Upgrade Jenkins plugins

Update build-timeout to 1.18
Update credentials to 2.1.10
Update git to 3.0.1
Update git client to 2.1.0 (bumps jgit from 3 to 4.)
Update git server to 1.7.
Update github to 1.24.0
Update github-api to 1.80
Update github-branch-source to 1.10.1
Update github-oauth to 0.25
Update github-organization-folder to 1.5
Update ssh-slaves to 1.12

Change-Id: I7b450db78d4f00a1dc604dfc0d5f9deb35b216c0
1 file changed
tree: f196b73af3c7598458372a27284df26fa1848ac0
  1. jenkins/
  2. jenkins-docker/
  3. .gitignore