Make probability with which an action is executed configurable

The probabilities with which each action was executed in each test cycle
was hard coded. This made it hard to create different test scenarios.

Now the probabilities can be defined in the config file. By setting them
to 0 or 1, they can be configured to never or to always run,
respectively. Note, that some actions depend on other actions to create
the state required for themselves.

Change-Id: I23b436cda01706b71fa309d4309f133b9181cc92
13 files changed
tree: 59aaf1867b08cf6a3b21aeaacb454d58f0319ecc
  1. container/
  2. efk/
  3. .pylintrc
  4. config.sample.yaml
  5. load-tester.deployment.yaml
  6. Pipfile
  7. Pipfile.lock

Gerrit Load Testing

This project provides a tool to load test Gerrit by running a set of actions typically used by Gerrit users.


  • Python 3
  • Pipenv [1]


The python scripts are formatted using black [2]. The code style is further checked by pylint [3].

To install the tools, run:

pipenv install --dev

To lint the files, run:

pipenv run black $(find . -name '*.py') && pipenv run pylint $(find . -name '*.py')

Black will automatically format all python-files. Pylint, however, will not automatically fix issues in the code. Please fix the issues pylint is showing or in reasonable cases disable the respective rules in a reasonable scope.


The tool is meant to be run in a container. To build this container, run:

docker build -t gerrit/loadtester ./container


A configuration file in yaml-format can be used to configure the test run. The config.sample.yaml-file gives an example-configuration.

The single configuration values are listed here:

keydescriptiondefault value
gerrit.urlURL of the Gerrit test serverhttp://localhost:8080
gerrit.userGerrit user used for testsadmin
gerrit.passwordPassword of Gerrit usersecret
testrun.durationDuration for which to run the testsnull (indefinitely)
actions.*Probability with which an action is performed in each cycle (0: never, 1: always)1

Available actions

The following actions can be performed by the tests:

clone_projectTest performs a clone of a project, that is assigned to the simulated user
create_projectTest creates a new project via REST
fetch_projectTest fetches a project, that is assigned to the simulated user and was already cloned
push_for_reviewTest creates random commits in a cloned project and pushes them to refs/for/master
push_to_branchTest creates random commits in a cloned project and pushes them to the remote's master
query_changesQueries changes via REST
query_projectsQueries projects via REST
review_changeReviews a change via REST



To run an instance of the load tester. run:

docker run -it gerrit/loadtester \
  --config $CONFIG_FILE \
  --duration $TEST_DURATION \
  --password $GERRIT_PWD \
  --url $GERRIT_URL \
  --user $GERRIT_USER

The options are:

  • --config (default: None): Path to a config file (optional). The config file has to be present in the container, either by building it in or by mounting it. Parameters will overwrite configuration from file.
  • --duration (default: None): Duration, for which to run the tests in seconds (optional; if not set, test runs until stopped)
  • --password (default: secret): Password of Gerrit user used for executing actions
  • --url: URL of Gerrit (REQUIRED; e.g.
  • --user (default: admin): User to be used for executing actions


The docker containers may be used to run the load tests in Kubernetes to simulate multiple users (each instance acts as a single user). This project provides an example deployment yaml: ./load-tester.deployment.yaml. Further, an example deployment for a logging stack based on ElasticSearch, FluentBit and Kibana to collect the logs created by the load testing scripts is provided in ./efk/.


[1] [2] [3]