Improve 'make start' for jenkins-docker/master

The `start`-command in the Makefile of jenkins-docker/master was
not well-suited for development/testing, since it did not provide
a Jenkins home folder or docker.sock to the container.

This change modifies the `start`-command to the Makefile to mount
bind a jenkins_home (defaults to ~/jenkins_home on the host) folder
and the host's docker.sock. Mount binding a jenkins_home folder
allows to persist some custom configuration between test runs. The
host's docker.sock is needed to use docker in jenkins.

Change-Id: Idf1e0ec38db7c2fb9b1ace36415c00aac021cab6
1 file changed
tree: 901733d53de05d0fe6202139ccfbf2987f9a540e
  1. jenkins/
  2. jenkins-docker/
  3. worker/
  4. .gitignore