Make sure SymlinkFileStep deletes the existing file before overwriting it.

I encountered this issue because I was debugging something in a downloaded
tar of a co-worker's fbandroid repo. It contained the following file:

~/code/andrews/fb4a2$ ls -al buck-out/gen/releasebuild-properties
lrwxrwxrwx 1 mbolin mbolin 45 Sep  3 16:10 buck-out/gen/releasebuild-properties -> /Users/andrews/fb4a/./

As you can see, `buck-out/gen/releasebuild-properties` was a symlink, but
to a file on `andrews`'s machine, which was not on my machine. When
`SymlinkFileStep` was used to overwrite `releasebuild-properties`, it threw a
`FileAlreadyExistsException` even though we did the following to delete the
file before linking it in `SymlinkFileStep`:

  if (targetPath.toFile().exists() && !targetPath.toFile().delete()) {
    throw new HumanReadableException("Failed to delete symbolic link for %s",
  context.getProjectFilesystem().createSymLink(sourcePath, targetPath);

It turns out that if `targetPath` references a symlink that points to a
non-existent file, then the `exists()` call will return `false`, which
means the `delete()` method will never get executed. When the file is not
deleted, the call to `createSymLink` will throw a `FileAlreadyExistsException`.

I'm not sure whether we could encounter this issue in ordinary usage, but it
seems like a good idea to defend against it, anyway.

Test Plan:
Created `SymlinkFileStepTest#testReplaceMalformedSymlink()`,
verified that `SymlinkFileStep.execute()` threw an exception when I ran the test,
and then fixed `SymlinkFileStep.execute()` so the test passed.
2 files changed
tree: bb7985508c7163ae84c072143beaae374f8b9515
  1. .idea/
  2. bin/
  3. config/
  4. docs/
  5. lib/
  6. pmd/
  7. scripts/
  8. src/
  9. test/
  10. testdata/
  11. third-party/
  12. .buckconfig
  13. .classpath
  14. .gitignore
  15. .project
  16. buck.iml
  17. build.xml
  18. DEFS


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