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Gerrit Native Installation Packages
This project contains the native Gerrit installation packages for the most
popular platforms:
- Linux (RPM and Debian packages)
- MacOSX (DMG)
- Windows (MSI)
fpm subdirectory contains the Makefile to create RPM and DEB packages for
a basic Gerrit installation with the following options:
- site: /var/gerrit
- user: gerrit
- auth: development`_`become`_`any`_`account
### How to build
You need to have a Linux with the [FPM] utility installed.
Then execute the following steps from the cloned gerrit-installer project workspace:
1. cd fpm
2. make install
RPM/DEBS gets created as fpm/out/gerrit-*.(deb|rpm)
### How to build other versions of Gerrit
FPM Makefile allows to customise the version and URL where Gerrit war gets downloaded.
By overriding the VERSION variable it is possible to build any Gerrit version that
is published on Google Releases Storage
In order to build the package for Gerrit Ver. 2.9.4:
1. cd fpm
2. make VERSION=2.9.4 install
RPM/DEBS gets created as fpm/out/gerrit-2.9.4.(deb|rpm)
### How to build Gerrit 2.11/master
Gerrit 2.11/master branch is not published on Google Releases Storage, but is available
on Gerrit Build Server under the permalink:
In order to build the package for Gerrit Ver. 2.11/master:
1. cd fpm
2. make URL= VERSION=2.11
RPM/DEBS gets created as fpm/out/gerrit-2.11.(deb|rpm)
### How to create a YUM repo server
If you wish to publish the RPMs to a custom or public YUM repo server, you need
to sign the packages and create the associated yum.repo definition to be installed
on the clients.
The yum-repo directory contains a Makefile that is designed to help you in automating
the repo creation and client configuration.
In order to build a YUM repository you need to have already generated the RPMs as indicated in the previous
steps and then execute:
1. cd yum-repo
2. make
A client RPM package will be generated under the `client` sub-directory and will need to be installed
manually on the clients in order to configure your YUM repository.
A YUM repo structure will be generated under the `server` sub-directory and will need to be uploaded to
your HTTP Web-Server or to a public repository service (e.g. BinTray or even GitHub).
NOTE: By default the yum-repo generated will use the GerritForge credentials. Should you need to publish
your own repository you would need to generate your own PGP private/public keys and override the
vendor's definitions.
In order to generate a customized vendor's settings for the yum-repo, you need to execute:
1. gpg --gen-key
Real name: MyCompany
Email address:
2. gpg --export -a MyCompany > RPM-GPG-KEY-MyCompany
3. cd yum-repo
4. make VENDOR=MyCompany PGP_CERT="$(cat RPM-GPG-KEY-MyCompany)"
NOTE: The yum-repo settings are assuming that you are publishing the yum-repo server and make the URL
listed on