Fix the descriptions in the RBE checkers

Change-Id: I26a4871b36b381cd2097c0c55b3ca20b9d579d21
diff --git a/jenkins/checker_definitions.txt b/jenkins/checker_definitions.txt
index 03ac4a4..eb26c00 100644
--- a/jenkins/checker_definitions.txt
+++ b/jenkins/checker_definitions.txt
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
     "uuid": "gerritforge:rbe-a6a0e4682515f3521897c5f950d1394f4619d928",
     "name": "RBE GCP Build/Tests",
-    "description": "Builds the code base and executes unit/integration tests on RBE",
+    "description": "Builds the code base and executes unit/integration tests on GCP RBE",
     "repository": "gerrit",
     "query": "(not dir:polygerrit-ui) AND (branch:stable-3.6 OR branch:stable-3.7 OR branch:stable-3.8 OR branch:stable-3.9 OR branch:master)",
     "blocking": []
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
     "uuid": "gerritforge-bb:bb-a6a0e4682515f3521897c5f950d1394f4619d928",
     "name": "RBE BB Build/Tests",
-    "description": "Builds the code base and executes unit/integration tests on RBE",
+    "description": "Builds the code base and executes unit/integration tests on BuildBuddy RBE",
     "repository": "gerrit",
     "query": "(not dir:polygerrit-ui) AND (branch:master)",
     "blocking": []