Notify owner and reviewer for successful builds

When a change is pending verification, the reviewers need to be
notified that has completed successfully: some of them may have
the 'Submit' permissions and need to press the button to merge it.

Change-Id: I9bbbade8ec454e47148263da22c0b81abdb88291
diff --git a/jenkins/gerrit-verifier-change.groovy b/jenkins/gerrit-verifier-change.groovy
index 4497e18..ff8cf2c 100644
--- a/jenkins/gerrit-verifier-change.groovy
+++ b/jenkins/gerrit-verifier-change.groovy
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
   def jsonPayload = '{"labels":{"Code-Review":0,"Verified":' + verified + '},' +
                     ' "message": "' + msgPrefix + 'Gerrit-CI Build: ' + buildUrl + '", ' +
-                    ' "notify" : "' + (verified < 0 ? "OWNER":"NONE") + '" }'
+                    ' "notify" : "' + (verified < 0 ? "OWNER": "OWNER_REVIEWERS") + '" }'
   def addVerifiedExit = gerritPost("a/changes/" + changeNum + "/revisions/" + sha1 + "/review",