Update submodules when building its-* plugins

Starting from Gerrit v3.1, the submodules are mandatory
because of jgit built from source.

For the its-* plugin, the workaround of checking out
the Gerrit branch doesn't work and the submodule update
is using the wrong relative URL, failing to fetch
jgit. Rename Gerrit repository as 'origin' and the its-*
plugin as 'plugin' so that the submodule would always
use 'origin' as remote and the update can succeed.

Bug: Issue 12064
Change-Id: I7e48d55d4ecf95068c7fdd50d752a1e2373dbf31
3 files changed
tree: 17948ad972c9e67bbfdee9cf7f8c8b32040ade9c
  1. jenkins/
  2. jenkins-docker/
  3. worker/
  4. .gitignore
  5. Jenkinsfile
  6. README.md
  7. yamllint-config.yaml

Gerrit CI scripts

Providing jobs

This project uses Jenkins Jobs Builder [1] to generate jobs from yaml descriptor files.

To add new jobs reuse existing templates, defaults etc. as much as possible. E.g. adding a job to build an additional branch of a project may be as easy as adding the name of the branch to an existing project.

To ensure well readable yaml-files, use yamllint [2] to lint the yaml-files. Yamllint can be downloaded using Python Pip:

pip3 install yamllint

To run the linter, execute this command from the project's root directory:

yamllint -c yamllint-config.yaml jenkins/**/*.yaml

Yamllint will not fix detected issues itself.

[1] https://docs.openstack.org/infra/jenkins-job-builder/index.html [2] https://pypi.org/project/yamllint/