_computeShowLabelStatus(change) {
const isNewChange = change.status === this.ChangeStatus.NEW;
const hasLabels = Object.keys(change.labels).length > 0;
return isNewChange && hasLabels;
_computeMissingLabels(labels) {
const missingLabels = [];
for (const label in labels) {
if (!labels.hasOwnProperty(label)) { continue; }
const obj = labels[label];
if (!obj.optional && !obj.approved) {
return missingLabels;
_computeMissingLabelsHeader(labels) {
return 'Needs label' +
(this._computeMissingLabels(labels).length > 1 ? 's' : '') + ':';
_showMissingLabels(labels) {
return !!this._computeMissingLabels(labels).length;
_showMissingRequirements(labels, workInProgress) {
return workInProgress || this._showMissingLabels(labels);
_computeProjectURL(project) {
return Gerrit.Nav.getUrlForProject(project);
_computeBranchURL(project, branch) {
return Gerrit.Nav.getUrlForBranch(branch, project,
this.change.status == this.ChangeStatus.NEW ? 'open' :
_computeTopicURL(topic) {
return Gerrit.Nav.getUrlForTopic(topic);
_handleTopicRemoved() {
this.$.restAPI.setChangeTopic(this.change._number, null).then(() => {
this.set(['change', 'topic'], '');
new CustomEvent('topic-changed', {bubbles: true}));
_computeIsWip(change) {
return !!change.work_in_progress;